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Messages - DominoEffect

Domino's ears perk at Lloyd's questioning, and he drops from the cloud...
"Indeed, I very much doubt that dear Chaos has enough power to lend to all of us the means of walking upon clouds. I, however know of a strong pool of rescource with which to bolster such arcane power for a time, coincidentally near Pegasopolis itself." He begins to walk along the rocky road (Cake!), a slight hop in his steps as he moves away "I was recently near such a pool when I heard of your travels, hence my nature upon arrival. I had recently come off a power surge that had refueled me and the voice in my head, unfortunately it just so happened that said voice wished to experiment with my tongue..." he glares up at his brow, as if chatsying something inside his head.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Nov 09, 00:24:04
Quote from: Morgan Sententia on 2012 Nov 08, 22:34:20
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Nov 07, 15:48:04
Quote from: Morgan Sententia on 2012 Nov 07, 13:56:35
I don't know what happened....but i post my character from this RP then notice now that it's gone.... :l Did i do something wrong here....?
what? o.O  what character, where? o.O

I did a bio/profile of "Him" in the oc forums. Then it was gone. I lost my story i made (I think you have it in your pm messages, got a copy?) and everything in it. :l

you mean the two places and the main villain and all?

I was unaware of this development, I cannot recall seeing "His" bio amidst the RP posts or here. Just checked my messages and there's nothing either, I'm calling Discord's tomfoolery.
The assembled group reflect upon this predicament, whilst finding Rigor would be a noble course of action, leaving the immovable tablet unguarded would surely be foolish of them. The words inscribed upon the tablet remain shining, and the temple in the distance remains clear to them. It is at this time that Majem voices his experience with the soldier he and Blues encountered within the forest, particularily the stone that he crushed...

Domino smirks at Rigor's inquisition of his motives...
"It seems that way, does it not? No, their every contribution to the matter at hand is paramount. It is merely that they are progressing further than I had anticipated within a small time." Another jolt of lightning and a stone door is sillouetted in the dim light. Darkness surrounds it, and Rigor is beginning to get the feeling that she is being watched...
"Already the Lunar Temple has been revealed upon the reassembly of the tablet your friends so couragously protect, though thankfully their encounter with one of Sacrifice Stone's soldiers has stalled them, thus buying us some time." Domino approaches the door, turning to Rigor as ancient barricades rattle and shudder from their locks behind the door "My mentor is within. Ladies first."
With a loud crack the [glow=black,2,300]strange, glowing object[/glow] is shattered, and a whispy blue something emerges from beneath the stone. The creature gives a rattling whinny before the lights in its eyes dim, the body collapsing until it is but inanimate wood and iron once more. The whispy blue thing turns to Majem as it's shape briefly takes on that of a pony, a young mare with a sad smile on her face...
"Thank you..." the shape says in a quiet voice, before it is blown away by a chill wind.
What in the hay just happened?

Domnio courteously bows to Rigor, and gestures the earth pony to follow him...
"Thank you, my dear Rigor, not many ponies are as understanding as you. The proposition I have in mind is simple enough, though it may take a length of time to fufil..." they walk into the bushes, a less used dirt trail sloping down towards a large ditch where Domino, insetad of continuing along the path, takes a sharp left towards a cave "...the objective I have in mind should be easy for a pony so capable of yourself. I require the ponies of which you arrived here with to be slowed down on their progress across the island. Slowed, but not stopped..." he halts at the mouth of the cave, where a stamp of his hoof shoots a spark of crackling red lightning up and along the wall, igniting several, precariously spaced lanterns "...Come along Rigor, must not keep him waiting..."
The two blades and the stone club seem to be looking like your only way of defending yourself, but Domino wouldn't want to hurt you especially after what he just proposed, right?
I must say that you all have such fascinating characters, you all have my gratitude on being such wonderful RPers!

Magus will take control of a new character when I message him the details, if you feel it hasn't already, it's all going to kick off soon!

May I ask you all for tumblr/DA accounts? I want to keep a small network of you fabulous people  ^-^
Between the waterpony riding the stumbling creature and the solid birch tree, nature always seemed to prevail. With a sharp crash the creature clips the tree, Majem flying off it's back and thudding to the ground. Whilst the ground is solid and covered in twigs and leaves, Majem escapes with minor bruising that can easily be shrugged off. Blues, seeing the creature downed by Majem's efforts, ceases playing and takes a gratifying breath. The [glow=black,2,300]strange, glowing object[/glow] seems more like glass than anything, a good heafty pound from a stone or other hard material would easily crack it open. It would be best to hurry, however, as Majem's wounding of the creature only seems temporary.

