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Messages - Bluqouver

QuoteFor some reason some ponies appeared to be outside the gala hall at some points. In one case a pegasus seemed to be floating out in space:

My pony was sat on one of the rooms pillars in the corner of the main Gala Hall room.  I don't know how I was positioned out there.
I manged to get the updated game from even though the version numbers are for October, you get linked to the December update.
For now, type the " /stuck " command in chat box.  It will return you inside the correct area of the school.

Some instructions/help/guides could be included within the games folders.
Here are some images I took while on my tour of the world, since the OAR started in September.

My first place of work.  Teleporting through glass.

Work as a back up lantern.

Playing hide and seek with Prince Overwatch.

More lessons in flight school are required.
Spoiler: show

Inventing cauldron skating for the next Equestrian Games.
Spoiler: show

Guards patrol both inside and outside the bounds of reality.
Spoiler: show

I have always had problems reading.  I don't know why.
Spoiler: show

Many room resets later and typing /stuck

Castle CCTV.
Spoiler: show
The sparring circle is the canterlot arena.  The journal also suggests that you talk to the npc's called Bugsy and Dancer about flowers.
General News / Re: Hope you're having fun!
2017 Sep 24, 13:36:27
Change the draw distance to see clothes running and sliding around.

General News / Re: Hope you're having fun!
2017 Sep 14, 10:24:18
I found a hidden object in the Evershade while exploring outside where you can normally wonder.

The pvp arena from the sky.

Here is my design.

Edit.  Improved the tail since I first uploaded the design.