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Messages - Appleflower

Quote from: pokegirlsky on 2013 Jul 05, 13:00:15
ps u guys like my siganture?

Totally out of the blue. . . but, it's cool.  lol
Quote from: HaponyHanzo on 2013 Jul 05, 12:38:40
Maybe I should add a click counter to my countdown page xD

8 hours? =( I should keep this open. I've been dying of humidity here, waiting for this game. xD My father needs to do his Assignments for his school, but I say: "NEIN!"
Calm down guys xD
Gonna get in trouble if you keep quoting and spamming. xD

Why must we wait until like... 8:30? (For me, I'm EST... I believe if people are CDT, Idk! xD)
I never got to do the last stree test, and last night I stayed up SOOOO late watching LoE old Stress test videos, just, waiting for 7/05!  >.<
So, if we're um... waiting for I dunno how long, anyone wanna chat 'bout uh... Season 4 Predictions?  X3
10:30...  O:

EDIT: What? Nooooooooooo..
What is your time, Shad?
I figured out that Central is later than me, so I'm 10:30 when I see that magical download...of...  *-*
I live in the New York state, so I think I'm EST? What time would that be for me?
What time was the download supposed to be up?  o_O
Client should be up soon... *Checks* I may just be checking a bit too early.
I'm going to see fireworks tomorrow, if it's decent with the weather...

ovO ovO
I'm so Psyched!
[move]ADSFGDFARWMG  O: [/move]

Can. Not. Wait. for this.

you can see, I'm overly-happy. =''D
Basically, you two mean I need more reason to as of why her parents left, talents, and how her cutie mark was obtained? Even what the cutie mark symbolized?  o.O

Hm, I should get on that. Thank you two for seeing my OC.
(Note: I'll see what I can do with the details.)

Do you have anything else to suggest for me on her background?  ;)
I'll also get editing on the Bio as soon as I can, my cold is pummeling me into the dirt.

Original Characters / Demitri Wingfire - OC
2013 Jun 25, 12:22:46
Spoiler: Demitri's Picture • show

Spoiler: Demitri's Alternate part (she's got a paisley scarf, and the skele-pony mask, but PC doesn't have those-headphones) • show

Demitri Wingfire - Basic Info~

Full name:: Demitri Wingfire

Nicknames:: Demi, Demitri, Wings, Fire

Age:: 15

Gender:: Female

Species:: Pegasus

Paranoid at times:: Yes

Likes:: Flowers, Honey, Friends, Music, Dancing, Singing, Drawing, and Pranking.

Dislikes:: Death, Sickness, Suffering, Loneliness, Spiders, and Darkness

Talents:: Fast Flier, Swift runner (has won one race), Artist, Captain(in another realm-ish time thing)

Demitri Wingfire - Appearance Info~

Eye Colour:: Dark Blue-sapphire

Coat Colour:: Light Cream

Mane Colour:: Tannish-cream with white streaks

Cutie Mark:: A cross with a Raven flying above
(Note: The cutie mark may have nothing to do with her name, or personality(maybe) but try thinking of a character when you're ready to fall asleep xD)

Accessories:: Her trusty old glasses, and an old saddlebag she keeps at home (Alternate Time: UMP45, .44 Magnum, Tar-21(scoped), War uniform(pretty much the look of ghost from MW2)

Demitri Wingfire - In-Depth/Persona-Story~

Personality:: Demitri is courageous, she isn't apprehensive to stand up to anyone superior than her (except for Celestia). She can let her fears get the best of her, and be a paranoid mess. Best ponies leave her alone at this time. Despite having  a paranoid downfall, she can be calm, and friendly towards others. Wingfire takes a considerable amount of time to adjust to new ponies, since she doesn't trust them, Demitri [I]thinks[/I] they can't be trusted. Her brain can sometimes fail to connect with reality, so she'll point things out that are there in her mind, not there in the real time.

Birth-Filly summary-thing:: Born in the country(no accent though), she was raised with care, and love. Until. . .her parents disappeared that is.

(Short story part Note: I've had suggestions on the bio's detail, I will get to that soon)): Demitri was in the meadow, her parents on the porch; sipping lemonade. It's condensation dripping down the glasses side. Wingfire's mother smiled, "We're going inside, dear! You stay in the meadow!" she called to the filly, who turned back to face her mother with a face that said: 'I will mom!' Demitri stood up, the dirt squishing under her hooves. "I will, Mom! Don't worry, I'll stay in the meadow." she replied, waving. Demitri's parents went inside, as the filly played in the meadow's long, tickly grass. It's golden colour rippled like waves. After a few hours of pretending to be a bird, she went back to her house. The door swung closed with a click. It was about 6:30, or 8:21. But it was her bedtime. The filly saw her parents were sleeping in their beds already, so Demitri crawled into her's, and fell asleep. The next day, Demitri woke up early. "Mom, Dad!" she called, a big grin was on her face. She went into her parent's room, to find. . . no one. "Ma?" the filly mumbled, looking in every nook and cranny. No one, still. She went downstairs. They have to be here! the filly thought. But, no one was there. The door swung open, and two deep blue eyes looked around the golden sea of grass. Nothing, not one bird or animal. She was all alone. Except for a piece of parchment paper, that laid at her hooves. She picked it up, and it read:

"Dear Daughter,
You'll have to stay alone now, I can't say why. . .
you're too young to know what's happening right now, when you read this,
get to Ponyville as fast as you can,
do not waste your time looking for us, but I want you to know. . .
I lo. . .