The wingless pegasus gives the slightest grimace at the mention of his wings "I wish such injuries could be put down to the fault of another, my dear..." Domino says softly, the stumps on his back twitching as if to mimic wing movements "...alas, my wingless appearance was but my own fault. It seems that magic was not meant to be shared by others beyond those gifted with horns, especially one so wretched as I." Domino shivers as he seems to experience repressed feelings "Such vile agony, but I have overcome my disability with the help of another." His strange eyes look into hers, a glimmer of mischief alongside a search for understanding "If you so wish, I shall take you to him. Maybe, if madam so wishes, she may consider the deal I shall propose along the way?"
The creature hisses, rearing itself up against Majem, but upon hearing Blues playing it turns it's attention to him, swaying a little drunkenly from the sound. It gives a low hiss before stumbling towards him, barbs along it's forelegs unsheathing as it clumsily begins to run at the pony. Majem will have to think fast, in order to keep the hallucinogenic spell functioning Blues isn't able to take evasive maneuvers!

Domino gives a small chuckle, continuing to circle her like a hunter and it's prey...
"You will have to forgive Sacrifice Stone, he has been...'out of touch', shall I say...with the rest of the world for a very long time. As for your question..." Domino loops around, standing before her. Tall and lanky, he has to look down to Rigor "...nothing is stopping you from trying, my dear. In fact I would be pleasantly surprised if you could, but consider this. Those ponies with whom you are with, have they congratulated you on overcoming your hardships? The waterpony and Sir Pants are well congratulated, and they merely walked onto the island." he begins to walk around her again "This is not an invitation to join Sacrifice Stone's abhorrent army, no, far from it. In fact, I am here to offer you a deal. If you do not accept, then I shall remain as a gear in the background and you will have no hope of stopping me even if Sacrifice Stone...ceases his activities." The pony walks by her eyes again, only this time she can see two stumps on his back, the reminants of pegasi wings "Accept, and the rewards can be phenomenal..."
The white pony warmly grins in her direction as Rigor shows herself, he then, like a showpony, rears on his hind legs with unnatural grace and bows like a bipedal creature would...
"Ah, always nice to have somepony upon this island to actually have an intelligent conversation with, and what a fine mare you are, my dear." it dawns on Rigor that the white pony is attempting to flatter her, dropping down onto all four hooves as he trots over to her she sees that his eyes are perhaps the oddest thing to ponykind, black orbs that shined like marble with tiny red pinprick pupils. The pony before Rigor is more joyously unnerving than scary...
"Domino Effect..." the pony introduces himself as "Trickster of Trottingham, Conniver of Canterlot, Prankster of Ponyville, at your service. No doubt you have questions to ask, Ms...?"

WHACK! The creature from before slams into the back of Blues, pony and saxaphone seperated as the creature tumbles to a halt against a nearby tree, many parts of it shattering off into the bush, including a [glow=black,2,300]strange, glowing object[/glow]. Majem rushes to assist Blues, but out of the corner of his eye he sees the creature rejoining itself back together, the lights in it's eye-sockets flickering back on as it lets out an ethereal hiss, blue fire beginning to smoulder within it's body as the [glow=black,2,300]strange, glowing object[/glow] fixes itself to the creature's chestpiece.
(With Rigor)
The elder tribes pony gives a disgusted snort at the white pony's words, ornate staff idly clicking against the ground as he counters...
"The ponies you bring to my sacred land are vermin and monsters, trickster!" the tribespony spits "Did you not hear me when I told you of the water creature that had allied itself with them." To his great annoyance the other pony simply laughs, slender hooves pawing at the ground in amusement "What do you find so funny?! The only one worth my time would be the rich one, and he is heavily guarded!"
"Oh Sacrifice Stone, you have so much to learn of the outer world beyond these cursed seas. Trouble yourself no longer with neither the creature or the guard, you must prepare your foul magics for when they find the Temple of the Moon..." the pony's cheery face suddenly turns grim "...something that may not have happened if you had not been so easily scared by a mere parlour trick. Now cease wasting your time and prepare for what is to come!" The elder pony, now identified as Sacrifice Stone, begrudgingly moves back into the trees like a ghost, the small army of construct following silently behind him. The white pony remains in the clearing, a wry smile playing on his lips...
"You may reveal yourself to me, little mare, I would hate to have to come and find you."

