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Messages - Even Tide

Some more shenanigans! Managed to get a pegasus rock golem someplace it shouldn't be...

And then the mobs all froze a while back. We managed to loot a good amount of stuff before the bug fixed itself. :P

The mobs in the Bramble Woods got stuck sometime too, so I managed to snag some pictures of the legendary Haetea...

I've still got some more to post, but for next time. See you all at the Festival of Lights!

Got a bunch of pony stacking experiments from today!

Thank you for the fun guys. Maybe next time we could make an even bigger tower... See you in the next one o/

Some exploration and silly photos since the August update went live:

Earlier today I said that I'd be making plans for future photoshoots. This weekend, Saturday 18th at 7PM GMT, tell all your friends to come hang around Ponydale near Sugarcane Corner, because collision detection is now a thing!

...For those of you in the back, this means ponies are now stackable. Using the /PC command, you can now bump into other ponies, jump on top of them... So why don't we use the opportunity to both make totems, pyramids and even get earth ponies up in places they shouldn't belong?

For this shoot, I'll be leaving everything up to you guys to decide. There's no specific locations or set ideas in mind, so you're all welcome to think of fun ways to stack ponies for a photo op!

See you soon, if you're coming!
I believe it's planned for the ponies to eventually fight with you, though that's as far as I can say. At first, the mobs used to automatically target the foals who would pretty much destroy them on first approach (they were like, level 40 or something)

And then another update came along and the mobs no longer auto-targetted the foals, instead just went after your pony if you got too close.
Post redacted-- here. Have a floating bench.

In the last update they kinda just teleported to the next location where they had a big dialogue. If they're supposed to move now, that's a pretty new feature and so there's bound to be issues with it. It might be worth a mention, unless it's already a known bug?
@Omega Inferno
Not sure what's up with that. It could either be the servers themselves being screwy, or one of the files are buggy... Give it an hour or few and try it again, if it doesn't work after that then I'd double check with the devs.
It's probably some kinda debug / test notification to make sure that notifs generally work. Gave me a laugh when I first saw it, haha
I would suggest downloading the standalone version of the game and running it through that instead. If things don't work through that, try deleting your LOE data files, clear out your appdata, then attempt the standalone again
Got a couple of pre-August update OOB exploration screenshots to post. Needed to clear out my files to pave the way for new exploration shots!

See ya soon, folks

Quote from: Holiday Cheer on 2018 Jul 08, 16:30:43From the meeting we had earlier today here is the information you need to know on the Equestria Games.  Please vote in the poll to help us set the week of the Games.

The Games will kick off with an Opening Ceremony where the winners of the Photo Contest will sit on the Thrones and any Foals that want to perform a flag ceremony to earn points for their team will be given the chance to do that.  We will welcome everypony to the Games and lay out the event schedule.

The existing teams as of right now are Ponydale and Cloudopolis but we would like at least one more and you can join any of the existing teams too. 

The events for the Games with maps of the routes are shown below, note that the Unicorn Teleport Race will be one of two courses and the final has not been determined yet:

All-Team Events:

Heartlands Relay Race
Stick to the paths, no bunny hopping or shortcuts. Race will start and end at Midway Village. First pony will run to the second pony, second to the third who will complete the race. Each pony will be a different species, IE earth, pegasus and unicorn in that order.

I feel that this one needs some clarification.  The race was intended to be run as follows:

1. Earth Pony on foot to the wheat farm area.
2. Pegasus on wing following the roads to the Cloudopolis gates.
3. Unicorn on foot or teleports back to Midway.

No shortcuts, bunny hopping, performance enhancing items, or other cheating.

Heartlands Cross-Country Race
A one-lap free-for-all race around the Heartlands against everyone else, win points for yourself and for your team by finishing first, second or third.

Heartlands PVP Pillow Tag
Two teams face off in the PVP arena and 'tag' eachother with pillows. If someone is tagged, they're out. Last team standing wins.

Earthie Events:

Crystal Kingdom Hoof-Race
Two laps of the outer ring, stay on the road, don't use the sidewalks. Staying on the sidewalk for longer than 5 seconds or going out even further results being disqualified. No bunnyhopping, Also, slowing down the race by not allowing runners to hop makes it easier for judges to oversee the race.  Start and finish are by the hospital.

Heartlands Triathalon
A three-pony relay race across the Heartlands.  I apologize for changing this again but it's going back to all Earth Ponies with a slight route modification.  The race will consist of a running portion, a climbing portion, and a swimming portion in THAT new order.

Starts in Midway with the first pony running along the road until the crater. The second pony will meet them at the crater and climb the spiral  structure and until they reach the highest rope.  They then cross the rope, where at the end they jump down and head to the river. The third pony will then race down the river and finish at the tree near to the farm.

Unicorn Events:

Obstacle Course
Unicorns do three laps around the obstacle course, gaining points for clearing each obstacle. Penalty points will be given for running off-course or failing to clear a jump.

Heartlands  Teleportation Race
Unicorns teleport from one spot to another in order to get around.  The farm route has been declared as the final track.

