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Let's not be hasty, now. They already said that they get a lot of submissions. While I too am curious and anxious that mine has been received, it won't do to have everyone asking if their own submission has been received.
Quote from: Dragonisser on 2016 Jan 13, 17:15:28
Oooooooh yeah
I hope i find new tall buildings to climb up
QuoteAdded: New Sugar Cane Corner Interior
QuoteAdded: Crystal Kingdom Fair
Added: Crystal Kingdom Night Music
Added: Crystal Kingdom Castle exterior lights
QuoteAdded: New Heartland additions
QuoteAdded: Better Night Lighting
Added: New Night Skies
QuoteFixed: Can once again jump and teleport on the Cantermore grass
Fixed: Fixed holes in the Heartlands Terrain
Fixed: Fixed holes in the Cantermore Terrain
QuoteFixed: Fixed Floating Objects in The Heartlands
Fixed: Fixed Floating Objects in Ponydale
Fixed: Fixed Floating Objects in Cantermore
Fixed: Various issues in the Evershade Forest
Fixed: Various issues in the Crystal Kingdom
Quote from: Onion Sing on 2016 Jan 05, 05:29:51
I should be just about done playing Tales of Zestiria by then...
Quote from: Princess Darcy on 2015 Dec 14, 00:23:39
As far as I know it's just exclusive to the game room at the convention. Sorry
QuoteForum Name: Particlemane
Age: Yes (Sorry, I'm a little sensitive about that. I am 18+, with quiet a lot after the "+")
Experience: Outside of real-world moderation, not much.
Why would you make a good moderator?: I want to help. I evaluate all sides of an argument before making my decision, and I typically do it with a calm head.
Anything else you would like us to know?: I am a quick learner, and I pick up on concepts quickly. As long as someone is willing to teach me, or point me in the direction where I can find instructions, I generally catch on pretty quickly. That fall in all categories, too, if anyone is willing to coach me in other fields like, say, Unity programming, ect. The downside of it is: I don't really have any appreciable skills otherwise. Except storytelling.