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Messages - Moon Pearl

Quote from: Night Pony on 2015 Sep 14, 07:25:46
Spoiler: show
It's monday by the way.

Spoiler: show
So we can stop using spoilers?
Questions. Questions everywhere.
Quote from: Necroceine on 2015 Sep 12, 15:16:51
Spoiler: show
The big pony at the end showed up in an earlier episode

Que the X-Files theme music  :o!!!

Illuminati confirmed!!!
Quote from: McClaw on 2015 Sep 12, 07:51:43
Like the rest of us, keep watch on the site front page or the social media accounts for an announcement of the next Open Server Event (usually weekend).

I bet my plot, my feathered friend, that the next OSW will be before or after 'Scare-master' episode....Meaning in Nightmare Night.....or Halloween for those skinned....bipedal....things o.O
Quote from: Telferi on 2015 Sep 11, 14:34:09
Please convert the game file to exe, because it's keep crashing my Windows

By Crashing your Windows you mean "blue screen of you-can't-play-this-shenanigans"  o.O?
Quote from: McClaw on 2015 Sep 08, 08:09:19
I see it a bit like how Applejack is treated. When not in the spotlight, both characters are supportive and competent. Putting them as the lead will have them outshining the others, dealing with problems that look invented for those episodes because they never show up otherwise, or "holding the idiot ball" and acting out of character.

I find Spike quite annoying, and when there's an Spike centered episode, I usually watch it only once before banging my head in the wall. So far EVERY SINGLE SPIKE EPISODE has been a big let down, not even "Equestria Games" moment of glory he had with the Ice Archery incident helped for that matter.
Spike's head like a frying pan made of Teflon, no matter what he learns, nothing glues to the surface, all slides out of his brain. I'd say "kill him with Fire" but Spike is impervious to it and Lava  >.<
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Sep 11, 03:35:13
Longest season ever. Seriously, what the heck?

Yeah, what the F-------------------------udge  :P???
Are you guys ready to Pony Up? Im so excited!! ANYONE ELSE IS EXCITED!! :D :D :D :D

Quote from: Spacecase101 on 2015 Sep 04, 20:57:31
I am vengence! I am the night! I AM BATPONY!! O:

Somepony has been playing Arkham Knight a lot  o.O............
Quote from: McClaw on 2015 Sep 04, 14:32:21
Beware, or you'll just get dorky-looking costume bat wings for your pony to wear. ;)

I'll take it if with that my OC can still look as a bat pony D:!!
Mr Programmer..could you add bat ponies as subspecies of pegasus, please? :D
Maybe we should put a picture of our OC's along the questioner, like this:

M O O N   P E A R L

1:What's your OCs favorite color?
2:Where does your OC work?
  A-PONY-Net. Doing Art requests.
3:What's your OCs favorite food?
  A-Poc Chuc, a traditional dish made in Mare-ida, in the Yucatan Ponynsula (I live here)-
4:Does your OC have a favorite drink?
5:How old is your OC?
  A-That's a personal question.....30 years old.
6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers?
  A-Enhanced earing. Specialized in claw fighting with my armor on.
7:Is your OC in a relationship?
8:What are some of your OCs strengths?
  A-Enhanced earing as I mentioned, skillful in close quarters and aerial combat and Match 3 Speed on take off.
9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses?
  A-Reckless for my own good, and ironically even if I'm a bat Pony, I'm afraid of bats.
10:What is your OCs favorite outfit?
  A- Only my armor. I rarely use clothes except my glasses.
11:What is your OCs spirit animal?
  A- A Bobcat.
12:Is your OC currently in school?
13:What is your OCs earliest memory?
  A-Reading the Daring Do collection...again.
14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?
  A-A very basic phone.
15:What makes your OC angry?
  A-Forgetful Ponies. Makes me go MAD.
16:When is your OCs favorite time of year?
  A- Summer because pool.
17:How long can your OC hold their breath?
18:What is your OCs favorite holiday?
  A-Hearts and Hooves day
19:What usually bums your OC out?
  A-Not being able to be with my Special Somepony as much as I want it.
20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?
  A- Pepperoni.
21:Who is your OCs best friend?
  A- My best friend is my brother, Jagged Zircon, and my another friend Misty Morning Dew, a Crystal Pony
22:Has your OC ever been arrested?
  A-Once, but Luna bail me out because she saw it was in self defense. Those coalts got what they deserved.
23:Whats your OCs biggest secret?
  A-My biggest secret is......
Spoiler: show