(With Blues and Majem)
The two stallions walk beside each other, an unspoken conversation between the two hushing any talking that may occour.
Movement in the grass makes them halt, caught between fight or flee the two end up coming across one of the lumbering constructs that appeared in the village. It has yet to notice them, if they were to attack it would provide them the advantage, to flee would warrant little chance of a chase regarding the shambling nature of the construct.
As a quick little thing, this is what I think Domino would sound and behave like in this RP...

A conniving, sneaky, underhanded trickster who only looks out for himself.
Overlooking the cliff, yet disguised enough by the bushes so as to remain out of sight, the ponies gaze upon a large crowd of the same creatures that they had just seen alongside that strange tribespony, who is also present at this gathering. The pony he is arguing with is also rather strange, snow-white coat, black ragged-mane and tail, disproportionately thin and sporting strange goggles, at least from the distance Majem and Rigor can see him at. The blades in Rigor's bag jingle slightly, but it seems that they are disguised by the sounds of the forest. The white pony speaks eloquently, one could mistake him for being from Canterlot with a voice that smooth and calm...
"...I have held up my side of the bargain, have I not? You wished for the power to bring the dead to your beck and call..." the pony casts a hoof out to the assembled creatures of wood and iron "...I have given them to you. You wished to test their capabilities on living, breathing subjects and I have brought them here..." the pony's voice descends into a mocking simper as the tribespony looks furious "...I even provided you with the rites to summon Darktide to your command, and all I ask in return is that you keep them blind to"
Domino offers the earth pony a proud, if slightly unnerving, smile in response to the question...
"Not at all my friend, I just enjoy being realistic from time to time..." Domino hops on top of a rock, a quizzical look on his face "Tell me, if you are so sure of the location of my once-home, why take this much of a detour? Surely you all cannot just..." he pauses, if only to descend into a fit of cackles "Oh of course! How foolish of I to not see the reason sooner!" He leaps onto a nearby cloud "You travelled to that old dragon's cave to obtain the cloudwalking spell in order to access the city!" his laughter shortly diminishes, a bright grin in it's place "It is quite lucky that you had found me then..."
(Whoops! My internet's been frazzled for these past days so I apologise for negligence! Yes Insane, Spare Blades or just Blades as an optional item would be fine, as long as you put how many (remember you can only carry 10 items!). Now, on with the show!)

Both Unicorn and Earth pony trot into the woods, alert and aware of anything that may leap from this endarkened land. As they press further into the jungle, the blades in Rigor's bag jingling slightly with each step, up above the many howls and screeches of exotic creatures quieten. It is during this quiet that Majem hears a voice from below them, just over a cliff to the side of their path...
"Just make sure that it will be the last adventure of their lives..."
...the voice appears to be addressing a crowd, and judging by its tone it does not appear pleased. Best move quietly.
Down on the town, Domino Effect thunders around the square, decorations galore being thrown up by the giddy pegasus as he cackles a tune...
"This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night,
Timberwolves howl in the dead of night!
This is Nightmare Night, this is Nightmare Night,
with my treats and tricks I'm sure to give you all a fright...!"
He shimmies up a lampost and covers the torch with a carved pumpkin before swinging back to the ground, his sharp teeth contorted into a bizzare grin as he heads towards the clock tower. This changes when a thin black cat crosses in front of him...
"Hullo Anarchy, here to watch me work my magic?"
[glow=red,2,300]There is little time for idle chat, Domino, a disease is spreading to those loyal to the Lunar Princess...[/glow] the cat seemingly says as Domino works around it, unpeturbed by it's strangeness...
"And what in your name has that got to do with me? I despise both princesses equally, you know..." he trots over towards the edge of town, spiking pumpkins on anything sharp as he does so whilst the cat follows...
[glow=red,2,300]Everything, dear Domino...[/glow] it quips with a flick of its tail [glow=red,2,300]...for without the princess you will not be able to connive them of their riches...[/glow] Domino nods in curt agreement as he pauses to watch a sick pony being carted into the ambulance, resuming his walk once they had left. he approaches a stranger on the street...
"Excuse me, my friend, but what exactly was wrong with that pony?"
The white eyed cat flashes a white cheshire grin at the princess. Whatever this creature is, it is clearly not what it looks like...
[glow=red,2,300]I am Anarchy, Moon Pony, the fundamental force of this universe. I have been here for quite some time...[/glow] Anarchy hops onto Domino's back, it's tail curling around the pointed ends of its legs [glow=red,2,300]...almost a mere few thousand years, though I am sure that you should remember my younger brother better? Dear Discord always liked to make a statement...[/glow]
Domino makes a small groan break from his throat as he looks behind the assembled...
Quote from: DominoEffect on 2012 Oct 18, 18:13:49
The tablet is nothing more than a hunk of rock with the writing carved into it, and even with Rigor's insistant prodding with the broken end of her pick it refuses to do anything out of the ordinary. That is, until a mysterious symphony drifed through the air from what seemed to be the north of the island. As this haunting melody catches the assembled attention of everyone, the mists finally clear, revealing a mountainous, yet distant temple. As this happens, part of the text on the tablet glows with golden light...
[glow=purple,2,300]...Of blood and water this island born...[/glow]
Curiously, the circular table that Rigor used to rise from the cave begins to glow, sigils and glyphs engraved upon the stone sparkling with crimson light.

