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Messages - MMTfan1

I was thinking the same about Blue joining the others. If you want, I can have him join you guys.
"Well, I have no plans.  I'm a bit unsure if we should be doing this on Hearts and Hooves day, since this is a day for lovers.  That said, I'd be happy to join you two if you'd like right now." Blue said, keeping a smile on his face.
"Well, I would prefer any other day, but I guess I'll come with you guys..." Blue says, feeling a bit nervous knowing what day it is, yet excited at the same time. 
"I wish you lots of luck.  I've never gone gem-hunting, and I'd love to see how its done." Blue says, a smile on his face. 
Blue couldn't help but smile at them.  "Sounds very interesting."
I only lasted about five minutes after the servers closed before I lost connection to the server.   Anyway, I hope to make it into the Limited Access Release and play to my hearts content come December. 
Blue eventually finishes his ice cream cone, and watches the two converse with no intention of butting in, even though he is somewhat interested in gems.  However, he smiles at them and hopes to get to talk to both of them before they leave. 
Blue smiles warmly at the stallion.  "Nice to meet you Azure."
Blue sits down next to the mare.  "Nice to meet you Entomon.  My name is Blue Cloud."
"Well, since I'm here, mind if I sit here?" He says, giving the mare another smile, hoping it wasn't too late to join them and avoid having to suffer the fate of sitting alone on this special day.  But he spots her turning her attention back to the stallion who was with her. 
Blue smiles back at the mare.  "You're welcome."
Blue picks up the notebook, and tries to get the mare's attention to no avail as he watches her and presumably her stallionfriend go back outside.  He orders himself an industrial chocolate cone and pays for it.  He makes his way outside and finds the mare. 

"Excuse me, but I believe you dropped this." He says, showing the notebook he found on the ground.  He hopes she won't be too weirded out by his sudden appearance. 
(I'll join the AxE group for now, and might consider moving to a RP with me and one other in the future)

Blue makes his way towards the ice cream bar, as he's hungry and has a craving for ice cream.  He heard the ice cream there was good, so he's going to try it out.  Eventually, he reaches the building, makes his way in and waits in line behind a mare and a stallion.
(I think I'm gonna reenter this RP.  Should I join an existing group of ponies?)

Blue is walking through Ponyville park, enjoying himself, and decides to sit on a bench to pass the time. 
That mane and tail style has been around for a couple of years, and never had preview icons.
You can just download one of the clients from the original post as they're linked there.  I never use the launcher to update the client as I prefer to just download them directly.
Yes.  You have to have the July 2016 update.
Yes!! Can't wait to start playing.
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 24, 13:49:09
I can't wait for the game to finally come out!