24:What does your OC smell like?
  A- Vanilla and Moka.
25:What time of year does your OC prefer?
  A- Summer....because of the pool.
26:What race is your OC?
  A- Bat Pony. A subspecies of Pegasus.
27:What languages does your OC speak?
  A-English, Spanish, Dragonic and Squeeks (bats hidden language)
28:Does your OC like anime? Western Cartoons?
  A- Once they used to be cool, now they're....totally not cool.
29:Can your OC swim?
  A-My wings help to keep afloat.
30:What would be your OCs favorite movie?
  A- Terror and sci-fi horror movies.
31:Does your OC believe in fairies?
32:Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?
  A-  :s Accounting and office stuff......
33:How many family members does your OC have?
Mother, Father, two brothers, two cousins, one half sister, two uncles, one grampa, a cat and a dog.
34:Is your OC a huge fan boy/girl over anything?
35:How flexible is your OC?
  A- I know Kung Fu. For real.
36:What if they were gender bent?
  A- Umh...I'm a mare...I also like mares.....does that count?
37:What was your OCs first word?
  A- I don't remember....
38:Does your OC have any pets?
  A- A cat called Piers.
39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy?
  A-I don't have any biggest enemy yet  :o
40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done?
  A-Once I sneaked into the School of Gifted unicorns and stuck the head of one of them inside a beaker.
41:What is your OCs motto about life?
  A-When life bucks you, you buck life back!
42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea?
  A-I like my coffee if it's French roast.
43:Who is your OCs biggest hero?
  A-My mother.
44:What color eyes does your OC have?
  A-Dark Brown
45:Does your OC like reading?
  A- I read everything.
46:Is your OC loyal?
  A-Loyal to my friends, to my brother and Princess Luna.
47:Does your OC tolerate violence?
  A- I don't like violence....much. Sometimes is the only answer.
48:What social class is your OC?
49:What country was your OC born in?
  A- Mare-ida. Yucatan Ponynsula.
50:Does your OC cry easily?
  A-..........I'm not saying it. NEXT QUESTION.
51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music?
  A- Dubstep...HIP-HOP, and classics as well.
52:How does your OC feel about insects?
  A- I don't mind them.
53:What are your OCs hobbies?
  A-Drawing, crafting and Videogames
54:Does your OC use any medication?
  A-I use glasses...I can't see very well.
55:What gender is your OC?
  A- Pure mare of kickflankery.
56:What kind of clothes or accessories does your OC wear?
  A-Only glasses. On duty my armor.
57:Would you call your OC adventurous?
  A- Yes
58:Is your OC social?
  A-Not too social. I only have a hooffull of friends.
59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?
  A-the scar in my chest.
60:Does your OC enjoy nature?
The origins of your OC
1. When and how did you get inspired to create them?
A- Thinking that was about time to present myself to the world.
2. How did you decide on their personality, interests, etc?
A-most of it is based in real events in my life.
3. Why did you give them the name you did?
A- In my moments of tribulations, I look at the moon. I think of it as a giant, bright, pearl.
4. Compare yourself to your OC in any areas from genres, hobbies, anything.
A- Is the same as the real me...except it's a PONY.

Quote from: EveryponyEveryday on 2015 Sep 01, 21:59:20
So late to this, but I had to go to my dad's on the days of the open server. He doesn't have internet. I didn't want to even go there, and me being excited for it as soon as it was announced, I wasn't happy with my mom. I guess I have to wait another season

I would've done anything to prevent that If I was you :o!! Now you must seek REVENGE  >:O!!!!!! Oh, and wait for another season and this time lock the door to avoid unwanted invitations to go to see you father. I know, I do hate to go with him as well.
Quote from: Necroceine on 2015 Aug 27, 23:33:10
Applejack is like the straight man of the group and on top of that has her life the most together. She's got a successful business she isn't looking to expand. She's competitive and stubborn to some extent, but they've explored that plenty even in just season 1.

All of those traits require another character to play off of. The straight man, the competitor, or the stubborn. And that all makes it difficult to write an episode focusing so heavily on her. She cares about her family and wants Sweet Apple Acres to be a successful business, but that leads to Apple family episodes (or Apple family + Mane 6). I think she needs something new and personal to be able to really carry her own episode. Maybe if they have the map send her somewhere alone... but short of that, I don't really know what her episode would be about at this point.

Massive Spoiler of Episode 24.

This may be the Applejack episode we're waiting for fellas.....
Quote from: PrincessButton on 2015 Aug 27, 18:43:31
I really think the "everyone hates Applejack" thing is just a misunderstanding. Like others mentioned before me, people joked calling her a "background pony" because she didn't have much time in the spotlight like the other members of the mane six did. However, I'd argue that in reality she's one of the most loved ponies of the mane six! I've seen many "who is best pony?" polls conducted, and Pinkie, AJ, and Flutters are all neck and neck for first place.

I can't think of a single person telling me that they hate her. I have a friend who hates her laugh... X3 but that's as close as I can think of.

