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Messages - Griffy

Quote from: Chirp on 2012 Apr 16, 16:27:58
Chirp got bored waiting for P.E. and sat down looking inside a book he had taken from somepony's locker. Instead of text the book had drawings inside it, Chirp was confused for a moment, but enjoyed looking at it anyway.

*Griffy decided to go find a water fountain to drink at. As she trotted along she saw somepony reading a book. HER book!* HEY!  *Yells in her thick Russian accent* Where'd you get that?! 
(OOC: I'm making Griffy three years younger for this RP)
*Griffy looked in her locker for her drawing book to amuse her while waiting for gym class* No. Nonononononononononono! *She pranced in place with anger* No! Who took it? *She slammed her locker shut and sat on the nearest bench*
Forum Name:Griffy
Skype:I have none, I'm sorry.
Moderation Experience: Used to be a moderater on a forum for cat lovers. Sadly was took down for reasons I was never told.
Why would you be a good mod?: I know I JUST created this account, but I have browsed for a while. I think that ALL websites need good moderater who won't abuse the system, I have been a victim of this as once I had caught a mod on another website asking a player about personal things. After double checking the rules, I reported them. When I tried logging in later that day, it said I was banned for abuse of the  report button.  I hope my lacking of Skype and newness will not hurt my chances at this wonderful oppertunity!