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Messages - ManeFlame

Gonna admit. I'm going to get that Ruby again, but honestly I really hope this one's story is fine tuned some. Out of all the games, Ruby and Sapphire were pretty much my least favorite.

Then again, that could -possibly- be some residual bitterness since that was the first and only generation where your Pokemon couldn't be traded from the previous generations.

Those poor 251... forever stuck back in GBC limbo, while the rest of my lil guys have moved on...
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 May 07, 17:28:48
On a minor scale, what I've come to remember that really annoys me is how you are only allowed to transfer 6 pokemon within 24 hours from your GBA cartridges to the DS ones.  :l I mean really?
Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2014 May 06, 21:26:15
Quote from: Itty Bit on 2014 May 01, 10:24:08
I've beaten a handful of difficult games in my time, such as Battletoads, Ghost N Goblins, and Super Meat Boy B)
Nice! Now try Zelda II. Nobody beats that game. Except maybe you if you try... How hard is it, do you ask? Let's just say this...
I couldn't get to the second dungeon. Not I couldn't beat it. I couldn't even get to it, because it's so hard and annoying.

Protip: If you ever get to the final boss, thunder is your friend. Your best friend ever.

Also, anyone who beats Battletoads gets insta gamer cred. Doesn't matter which one.
That's adorable. I also approve of this as that's the only item I wear in game.
Other than the AJ hat sometimes cause... AJ.
Quote from: SaiyanSparkle on 2014 Feb 08, 10:55:23
:3 Unlike Sonic I dint Chuckle

Cookies to you.

Anyways, I don't mind the new looks. Then again, I enjoyed the Archie Sonic comics for years and they had so many looks it's ridiculous. Since they stated it's an alternate world anyways, I just mark it up as "one of the others guarded by Zonic. Granted, it's weird seeing Knuckles beefed up, but it doesn't look to bad to me.
Honestly, if the game stays what they said it was as a 4 player co op game, one that doesn't force couch co-op or "screen stretch so you're all tethered together", nor slows down the gameplay, then I say bring. It. On.

Besides, tails looks completely freaking awesome and that's all that matters.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 May 06, 09:01:34
Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 May 06, 04:10:18
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 May 06, 04:07:17
I swear I can still taste vomit 5 days after throwing up.

I'm gonna go brush my teeth again.

I brush my teeth twice a day and my breath smells. For NO APPARENT REASON.

Brush your tongue.

Having bad breath is never on my list. Really annoying.  >A<
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 May 05, 15:06:30
Quote from: Julius on 2014 May 05, 00:49:07
Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2014 May 04, 19:15:57I had a chocolate covered graham cracker in my bag and it got out of the wrapper. All my stuff was coated in melted chocolate. Especially my 3DS. Right on and deep in the charging hole.  :c

Holy muffins, that's awful! Hope nothing was ruined! >A<

It's a Nintendo product. Some cleaning solution and elbow grease should make it continue to last till the end of time.

Which actually brings me to an annoying thing: Certain new systems that are infamous for breaking within a year of purchase. I wonder which two companies those could be. lol
Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2014 May 01, 00:32:13
Is the Wonderful 101 even worth it?

I'm thoroughly enjoying it. The controls take some getting used to, but it's a very entertaining and sometimes unforgiving game. Great story, with some excellent comedy tossed in.

Sometimes if you fail and "die", the game even gets mad at you in certain areas. Though there are only, like, 8 actual different abilities, you can control ANY of the 100 heroes you wish to control as long as you get them on your team.
Bulborb Lure.
Why, I'd be DELIGHTED to procrastinate!

General questions.
Spoiler: show
1:What's your OCs favorite color?

2:Where does your OC work?
Around Ponyville. He goes about lighting the lights at night from end to end.

3:What's your OCs favorite food?
Mashed Potatoes.

4:Does your OC have a favorite drink?
Cold Apple Cider.

5:How old is your OC?
Mid 20s to late.

6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers?
Supernatural? Not really. Flame magic is pretty common in a world full of magic, I'd assume. I mean, he's a unicorn.