Still is there any episode in the entire seasons where Applejack and ONLY Applejack is the Pony of the day? I mean we have Ponies with episode TOTALLY focused on them and the rest of the mane 6 being in minimal screen time, like:

-Lesson Zero: Twilight had her OCD and it made her snap. Her friends had barely, like, less than five minutes total of Screen Time.
-Party of One, Pinkie Pride, Party Pooped: Pinkie had her famous "Pinkamena" psychosis  and some other shenanigans in another episodes, while the rest of her friends were only at the end, and the lest time screen was for Applejack....
-Putting your Hoof Down, Filli Vanilli etc: Again Fluttershy is so adorable that the rest of her friends had minimal screen time.
-Rarity Takes Manehattan: Rarity is BEST PONY. And again, less time for the rest of the cast.
-Tanks for the Memories: MY GOSH :3. I loved this episode. And again, Applejack had not only the least Screen time, but also the least dialogues.
:c "It's true"
- :nod: I know....

Is there a TRULY, Applejack centered episode where her friends had the less screen time? In even episode she had, her friends were there speaking and mostly EXISTING. They didn't let Applejack shine and those episodes for her were supposedly for HER ONLY.
I don't have Applejack but IMO she still doesn't receive an episode that it's, indeed, TRULY, Totally centered about her.
Quote from: McClaw on 2015 Aug 27, 13:52:42
Heh. I don't ship them, I just point out Twilight's reactions and it's potential meaning. I mean, really, has Flash shown up in an episode with anything more than a walk-on? No reaction? No relationship? No. Twilight's being her usual, methodical self, trying to understand her reactions before taking any kind of action.

My gosh, my friend Misty will LOVE you since you two seem to think the same about Flash O:. It's true that the Pony Flash Sentry hasn't not personality or character build or development whatsoever (aside from his human persona in EG) but I think that they MAYBE can give him some well-planned background story, a little bit of character and if possible, hint a possible and future relationship with Twilight in future Seasons...but my wishes have a cost. I personally was fanfillying when Flash made a cameo in "Three is a crowd" and when he gave "that" look back when he was dismissed. I lost my apples! flash character development and even ship him with Twilight would make the entire EG and MLP series canon of each other. I want to see that, but I want to see it WELL PLANNED, not a rushed thing that would surely end up in a wreckage like something called "Dragon ball GT", just to say an example.
-GULP- I think we're getting out of topic, we are supposed to talk about Applejack and why she is best Pon :c
Quote from: McClaw on 2015 Aug 27, 08:17:31
One bit of notable character development for Applejack is that she does sometimes like to dress up and make herself look pretty and feminine. That's a trait Rainbow Dash doesn't seem to have at all, and Twilight may have only realized that about herself after meeting Flash Sentry.

Why l suddenly fear for your safety, McClaw? I love the Flashlight ship but wherever l go and say that name l had to run from pitchforks and torches carried by ponies afraid about losing their Waifus... :I
Quote from: Icy Shield on 2015 Aug 25, 15:30:53
Besides  of "how to remain honest in some tougher situations", all other things that you mention was pretty much done. Especially with AJ's stubbornness which was done in Apple buck season (the 1st AJ episode). But ok, more Applejack's episode is a good thing

Post Merge

Also, I see AppleJack as second lider of main 6. If something happens and Twilight will not be anywhere close, AJ has all atributes and responsiblity to be one  :]

Not to mention, she has the strongest legs of the bunch, I mean LOOK AT THAT PL.....I mean... :o........THOSE LEGS! AJ is the embodiment of power, she is PROBABLY the most mature of the bunch (granted if the headcanon about her parents is true) and also, she can also act like a mother to her friends, I mean, when Dashie almost quit from the Wonderbolts in "Wonderbolts Academy" she was the first one in comforting Rainbow, and her motherly bond with her sister, Applejack may not be best Pony, but is so darn near to it, I tell ya  ^-^
And Applejack probably will be featured in the most emotional episode of the entire series when Episode 24 is aired..
So far, I have now one favotire "Best Pony" episode.
It's fun, I have a favorite episode in every Season, and obviously "Slice of Life" is my BEST-EPISODE-EVER (So much PONY!!) but lately, one episode hit me in a personal level, made me cry even more than "Flight to the Finish", and it's named "Amending Fences". It was shown to us the possible outcome if Twilight had never embraced Friendship as he did.

But I have one fav Episode in every season:

S2-Luna Eclipsed.
S3-Keep Calm and Flutter on
S4-Castle Mane-I-a
S5- This one has three in order of importance; best episode EVER: "Slice of life". Best episode of this Season: "Amending fences". Honorific mention: "Make new friends but Keep Discord".

Hey Misty, can you handle this much adorableness?: