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Messages - BlackRavenz

The Wandering Magus
Okie! In!
Coffee Rush
Hm...Okay, the spells is in too.
(I wont be updating for awhile...)
 Doctor Light: You are Pinkie Pie.
The Wandering Magus: Hm... Good Question... ... ... ... ... Alright, how 'bout this?
                        \A few days after the incident, and the news spreaded to Princess Celestia, she was shocked when some ponies disappeared suddenly. She thought to herself. "Wait. That blast of magic sent them to the human realm if I am correct. And, if they were really sent there, then they must be transformed into humans somehow. I guess I should summon the Six to help me find them.  So, I mean that the Princess knows about the different realms other then Equestria. How 'bout that?
Oh by the way, its up to you to decide which one you want to be, the Human or the transformed ones. I can't seem to decide for you.  But once that is solved, you are in. Will PM you when the RP starts.
Coffee Rush : You are in. And, Yes. You can create you own spells that are unique to your own pony.  But first post it here. I need to make sure that it is vaild.

FlameandIce: Okie, you are in the RP! Will PM when the RP starts...( Soon enough )
Tiger: Okay. I guess someone is going to be really busy...
Doctor Light: Okay, you are...Rainbow Dash!
FlameandIce: Nice suggestion, Oh by the way, um...Are you asking to be one of the humans which help the ponies?
If you are one of the ponies who are in the world, then please state your species. Sorry, I'm a little confused now.
XD Not bad. Not Bad. You are....Not Declined... ovO
Quote from: Doctor Light on 2012 Oct 19, 04:17:36
Ideaaaaaaaa! Make us all fillies at the start. >:D

Uh, Sorry to object but... Uh, you and the other (Transformed) Ponies are humans now, so it would be kind of weird if you were just a child in the human world...Sorry...
P.S Keep suggesting, then the RP would be more interesting. Good idea anyway.
StarSong: Alright, You are in.

FlameandIce: Hmm... Good Idea! But I think that the suggestion only applies to Unicorns...Yeah... Anyways, Thanks for suggesting.  X3
Okay, you are in! ( Yeah...I'm sort of letting everypony who signs up in the RP...) Again, Will PM you when RP starts...( Im going to be so busy...Daheck...? ) ovO
Nope. Tiger can't keep her wings. Imagine, A human with wings flying around the whole city. Even I would be like, What the heck just happened...?
You are in. The ponies will need you for sure. XD Anyways, same for you. I will PM you when the RP starts.
- Raven wakes up in a box - Whoa... Wait. Is this. A box... -Looks up- O_O The box flap is open. -Facehoof- -Thinks- The pony which had placed me here is sort of forgetful...  lol I'm happy for that! -Flies out of the box- ... -Presses a button- -Button makes " That was easy" sound -    :I Bah. I'm hungry...-Flies to Sugarcube Corner-
                                      And that was how I escaped from the box.
You are in too, Doctor Light. Again, I will PM you when there is enough Ponies to start the RP.
Okay, you are in. I will PM you when there is enough ponies to join...
The fanfic " My Little Dashie" Inspired me...
Spoiler: show
 You wake up ( With other ponies ) in an unknown place, you see weird buildings around you. You rub your eyes with your hoov- Wait. These aren't hooves... You think to yourself. You realized that you have these weird... long things. Suddenly, a word pops into your mind. You think " Oh yeah...This are hands...Which means...My back hooves are legs now..."

So yeah, the story had too much "You" right? Anyways, I will also sooner or later add the mane six into the world, try to find you guys and get you back into Ponyville . EDIT: Unicorns can now use  Voodoo( Something like that...) (Jujus and hand gestures) In the human world.  Each Unicorn will have two unique spells.  Post the spells here in order for me to see if it is Valid. Here is a way to cast them. Just by saying the spell. Choose wisely. (Some spells which were randomly luckied drawed by me.)  The spells which you can have are, Levitation, grow a mustache, (Made-up) Summon a cookie to nom on, invisibility( Made-up ). (Give me more ideas on the spells )           
Also, here are the rules.

1. Forum rules, people.
2. No violence. (You can argue of course...)
3. No swear words.
4.If you want to be the human which like, explains to the ponies where they are, ETC. PM me for it. ( Also if you want to be part of the Mane Six. )

Here's the sign-up for No.4's rule

Do you want to find the transformed ponies at the beginning of the RP? Or later in the RP:
Sign Up for Mane Six ( 6 slots only) ( I will PM you when the time comes to find the rest... )
Which of the Mane Six? :
Are you sure?
Finally, Princess Celestia
Why do you want to be Princess Celestia?
Rainbow Dash              Who is Rainbow Dash: Doctor Light
Twilight Sparkle               Who is Twilight Sparkle: Tiger
Rarity                          Who is Rarity: StarSong
Fluttershy                      Who is Fluttershy:
Applejack                      Who is Applejack: Tiger
Pinkie Pie                           Who is Pinkie Pie: Doctor Light
Princess Celestia                Who is Princess Celestia: Me. ( I feel like RPing )

Helpful Humans
1. Follery ( Tiger ) ( Will meet you halfway throughout the journey )
Also, sign-up here if you want to be part of the RP... The rest of the roles PM me....
Some of the ideas were suggested by:
Coffee Rush
First Pony to Sign Up:
Idea Given By:
The Fanfic " My Little Dashie " I do not know the author, but thanks!
And Finally:

...My first RP...