7:Is your OC in a relationship?
El nope-o. I only stick my characters in relationships when I have one.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths?
Magic. Lots of magic. Also his dashing good looks. I mean, just look at that face. [spoiler]

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses?
Uuuhh... country mares. Definitely country mares. Also, giant boulders falling on him. Umm.. falling from the sky, sharp, pointy things, and boredom.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit?
Uuuh... a... festive hat during winter?

11:What is your OCs spirit animal?
Horse. I'm going to say horse.

12:Is your OC currently in school?
No, to the great joy of us all.

13:What is your OCs earliest memory?
Shuffling about after his big brother.

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?
You kidding? The more tech he'd have, the lazier he'd be. NO ONE needs -that- level of lazy.

15:What makes your OC angry?
....Yes. Most of that.

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year?
Winter. Being good at warm is always a popular skill in the cold.

17:How long can your OC hold their breath?
A minute, I would say.

18:What is your OCs favorite holiday?
Summer Sun Festival.

19:What usually bums your OC out?
Nights at work when -no- ponies are around. A few is totally fine.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?
Haypperoni and pineapple.

21:Who is your OCs best friend?
Dewey Decimal, I guess.
Spoiler: show
Friend's OC, tends to be the person I talk to the most nowadays.

22:Has your OC ever been arrested?

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret?
A good secret. A secret so good and so secretive that your head would explode with goodness if you ever knew the secret!

24:What does your OC smell like?
Dirt and grass. Sooooo comfy.

25:What time of year does your OC prefer?
Still winter.

26:What race is your OC?

27:What languages does your OC speak?
What's the language they speak in Canterlot/Ponyville? Whatever that's called.

28:Does your OC like anime? Western Cartoons?
Why pick? Go with what's good on any side.

29:Can your OC swim?
Only a foolish species that is scared of the world wouldn't know how to swim naturally. Or rocks. Rocks probably can't either.

30:What would be your OCs favorite movie?
Lord of the Yokes. Or the Manevengers.

31:Does your OC believe in fairies?
Well yeah, I mean they're not exactly "out of this world", so to speak.

32:Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?
Field biology. The study of fields.

33:How many family members does your OC have?
3 known/created.

34:Is your OC a huge fan boy/girl over anything?
My OC pleads the fifth.

35:How flexible is your OC?
Little over average, I guess.

36:What if they were gender bent?
Well then, he'd be a girl. Duh.

37:What was your OCs first word?

38:Does your OC have any pets?
Two cats.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy?
That would entail he thinks of those against him as more than just wild animals who are hunting, or "trolls." In the figurative sense.

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done?
My OC pleads the fifth.

41:What is your OCs motto about life?

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea?
Tea. Why would any self respecting pony drink coffee?

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero?
The Element of Honesty. Nothing harder to come by.

44:What color eyes does your OC have?

45:Does your OC like reading?
If it's good.

46:Is your OC loyal?
I suppose if he had anyone to be loyal to.

47:Does your OC tolerate violence?
What kind of question is that. Why I oughta...

48:What social class is your OC?

49:What country was your OC born in?
Country? I don't know if Canterlot counts as a country, but if the known world is one country, then I guess Equestria.

50:Does your OC cry easily?
Not about general things, no. Though some things do get to him.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music?
Rock. It is rock. It rocks, because it is rock. Rock.

52:How does your OC feel about insects?
Yup, that's a bug alright.

53:What are your OCs hobbies?
Drawing, games, and just meandering around aimlessly.

54:Does your OC use any medication?

55:What gender is your OC?

56:What kind of clothes or accessories does your OC wear?
Nekkid as a... well, most things.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous?
Oh yeah. It's almost built into most stallions. Gotta release energy somehow.

58:Is your OC social?
In the right circumstances.

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?
"OMG YOUR MANE AND TAIL ARE ON FIRE!" "What? No, it's just color."

60:Does your OC enjoy nature?
Kind of hard not to when your life is pretty much integrated with it.[/spoiler]

Origin questions.
Spoiler: show
1. When and how did you get inspired to create them?
After my friend showed me the Winter Wrap Up song. Razzin frazzin...

2. How did you decide on their personality, interests, etc?
Sort of a cross between me and the opposite of me rolled into one. Ironically, the only OC for anything I've made with shorter hair than my own.

