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Messages - Midnight Breeze

Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2016 Aug 27, 01:56:32
Rumors abound that Fallout: New Orleans is on the horizon circa 2018. Apparently Bethesda is handing the reigns to Obsidian while they work on a new project.

I want to believe it is true. For one I'm a big fan of swamps and wetlands in gaming. For two the prospect of an open world game potentially portraying a good chunk of Acadiana is pretty exciting. Imagine exploring not just New Orleans, but also cities like Houma, Baton Rouge...maybe even Lafayette? Okay, that's kind of a stretch considering Fallout 4's Commonwealth only portrayed Middlesex County despite the fact that the Commonwealth encompasses 3 states in lore.

I just hope they'd portray towns outside of New Orleans as more than just stereotypical swamp villages.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 25, 16:09:49
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 25, 09:40:11
Spoiler: Huge rant that shouldn't ever really have to be had concerning games. • show
I SERIOUSLY just had an argument over an hour long with my brother about one of the most OBVIOUS things in gaming:
If a game developer says that certain features are going to be in the game, and the game releases WITHOUT those features, then you're allowed/supposed to be mad about it (if they have not given a good reason for their abscence)!
My brother thinks that if it releases without promised content, "but it's in a state he's fine with", then no-one should have the right to complain about it. Yeah. In fact, there's a ton of things I could complain about my brother that I've had pent up for years.
His problem is that he's too content with games, and thinks that you should never complain about anything in them. I mean, this whole thing started from me finding out about all the cut content from No Man's Sky via Angry Joe's review of it. I told my bro about the faction system, the sand and water planets, the battling fleets (which we freaking SAW FOOTAGE OF), multiplayer, more robotic life, day/night cycles, etc., all that was promised from the game, and yet wasn't there. His response? "Oh well." and "This is why I don't want you watching those reviews."
Oh yeah, he said that last bit. He always sees himself as "the leader" and everyone should do what he says to make his own perfect little world. He was somehow offended by me finding out about all this awesome stuff that was supposed to be, and said I should have not watched the review and been "happily ignorant". THAT IS NOT THE ATTITUDE YOU SHOULD HAVE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS WANT THE TRUTH.
You also don't just say "oh well" to BASICALLY OVER HALF OF YOUR GAME NOT BEING THERE.

I get the serious impression that Sean Murray has a compulsive lying disorder. No logical human being would deliberately tell a bold-faced lie that they know good and well is going to get exposed as soon as people see the final product.

I'm honestly surprised Hello Games hasn't been sued into oblivion for false advertising.

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 22, 21:38:07
Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Aug 22, 13:22:31
I'm groggy and dizzy and can't type well but I seriously need to give an update.

Good news: I'm alive. Yay.

Bad news: The worst possible news. Nothing happened. Why? BECAUSE I FREAKING HAVE CANCER. This isn't a joke. It's what my surgeon said.

Good news: It's apparently 'low grade' which is why a previous test I had didn't detect it.

Bad news: I need chemotherapy, another surgery, oh... and IT'S FREAKING CANCER.

So there you go.

It's very good that you caught it early, sha. Early stage cancer is often curable depending on what organ it's affecting.

Good luck.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 21, 22:41:09
Until you've caught an infection sleeping in a dirty sleeping bag out in a ghoul-infested swamp miles from the nearest doctor, realized too late that you have no antibiotics, attempted to walk back to Diamond City some 10 miles away running through hordes of ghouls and mirelurks all while your infection is spreading, popping all your stimpaks until you're severely dehydrated and have run out of water, only to drop dead from the infection on the gates of Diamond City... have not played Fallout 4 on survival difficulty.
Quote from: OldenEmpire on 2016 Aug 21, 00:33:04
Personally, I don't think he is truly reformed. He chose to be 'reformed' simple because it was the unexpected, hence more chaotic, thing to do. He doesn't have any grand goals, not even to kick Luna and Celestia out (personal headcanon Discord made the elements to add some risk to his game) as the destruction of the state, while it would create more chaos temporarily, would mean there would be less chaos afterwards. He's playing the long game, and it's all for chaos, good and evil mean squat to him I believe.

I've had a pretty similar theory myself for some time now. I think he's not really reformed, he just behaves because he knows he can't win. Twilight and her posse are stronger than him, the only thing rebelling would accomplish is getting him trapped in statue form again and he knows that, so he chooses to behave so he can at least keep his freedom. If he thought for a second he could beat Twilight he'd betray her in a heartbeat.

Thing is, Discord is immortal, so he can just bide his time until Twilight's friends die of old age and try again...
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2016 Aug 21, 11:18:41
Looks like fall may arrive on time this year. The temperature's dropped tremendously over the last 2 weeks; from the triple digits to the low 80s, we've been been getting a few inter-seasonal storms.

Cheers, I really don't want it to say in the 90s through November again.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 19, 18:14:40
Very specific PSA: Next time you order 2 medium pizzas from Papa John's, make sure you don't accidentally put the crushed red pepper on the pineapple and black olive pizza rather than the pepperoni and mushroom one.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 16, 06:57:45
TFW your debit card number gets stolen. Somebody made a $300 purchase at a clothing store in Chicago.  >:/

Why would my bank not immediately suspect something and freeze the account on the spot? I leave clear across the country from Chicago. It makes zero sense that I would up and drive across the country to go clothes shopping. My credit card got instafrozen when I tried to buy several hundred dollars worth of electronics online a few months ago, had to call them and confirm that it was really me making the purchase. Why would they let this actual fraudulent charge slide, then?

Boy, I sure better hope this doesn't happen when I'm in basic training. Sure would suck to come home and see my bank account is over-drafted thousands of dollars from fraudulent purchases.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 15, 18:37:29
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 15, 18:33:01
No, no nononono, Anduin's putting him in charge of military.

Not much better. Leading the military is pretty much leading the Alliance as far as the war effort is concerned.

Also, scratch that about him being my least favorite leader, he's only my SECOND least favorite leader, I forgot about Moira...
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 15, 18:31:40
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 15, 10:28:35
I don't know if this counts as a smile or dumb or anything, but...
@Midnight Breeze , I'm pretty sure Genn Greymane in Warcraft is gonna be doing a LOT more fighting now, considering what just happened in the pre-patch quest...

So is Greymane actually becoming regeant? Seriously?

What a total writing failure on Blizzard's part. Sylvanas leading the horde and Genn leading the Alliance? Those are literally the two worst possible leaders that either faction could have chosen. Both shown no loyalty toward their respective faction, it's clear they're both only in it for themselves. Why would their factions put them in charge? It makes zero sense. Why the heck would the Horde choose Sylvanas over Baine Bloodhoof? He seems like the ideal warchief, Sylvanas cares about the forsaken only, she'd gladly throw the rest of the Horde under the bus for her own people. And Greymane's only claim to fame is telling the Alliance to shove it, walling his people off, then coming crawling back to the Alliance as soon as Gilneas needed help. Yep, fine leader we got there.

I know it will never happen, but I think Tyrande Whisperwind would make the best queen for the Alliance. Yeah, I know that the humans and dwarves would never put an a night elf in charge of the faction, but I could argue the exact same thing about the orcs putting a forsaken in charge. Genn Greymane is actually my least favorite Alliance leader, which is ironic since I'm a worgen.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 15, 02:19:11
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2016 Aug 15, 01:32:15
I think I may have found your problem: you expect the human animal to be logical.  In my experience (personal and otherwise), such is rarely the case.

This would be correct if it were just laypeople making these weird hypotheses, but it's the greatest minds of our time that are saying it. People like Stephen Hawking, Niel Degrasse Tyson, and Michio Kaku.

I realize that these men are smarter than me and they're privy to knowledge and data that I'm not, but I still expect them to produce some evidence for such extraordinary claims, which they can't, they flat-out admit that it's all just hypothetical. These hypothesis are undisprovable and are therefor not real science, so why are they given the credibility they're given? Science is supposed to be about facts and evidence, not wild speculation and imagination.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 14, 21:09:30
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2016 Aug 14, 19:42:55
I think it has something to do with it being beyond normal comprehension: like you said, humans detect objects by photons hitting the eye, and the properties of a black hole prevent any photons from reaching us after bouncing off the object.  I'm not up-to-date on the latest science either, but last I remember hearing we still really don't know what happens at the center (and I presume things get weird, if my limited knowledge of mass-approaching-lightspeed-velocity is right), so it's easier to fill in the gaps with something fantastical like wormholes and mass-transportation rather than simply say "I have no idea."

Or blame sci-fi.  Probably just as reasonable an answer.

True, black holes by their very nature are unobservable, so we will never know for certain what's beyond the event horizon. There could be a never-ending party of dancing leprechauns in every black hole for all we know, but why even go there when there are simpler, more reasonable explanations?

Occam's razor states that when you don't know something, you should accept the explanation that requires the fewest assumptions. From my point of view it seems like the laws of physics explain the existence of black holes just fine: "A black hole is an object whose mass and density are so high that the escape velocity is faster than the speed of light. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, nothing can escape, therefore black hole." That explanation satisfies me just fine, so why tack on a bunch of other woo-ish junk?

To be honest I'm not even totally comfortable accepting the idea of a singularity. If the Schwarzschild radius of massive stars can be hundreds of kilometers wide then why is a singularity required? Why can't the black hole itself (the physical object, not the event horizon) be many kilometers in diameter? Why does it need to be compressed into an infinitesimal point? I don't see how that's necessary, seems like a redundant step to me.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 14, 15:31:15
What is it about black holes that turns rational people into weirdos? Maybe I just don't fully understand the science but I see no reason to believe, or even suspect, that black holes could do things like open wormholes across the universe and whatnot.

I tend to take an Occam's razer approach with everything, black holes being no exception. I don't see anything supernatural about black holes, they're just an object like any other and they obey the laws of physics. Their mass is just high enough that the exit velocity from its surface (or above the surface depending on its size) is equal to or greater than the speed of light. The human eye works by reading photons that bounce off of objects, but since the exit velocity is above the speed of light, no photons that hit the black hole can bounce off of it, thus the information cannot reach our eyes, which is why everything past the event horizon (the point where exit velocity equals the speed of light) appears black.

That's really all I see going on, nothing more. What reason do I have to believe that falling into a black hole could transport me (or my dead body, rather) across the universe? Falling into a planet wouldn't do that, so why would falling into a black hole do it? They're both just objects in space, one just has a much higher mass than the other is all. Maybe someone more knowledgeable about me can set me straight?
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 12, 17:57:03
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 12, 17:45:50
Eh, it's okay. Nowhere near as good as I expected it to be (combat freakin' sucks), but I'm interested in the world, especially the aliens and the Atlas.

I take it you're on PS4. The PC version just rolled out worldwide today. "No Man's Sky"? More like "No Man's PC Can Handle It". I never even got to see the main menu because my game instantly crashed to desk top when I opened it. I ain't the only one either, a very large percentage of players experienced the same thing. Among those who could at least start the game performance is abysmal. People with brand new beast PCs are reporting extreme FPS problems, with 20 FPS on minimum settings being common.

Disregarding all that, though, I don't intend to rebuy even if the technical issues are fixed. I would probably buy it if it was appropriately priced as an indie title (Because it is an indie game), it is not worth $60 in its current state, that's AAA pricing. The style of the game is comparable to Minecraft, but Minecraft was appropriately priced. I think I bought it for like 8 bucks or something way back in 2011.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 12, 16:21:35
No Man's Sky is complete garbage, do not buy it.

The only good thing I can say about it: The refund button works well.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 11, 06:49:21
Quote from: Rush of MLP on 2016 Aug 11, 00:31:09
He said there's nowhere that he can buy in the town he lives in. Only rent. He looked.

Sounds like buy-to-let robber baron shenanigans.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 10, 18:10:23
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 10, 18:08:25
This, was a while ago, but it STILL freaking bugs me:
A while ago, PewDiePie was evicted from his flat/room/I don't know by his complete waste of life landlord (I say that because of what he said on camera to them). Of course, Pewdiepie was able to easily get a new place to live. When he made a video about it, he did two things that were CLEARLY JOKES:
-Indirectly talking to the landlord, he said "I could buy that house if I wanted".
-At the end of the vid, he leant back in a seat and put his feet on a table, saying "It's hard being a YouTuber."
The way he did/said it clearly showed he wasn't being serious. However, so many freaking news sites said he was "threatening the landlord" or just being a smug jerk.
Even PewDiePie himself commented on them not being able to detect sarcasm!
"inhales" DANG. This's been irritating me for ages...

The dude makes millions of dollars a year and he still rents? I don't even...
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 09, 18:14:14
People need to quit bashing the BMI scale like it's the devil. The BMI scale is not broken, it does exactly what it was meant for.

BMI was NEVER meant to be an end-all be-all diagnostic tool. It's meant to be a FIRST STEP screening that you can do on your own, then follow up with a professional if necessary. It's intended to be simple enough that any layman can find their BMI, all you need is your height and weight and there you go.

Furthermore, it was design with a sedentary lifestyle in mind (Desk-job type person). If you're an athlete or work in a very physical job like construction and such then obviously your BMI will be skewed upward because you have more muscle mass than a sedentary person. That's not a flaw with the scale, it's a flaw with your thinking. It's like trying to use pickup truck to pull a full-sized tanker trailer, then saying the truck is bad when you're using it for something it wasn't meant for.

TL;DR the BMI scale is fine and does what it was meant for, stop vilifying it.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 08, 13:53:52
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 08, 07:12:11
I've had to use a nightlight ever since Five Night's At Freddy's 2 came out. All because of THAT FREAKING PUPPET.

Dim light is worse than no light IMO. Nightlights cast too many shadows, I'd rather see nothing at all. After watching the Peering Head the last thing I need is to see humanoid shapes in the corners.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2016 Aug 08, 00:30:45
I really need to stop watching scary youtube videos late at night. TFW you have the lights on in every room of your apartment (yes, all 3 rooms) because you're scared of dark corners.