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Messages - Lusterless Nova

((Reading your posts really gives me a headache flame. Sorry to say this, but i always have to use the proper punctuation and read your posts at least 3 times to make sure i got what you said))
So he had everything under control. Nova was still worried about him, but pushed these thoughts aside.
Then everything is settled and nothing to worry about for now.
But seriously, i want to be alone now.
I see.
Look, i would like to help you right now, but there is something important i have to do. You should get home or to canterlot if you want to do something about this.

He wouldn't usually mind Flame's company, but he knew that he was about to get in trouble. There was no need to bother flame with that.
The Seeker of Darkness? What's that? You never told me about that.
The second house was similar but bigger. Nova didn't take long to inspect it.
((nope. Just met him.))
Nova leaded the way outside and walked beside flame as he was walking toward his second house.
Let me guess: It's ether about the money, your worries that you might not come home one day, or that you think you don't have as much time for them as you should have. Am i right?
Let's go to the second house, and as we go there, how about you tell me what is on your mind?
Nova heard, but ignored the statement of the voice.
You do realize that i just said that, don't you flame?
((Illusion magic can be defined in many ways. From my opinion: It's very basic form is the control and manipulate light. So it's not that far from your Light Invisibility. But that's only my thought.))

I am willing to help you, but mind to explain what you mean with "All you know is an illusion"?
Nova, flame and the invisible asterian arrived at the first house.
It is a small house with only one floor.
That's the first one. Let's go inside.
He opened the front door. The living room was normal sized, the kitchen was a bit small, the basement had enough space to be a own room and the bedroom was big.
Nova used a telekinesis spell on the source of the illusion spell. This allowed him to speak with him without letting anyone but him notice it.
Yes, my name is Lusterless Nova. Why are you hiding?
Oh... No problem. Feel free to come along flame.
I want to pick a house to live here. I decided to settle in.
Mayor Mare gave me 3 houses to choose from, and now i wanna see what they look like.

Nova couldn't see or sense another pony nearby, but he could feel that somepony was casting magic. Illusion magic to be precise. Too bad for that pony, but this was something nova knew very well, so he could predict where he or she was.
He didn't bother though since whoever it was didn't seem to be hostile.
Nova didn't look at flame and kept walking as he talked.
Sorry but i don't have the time to talk. I need to go and inspect a few houses.
Nova came out of the town hall. It looked like he had some business there. Some documents levitated in front of him for a moment until he put them away.
His robe and hood covered his face and most of his body, just like usual, but he saw everything he needed. After a moment of looking around, he walked through the streets of ponyville.
Nova waved goodbye to them. A moment later he faded away just like a ghost.
He must have learned a few new tricks.

((good night jenzy))
I'm glad you took it the right way. Of course you do a good job too. After all i can see how happy he is since he is with you. No matter what you do, keep doing it.
Just watch over him a little more okay?

Nova looked around and noticed how late it has become.
I have to go. And you should take Blaze Drifter home or wake her up.
Don't get it the wrong way. I don't mean to offend you.
But by the time he is with you he got beaten up by a bully, his ring was lost and although he is known now in canterlot and ponyville, he will have a hard time since he can't move to any other place without it.
It all turned out quite well, i give you that, but you have to protect him a little more. You know how scared he can be and that he can't deal well with little dangers. I only trained him to deal with very dangerous things like battles.
Thank you, but all i did was to give him confidence and strength. He was always the kind kid he is now.
Nova did do a little more, but he didn't want to say it. There was no need to say it, so he didn't.

But to be honest, i do have a few problems with the way you raise him jenzy.
Now that was a mood swing. He didn't sound like he was joking. He was serious.
My specialty is summoning magic. Thanks to this i can see someones soul after a good look. Zappy has a kind but fearful soul. I could see that he already has been through a lot the first time we met.
I want to see him becoming strong, but i don't want to force him at the same time. He has much potential and a good heart.
If it wasn't for him, i would have lost my hope in changelings by now.

He suddenly realized that he accidently told them more then he probably should have.
Sorry. I drifted off again didn't i?
It didn't take him long to find a answer.
I "live" in the knight's quarters. My mail is send there. And beside that i usually camp outside. It makes some work, but i love the fresh air and the smell of nature as i wake up.
And i just thought it would be nice to have a actual home. A place to return to, not only just to rest, but to relax as well.
((got it))
My name is lusterless nova. Just call me nova. Nice to meet you too.
And sorry for mistaking you as a couple. You two are just really close to each other, and i feel that your souls have a strong bond.
I'll think of something.
But you are kinda rude you know? You didn't introduce your girlfriend yet.

He was just joking, but it was true. He knew that he didn't talk to her yet.
Nova almost face hoofed because he misunderstood him.
Sorry. My bad.
I can't that ring is made from special materials. One of them is moonstone.
Princess Luna gave me some already for a second ring and that was the last one she had.
I have a spare ring, but it is the last one i have. There will be no third.