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Messages - Spiralfeather

CloudShine took a deep breath, slowly folding her wings and stepping back. "Okay. I'm CloudShine." She said, still tense. She didn't want any of the ponies catching her with her guard down, especially since she didn't even know what world they were in. It was like equestria, but... Different. She kept her eyes on the ponies as she took a step back.
Cloud gulped. She couldn't let her act down now; she needed to let them all know that she could defend herself, even if she wasn't sure that she would be able to. She still didn't trust anypony. Cloud turned to the violet unicorn. "And you?" She asked, her 3ft tail feathers flared as well. The giant feathers of her wings rustled in the warm evening breeze.
CloudShine was startled by the crash, seeing BraveFleet on the ground. "Agh, you scared me! What happened?" She asked, frowning. Her tail flicked as she looked around the eerily empty street. She saw a violet unicorn out of the corner of her eye, a stallion by the looks. She could already tell Brave was dazed, and she couldn't tell whether the other ponies of this strange world were friendly or not. A glowing white aura appeared at her horn, and her huge, 15ft wings flared up. "Who are you?" She called, trying by to let the fear in her voice show.
Cloud jumped at the sound of a creaking door, her wings instinctively opening as a defense position. She looked at her reflection in the shop window beside her, gasping. Her wings were huge, 15 ft at least. She had always had unusually big wings, but nothing like this.. Amazed, she slowly folded them.
Cloud trotted through the streets, admiring all the buildings. There was no sign of anypony at all in the usually bustling streets of Canterlot. The sun was low, and the sky was tinted orange. But it had been that way for at least a few hours... Cloud supposed Luna and Celestia weren't there to raise and lower the moon and sun, so the sky would remain this way. At least it's not night she shuddered.
"Hm? Oh, well I'm honoured to be the first Alicorn you meet around here." She smiled, bowing. "I assume you don't live around here." She said, glancing at the military-looking pony.
CloudShine frowned, looking around. "I'll have a quick look around. Maybe there's other ponies around here." She nodded to Venom and Brave Fleet. Folding her wings tighter so they wouldn't drag on the ground, she leapt down the steps, galloping down the street. She had to take a simple route so she wouldn't get lost in the maze of streets; The buildings were detailed beautifully, in Canterlot's classic style. She looked inside a shop, seeing nothing but a bakery with cakes and muffins simply sitting on the counter with nopony serving. It was very strange and alarming. She took a turn down another street, slowing to a trot.
The mare spat out some dirt, getting up with the help of the pony. "I'm just dandy." She said sarcastically. Her wings were huge, so large that they nearly dragged along the ground even when folded. "I'm CloudShine." she said, her ear flicking. She was an Alicorn- a little taller than most ponies, with a long horn.
The mare felt uncomfortable. She couldn't tell whether the pony had bowed because she was an Alicorn or because he was polite. She'd never been bowed to before she changed; not knowing what to do, she akwardly bowed back. CloudShine stood straighter. Even when folded, her huge wings nearly touched the ground. "I'm CloudShine." She said, her strange unicorn tail flicking. "What happened?" She asked, looking around at the strange town that somewhat resembled equestria. It was so different, but somehow familiar.
CloudShine stepped back as the red-maned Pegasus landed. "Who are you?" She asked defensively. She didn't know what was going on: the Pegasus looked strange. Her wings were large and finely feathered, with tail feathers as well. She didn't know who it was, or of anypony else knew what was happening.
The blue-coated mare squinted, her view blurred. She blinked, looking around. Where was she? The surroundings looked like the castle, but somehow they were... Different. As she stood up she felt a huge weight on her back-her wings. She shrugged it off, they had been feeling weird for the few days she'd had them. She supposed it's because she wasn't used to having them at all. She heard voices outside - other ponies? The castle was unusually empty. She pushed open the heavy door with her magic, to reveal a group of them. They all looked in her direction. She was unsure of their threat level, but she was more relieved that she wasn't alone.
[Imma just jump in if that's okay!]
The blue-coated mare took a deep breath, willing herself not to look down. She was miles up in the air, clouds moving lazily around her. She opened one eye, the town and ponies below like specks of dust. She screamed, her wings giving way, causing her to start falling. The wind whistled around her as she desperately tried to flap. She managed to get upright, and slow her fall for a time, before gliding straight downwards. Still screaming, she squeezed her eyes shut before she hit the ground face first. Her view was blurred, but she could make out two stallions standing above her. She shook the dirt off her face, squinting up.
Lag and ping isn't a problem for me so I'll join you guys on Griffonia! :D
Had the exact same problem. I ran LoE as an Admin and it cleared the problem right up.  ^-^
Welcome to the community! Your OC sounds great, I hope to see you around in game this OSW! Remember to read the forum rules n'stuff, and have fun! ^-^
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello!!!
2015 Aug 14, 16:06:28
Woohooo! Let the ponies commence!  :D
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello!
2015 Aug 12, 02:24:59
Welcome to the LOE community!  :D
You arrived just in time for the Open Server Weekend, lucky you! It's an AWESOME experience, and I mean awesome. Having been following the game for about 4 years (Maybe around 4-5? Since early development, when I stumbled across the site looking for MLP MMOs  lol) It's been amazing seeing it develop into the amazing game it is now. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Thanks, Chishio! I finally mustered the courage to watch the first episode of season 5, and honestly it's kind of a mixed review from me.
Spoiler: show
On one hand I really liked the concept of the episode with Equal town etc,,, But on the other, I think Twilight has kind of become a Mary Sue. And seriously, I know everyone says that, but I honestly believe it to be true, so far. Don't get me wrong, I love Twilight as a character, but now she just seems like the definite leader of the group now, and while the other ponies started to give up in the locked cell/room, of course, she kept strong (She did get weary but she didn't give up..) I also don't like the fact that she always seems awkward and unsure now. I can understand, she's still coming to terms with being an Alicorn, but I feel like they just made her like that to make up for the fact that her personality has been watered down a lot. I definitely think Twilight would've become an Alicorn at some point, but I still think they should have waited a while longer. It's good to hear the other's get to accomplish their goals too, I was kind of annoyed with the fact they all just had to sit there while Twilight had all these amazing things happen to her. I still liked the episode though, and I'm looking forward to when I can get around to watching some more episodes.  ^-^
But seriously... I'm STILL processing all the facts about Twilight being an Alicorn! Personally I liked her better as a Unicorn, and even Lauren Faust said that her plans for Twilight Sparkle are irrelevant now that she's an Alicorn... It was too soon, and whenever I look at her I just feel jealous... I DON'T KNOW WHY! Anyway, while I'm still living in season 4 and back, season five has already started, and with Equestria Girls, and a movie, I JUST DON'T HAVE TIME TO WATCH SEASON FIVE AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE MOTIVATION!!
Does anypony agree, or do I just have problems?  lol lol