1. No moving is allowed except for turning on the spot or adjusting the camera.
2. The competitors must at the least teleport to each of the 4 largest structures on the farm. 
3. If a competitor falls to the ground, they must run back to the start location and begin their lap again.
4. The race will consist of three laps around the farm.

Pegasus Events:

Cloudoseum Air Show
In teams of no less than two and no more than six, pegasi put together a show that has a maximum of five sequences. Teams should give themselves a name and also become comfortable with using the 'party' feature, a group chat tab that will allow up to six users to talk amongst themselves.
Sequences are counted from the moment the first pegasus takes flight to where the last pegasus lands. Any moves or maneuvers can be used as long as team members can make it to a rest point without emptying their energy.
Performances will be judged by four selected ponies and points will be awarded on creativity, ability to perform and interactivity with the crowd. Their scores will be between 1 - 10 and will add up to a final score.
Penalties will be given if ponies leave the Cloudoseum space, fall below the clouds, perform out of sync or if team members are excluded from a sequence / don't turn up.
Crowds can choose to sit where they please but are advised to use a route at the back of the Cloudoseum to climb up onto the roof, which allows access of the top bunk of clouds. Earth ponies can jump onto one particular cloud at the bottom bunk if they choose to, where they can maneuver to the clouds on opposite sides.
Flight Race
Pegasi race against eachother using the map provided and end in the cup next to the flight ring statue. Crowds can sit in the buildings either side of the race track.

1. EDIT TO THE ROUTE: Instead of making the turn half way through the second lap, just make three complete laps around and through the rings and end in the cup on the statue.
2. When taking off please stay on the runway until the end then make the sharp left turn.
3. Fly through all loops including the loop of the statue.
4. You may fly above or below the cloud bridge, but be aware if you stay above it you must stay outside of the buildings and yellow flags so as not to give yourself an unfair advantage.

Moving this over here for clarification of the rules and guides to maps for those that need it
Heya folks, did a bit of clean-up to old posts in order to tidy up the thread a bit. Also got a few screenshots to share of the opening ceremony to the first Equestrian Games that'll be happening throughout the week. Lots of threads are going up in the LOE discussions section, go check them out!

I may be attaching plans for The Floor is Lava photoshoot onto August 4th, but this will depend on how this week goes on.

See you in the next one folks o/

It's been a while! I'm still alive and kicking though. I've been pretty busy with the party chat-- except not working like I probably should be. Instead we've just been memeing it up.  :P

Though I gotta couple things for y'all that I've had laying around for a while. I should get back into screenshotting more often!

Maybe we're due for an update that'll spruce things up soon... In the meanwhile, gotta make our own fun right? See you in the next one.

Last night we celebrated Summerween! Hosted by Pumpkin Glow, everyone took on a bunch of riddles, enemies and spooky happenings in the Heartlands so they could appease to the Summerween Trickster. Thankfully the ponies managed to fulfil the demands of the Trickster, sparing the crowd! I couldn't get as many screenshots for this one, but it was a whole lot of fun nonetheless.

Many people came along early to wait with us!

The Summerween Trickster (totally not Pumpkin Glow) makes her demands...

A desperate hunt for candy begins!

Her devious demands are met! The Shadowbolts prepare to sweep the skies...

Thank you so much to everyone who made this event happen! Pumpkin Glow and Holiday Cheer did an absolutely wonderful job of acting during the event, not to mention planning the routes! Shout-outs to my fellow candycorns, to the spooky ponies of the Heartlands forests and the Shadowbolts for putting on an amazing performance!

Perhaps we could use this to practice for Nightmare Night... But I think that covers it. Have a lovely weekend everyone!

It's a bug caused by regenerative aura being casted on the guards. It's best to avoid doing it since it can cause issues with the server until the next reset
Last night was the Summer Sun Celebration! We had a whopping 70+ ponies appear for the run and even a surprise appearance by Ellowee herself.  :ellowee:

Thanks for coming along everyone! It was pretty awesome to see that we could easily beat our Gala attendance record with another big event in the future.

Reminder for Summerween tonight! Bring along your foals, costumes and come trick or treating with us in the Heartlands. The goal is to collect 500 pieces of candy to appease to the Summerween trickster!

Once that's all been done, we'll be hosting a performance by the Shadowbolts, who are all eager to come out and play.

P.S: @MarchPrincess05 That's alright! I hope you're having a good time. We'll see you soon, probably with plenty of news to catch you up on!"
P.P.S: Cleaned up old planning posts with spoiler messages-- the old information is still available but outdated, so be careful!
Ponydale near SCC, the little park looking area between the benches and Maplesweet and such. Server is interchangeable due to them being liable to reset, just look for the one with more people in it


Cast your votes here!
Please vote once, and not for yourself!

Aimless' Entry:

Holidaughter Cheer's Entry:

Moon Dasher's Entry:

Nightstalker's Entry:

Optic Rainfall's Entry:

Pumpkin Glow's Entry:

Pumpkin Seed's Entry:

Tobias' Entry:

Blue Cloud's Entry:

Scoots' Entry: