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Messages - Puynsi

Lets go in little pieces:
1º The mane 6 wouldnt ever met.
2º Nightmare would have come back and wreak havoc into Equestria again.
3º If by any chance Celestia Defeated Nightmare (another power than The Elements) then she will have to deal with discord later.
4º IF by any REMOTE possibily she managed to defeat discord then she will have to deal with SOMBRA! (underdeveloped but still dangerous).
5º At this point the show will be far too chaotic and depressive for childs...
6ºThis is starting to look like many cathastropic fan fics that we had already crossed with.... huh?

Maybe I went to far but STILL....  ovO ovO
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: MLP spin-off
2013 Mar 18, 18:57:41
Okay... I think that as far as WE know mixing up MLP world and our world could end on some... tragic situations. ovO
Remember the fan fics and tumblrs people... If they mix MLP with humans... they are gonna have a reaaaally bad time. :/
Introductions Archive / Re: Whats Up!
2013 Mar 18, 18:53:38
Good to have another one aboard  ovO
Introductions Archive / Hi, everypony
2013 Mar 17, 17:36:23
Well... Im new to this so...I will try to be good  ovO

and well.... friendship for everypony I guess?  ^-^