That was all, the ink splatter sent Demitri's heart to a fast beat. She packed up all her belongings, and galloped as hard as she could, to Ponyville. . .

Demitri - Health Info

Health: 96%, due to a minor cold she had.

Demitri - Theme song/Journal

Theme song:: Fits with one thing that's special about her

(!Warning! In the beginning and near end, it's a woman naked, but it's nothing TOO bad, it just shows her rump. I wouldn't put anything that's horrible on here, and I think that's just ok to show the buns.)

First Week of School Journal::

Dear Journal,
Today I'm crying, I'm so scared. I don't know what happened, yet they keep asking me if I knew, because I was there!
I don't know what happened! I just got angry when that colt hit me, and teased me! It just exploded, Everything...
I'm don't writing this ridiculously short piece, journal. I need some rest, maybe I'll find out what's wrong with me in the morning. . .
Demitri Wingfire
Alternate Universe Story(The story of becoming captain of the equestrian Army- WIP)::

Equestria, Baltimare, 7/12/15
Bryce Tar: I'm getting heavy fire from the enemy! 10-20's cracking the scope, you over?
Fleet-hoof: We copy, Blue Alpha. We are sending in the air-force, Wonder-bolts. Over?
Bryce Tar: Thanks, Fleet! This'll help with the tangos! We're Oscar Mike, move, move! *Sound muffled by guns and crazed battle cries.*
Demitri flew above, her eyes behind the shades glanced around, all she saw was fire. She lifted her skele-pony mask. "I can't get anything," she said to the walkie-talkie. "Dang, well get to the ground. We [I]need[/I] to know if there are ANY tangos left!" Bryce responded. "Yes sir," she replied, zooming down to the fire covered ground.

And that's all, you can be an OC critique, I don't really care. It's everyone's opinion anyways!  ^-^

EDIT: I know now I kind of changed her story a little, so now there's guns and stuff. But I'm not posting ANY blood, death or gore scenes on here, I'm just talking about guns, may seem bad, but they're real and we all know that!  lol
((Sorry for a late reply!))
Trinity jumped, but looked to the other pony. "Hi..."

(I gtg, bed :p Night peeps!))
Trinity took one look around. She was confused.
Where was she? She saw some buildings, but it was blurry.
The mare could make out others, as she felt her wings flutter on her back.

"Hee Hee! YES! Time to-" she was embarassed, screaming out and acting all odd like that!
Calm down, Trinity... she blankly thought, and rubbed her aching forehead.

It felt like a rock of a titan hit her, crushing her brain to so many fragments. Was she on some odd planet? Space? She certainly wasn't floating around.

"Hello? Anypony out there?!" she called, and her voice seemed to echo back at her.

Her face was twisted in a puzzle. Trinity walked around, "Huh, like some odd place with...buildings?" The mare took flight, and flew around a bit, she didn't see any others.

Was she in a different universe?
A different area? Who knew!
Trinity swooped down and looked all around, flying through everything, she spotted others, but watched from a lengthy distance.

"Hello! I'm Trinity!" she called, hoping the ponies would answer her words.
It was so alone at the first blank...
But, now she found ponies - she thought she did. Maybe Mirages, but they certainly looked real.

It was her chance to find out.
Trinity flew closer, and got a better look from above. They seemed to be - playing?
They looked as if they all were doing something of their own time, something that was important to them.

Trinity floated there, and twitched one ear.
"Hi," she said, louder, even though she was closer; even if they were a bit deaf, she just wanted to check.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: My threads
2013 Jan 20, 11:55:35
Edited. Hope it works, 'cause I don't really wanna join RPs, I wanna make some for a change, and have people join.  :/  >:/
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: My threads
2013 Jan 20, 11:12:47 I created one called The awakening Of Equestria, it's a long, action based Roleplay. And yet again, people just stare at it and move on. I tried ideas from Fan fics, books, other roleplays that I look at and get an idea, but people just go.  :] "What's this?"  :l "Never-mind"
Pony Off-Topic Archive / My threads
2013 Jan 19, 22:18:30
I seem to never get people posting in my RP threads, why? Everybody looks at them but no interest.  >:(
Spark Fire flew across the sky, admiring ponyville, the wind in her mane as her orange and white scarf wrapped around her neck, her color was a light orange yellow, eyes orange and her mane orange and white. She flew down and landed on a cloud.