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Messages - jouva

Hey folks!

Yesterday was my first time on LoE. Had a decent time. Looking forward to the next open event.

I was on first as some hastily thrown together pegasus named Reflective Showers... I think. It was one of those randomish names. Something about showers and being reflective.

I later decided to make a Twilight clone named Purple Smrt. Ended up with a Book Horse on my head.

Anyway, I'm not sure how often I'll be around here posting, but I am looking for more brony contacts, especially those who frequent conventions.

Feel free to hit me up for IM information (I use hangouts, Skype and Telegram for the most part. AIM and Y!M a little). Don't be shy! But do understand I work full time M-F 8-5 and have side projects so I'm not always the most responsive. But feel free to ask for my info!
My first time on there and had a pretty decent time. Butt scootin' fun for all.