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Messages - SandFire

"Oki doki thans" Toffee said relucantly.

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"Its the mare floor so maybe its one of the rules of the house. Though i really dont know" toffee says

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"I dont know if your allowed on the third floor" Toffee says.

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"Hmmm" Toffee said looking very closely at Blue.

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"Your voice sounds...familiar. Like a certain voice that was yelling." Toffee says as she squint her eyes.
Toffee stared blankly at Scarlet and the other pony as they just stood there waiting for the one called Blue to talk.

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Canterlot Archives / Re: Haunted (Jump-in)
2017 Apr 30, 11:57:54
((Shadow is the pony running with latern heading towards the side passagw. Other things to note only with a magic charged latern will you be able to stop the mean ghosts ))
(Also you can all starts)
"We were going to find where I set my stuff at, right?" Toffee says.
"Somethings taste better a little burnt but not too burnt. Though if its a waste I suppose we can throw it away" Toffee said as she inspected the damage.

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Unbanned for the universes nature of balance

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"Oh who made that." Toffee asked Scarlet looking over the pot on the fire.
((Toffee forgets things super easily so she forgot she made the food and just assumed you being the other pony there made it))

"Sure" Toffee said.
"I last put them in some room on the third floor" Toffee said as she sniffed the air to smell the food "Oooh did you make something to eat  Scarlet"

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Hearing the loud noises and sudden hug of Scarlet. Toffee makes an Eeep sound than sighs. Walking up to the door and screams to however in the house that yelled"OTHERS LIVE HERE SO KEEP THE NOISE TO A MINIMUM!!!

Waiting a few seconds to see if there is a reply Toffee looks at Scarlet and says quitely in a sore voice "Shall we be off than?"
Canterlot Archives / Haunted (Jump-in)
2017 Apr 25, 22:18:09
We would love to invite you and others to the grand mansion of ???? party. As some of you may know this mansion has been abadoned for some time. Not to worry it will be after the party refurbished to standards set by todays world. Why we wouldn't refurbish it now well its that we are going to give the mansion to one lucky party goer of course there are stipulations. Such as you must stay on the Mansion grounds throughtout the event which will be signaled through a fantastic firework display that only we can access. We hope to see you soon and wish you luck. Love ????

Showing up to the 'party' after being lost with others since the roads there were hard to see thanks to the confusing layout and the heavy fog happening around the area. Walking in you see a pony run through the entrance area with a lantern very quickly heading of into a side passage of the house.
Spoiler: show
Name: Shadow Fire

Gender: Mare

Race: Pegasus

Lives: Anywhere and everywhere (Traveler)

Personality: Shy, keen on making friends, nervous for the new things, but brave for the old, and nervous of bullies

Looks like: Shadow Flame is smaller than most adult pegasus her age. She was a darker gray coat with orange mane and tail with a streak of black going through it. Her eyes are a bright green.

Skills: Able to control weather and make clouds to a very high standard

Look/Visual Description:
"Well ,uhh, I can use help finding my stuff again." Toffee said
"Good question. I know I put my things on the third floor but i forgot where exactly." Toffee said watching the doggy eat the treats with no mercy.
Toffee petted the doggy that had come out of the cupboard and looked around for any dog treats that where in the kitchen

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"Oh you know wanted to move to a different place see new things and to learn" Toffee said.
"I'm from ,uhhh, lets see whats it called again Baltimore no its uhh Baltimare. Yes! Thats it I am from Baltimare. Where are you from Scarlet" Toffee said with a proud smile at rembering the city she was from.