3. Why did you give them the name you did?
I was thinking of things people use flame for, like "an old flame", but that sounded dumb. So I just added Mane onto it. Kind of a cross between "main squeeze" and "my flame", I guess. Shush.

4. Compare yourself to your OC in any areas from genres, hobbies, anything.
Pretty much me. Just a lot more showily pessimistic usually. Also he gets to work at night and be awake during that time.
Wait, what? I must have not been paying attention at that part. o.o I thought it was the bundle version only.
WHELP, guess I'm getting a free Wii Party U or New Super Mario Bros U!
Quote from: Tiger on 2014 Apr 29, 19:28:04
Rainbow Dash got her cutie mark from doing a Sonic Rainboom, so her rainbowy cutie mark makes sense to some extent.

However, I can't seem to find a connection with lightning/electricity and flight...

Well, if he's quick as lightning or good with lightning clouds, either will work.

Also, I guess if he's an electrical warning sign. That also would do it.
Quote from: Brick Stonewood on 2014 Apr 29, 17:21:18
[...]Wall O Text![...]

Well technically, two ponies have been in wheelchairs, with one having muscular dystrophy. At least, I believe that's what the Make A Wish OC had in Trade Ya. So it could actually be possible to have, in the confines of the show's rating, a character disabled from an accident.
Heck, half of Leap of Faith was. lol
Quote from: Mizuki on 2014 Apr 29, 07:48:51
As much as I rag on really cruddy, unoriginal OC designs, I still think all OC's are perfectly valid.
They can be horribly unoriginal, entirely self-indulgent and total self-insert wish-fulfillment fantasies, but at the very least you're still doing something creative. So long as people are having fun with it, I honestly don't mind :] (Mary-sue's and all!)

Why when I was a youngin', I used to draw romantic pictures of myself and my favorite anime character as a couple :3
....granted, I wasn't even that young...I....I was still doing that stuff at like...age 17...
But I'm 25 now, it was totally a long time ago!! YEAH!!

Also Batman is a total gary-stu, but nobody cares 'cause it's perfectly normal for men to have fantasies about being ultra-cool, dark & broody billionaire playboys :U

Both of DC's biggest heroes are super Mary-Sues. >_> That's why I tend to not like their stories.

You totally dated Tuxedo Mask, didn't you? It's ok. We won't tell.

Honestly, going back on subject, I can't really complain about OCs with names that seem "obvious." I mean, Rainbow Dash is fast and has a rainbow mane and tail. Pinkie Pie is pink and bakes pies or uses them as gags. Fluttershy is a fluttery natured, shy girl. Filthy Rich is... filthy rich, and on and on.Honestly, there's probably more "unoriginal names" in the show than in the fandom. Not that I don't enjoy either.  lol
1)Learning a new art style.
2) Winning R2-D2 made of Legos from Target by guessing the amount he's made of.
3) Getting my brother right between the eyes with a suction cup crossbow years ago. (Shush, don't judge. Our friend jokingly told me to. So I whipped the crossbow up with one arm and fired randomly. >_> I blame age! Totes young!  0:) )
All I can think of reading this title is
Spoiler: show
Honestly, as far as mane 6 relatives, I can forgive it when it's Applejack. Seriously, her family is freaking enormous, she's probably got kin dotting the maps out there.

Applejack: Always related.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Apr 25, 14:11:16
Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2014 Apr 25, 10:11:32
Quote from: ManeFlame on 2014 Apr 24, 21:23:58
Did the pjs make you go faster, at least?

What really grinds my gears is how digital games cost as much as physical, barring massive sales, even though production costs are substantially lower.

That's why I use Steam.
The deals Mane, the deals.
It's a wonderful feeling to buy $200 worth of games, and only pay $30 at most for it.

Yeah, they all try to mimic Steam, but they never come -close-. Games on there can go for 50% as they come out, and higher % off than that during seasonal sales. I mean -what-. Why would I buy the console versions, when that's an option? Plus the Steam ones can be modded so easily.
I've been trying to egg my brother on to buy the edition over there in Europe so he can send me the goodies.  lol
Here's hoping he magically grows money!
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show

Nintendo of America is getting so very lazy. :[ Europe getting all the awesome Kart bundles.