Blues-Music sets down his instrument and sighs as his melody drifts into the night. He'd not been here for very long, washing up in the cove beneath this strange temple with only his [glow=blue,2,300]trusty saxaphone[/glow] surviving the freak waves that brought him here. He pulls it close, readying another song when the pool of water behind him begins to glow with white light...
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 18, 21:04:15
ya see, THIS is why Bloodblade took all those precautions:

illusions rather than the real thing
antimagic runes
blocking the tablet from sight
specifically avoiding words from the tablet and referring to things in a roundabout way

first one: physical curse
second one: exploding tablet trap
third one: combination of the first two
fourth one: visual trap, hypnosis, etc
fifth one: word-triggered traps, which I suppose just happened with the glowing line and whispers and stuff.

Not quite, the plans I have for the tablet are bizarre but clever. In a way, you could say that the tablet is like a compass, whenever part of the text lights up the place where the characters need to go makes itself visable. Since the tablet now cannot be carried (Too heavy for a single pony to lift or it'll slot into the circular table, not sure yet) this ensures that the ponies will have to return to the Hub village in order to access the next area.

Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 Oct 19, 05:36:16
Okay I read up on the story , and found out that I woke up on the island playing a song.Also is the music they are hearing the music i'm playing?

Yup, treat it as an SOS signal for everyone.
The tablet is nothing more than a hunk of rock with the writing carved into it, and even with Rigor's insistant prodding with the broken end of her pick it refuses to do anything out of the ordinary. That is, until a mysterious symphony drifed through the air from what seemed to be the north of the island. As this haunting melody catches the assembled attention of everyone, the mists finally clear, revealing a mountainous, yet distant temple. As this happens, part of the text on the tablet glows with golden light...
[glow=purple,2,300]...Of blood and water this island born...[/glow]
Curiously, the circular table that Rigor used to rise from the cave begins to glow, sigils and glyphs engraved upon the stone sparkling with crimson light.

Blues-Music sets down his instrument and sighs as his melody drifts into the night. He'd not been here for very long, washing up in the cove beneath this strange temple with only his [glow=blue,2,300]trusty guitar[/glow] surviving the freak waves that brought him here. He Pulls it close, readying another song when the pool of water behind him begins to glow with white light...

As Rigor and Moonlight pull out their own shards from their backpacks, the shard before them crackles and sparks with eldrich energy. It's fellows whip from the unsuspecting hooves of their owners, snapping into place  with a flash of purple light. As suddenly as the show began, the tablet slumps to the floor, whole once more.

The language upon the tablet is clear now, if a little broken. It reads...
"Of blood and water this island born...great fire warmed hearts...great moon kept guard...Trees of life grew...hatred also...Fear and intolerance rife...many slain..."
...underneath, a clumsier, more recent inscription reads...
"Truth shall light the way..."
With Majem's voice distorted by the water, frothing and bubbling unintelligable words makes the strange pony back away...
"Gah! That trickster assured me that my power would stretch to all spirits on this isle!" the old pony growls out of annoyance rather than fear, tattoo-like markings glowing over his body as the tip of his ornate staff crackles with mystical power "I care not for my minions, strange intruder, they can rust and rot all they like whilst I alone hold the power to birth them anew!" The pony strikes the ground with the staff, and the minions respond by stalking back into the fog of whence they came. "Know that your time upon this island will be short and painful, strange folk!" he lifts the staff between his hooves and with an almighty crack of lightning from the sky striking the staff, the pony vanishes in a flash of blinding light. He did not seem to leave without dissapating the purple smog and dropping a familiar item...the last shard of the [glow=green,2,300]Stone Tablet[/glow]!
Now with the tablet pieces together, the assembled crew set about finding out who this mysterious water creature is...