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Messages - Nille171

Thanks for all the awesome music!  ^-^

I'm slowly getting addicted to dubstep  :0
Introductions Archive / Re: hai :D
2012 May 18, 10:11:32
Hello there!  :D

And welcome of course  ^-^
Welcome Luna!  ^-^
Welcome my fellow pony!  ^-^

May you enjoy your time here  :D
Quote from: Skardan on 2012 May 17, 22:46:11
Y U no play on West Europe? DD:

Because my friend signed me up at NA server  :'(
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 17, 19:29:20
I'm always open for LoL, I play a mean Garon

my username is pojo458, but I don't play ranked matches

Ok :D i sent a friend request  ^-^
Soooo....! Anypony got terraria???? And a server up running????!?!  ^-^

Or if you wanna game some League of legends with me, on my new ranked team  :D

Important!! North America Server  ^-^
Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 May 17, 17:33:51
GREETINGS!!! IM MADNESS!!! and ill be giving you ice cream... that tastes... like.. cheese...

Lol?  lol

Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 17, 13:46:04
Quote from: Nille171 on 2012 May 16, 02:44:52

Thanks for the explanation!  ^-^

I must try that RP thing on this forum  ;)
look forward to seeing you on one of them ^-^  and just PM me or ask anywhere if you have questions!

I'll do!  ;)
Quote from: Equestrian on 2012 May 17, 06:36:52
Welcome! ;)

I haven't seen the season finale yet ((SPOILER! >:())

Poor you  ono
Video Games Archive / Re: OH BOY OH BOY! :D
2012 May 17, 12:25:03
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 17, 11:13:23
I chose the demon hunter, but I've been watching the monk and he's crazy op

Ohh :P i chose the wizard as always  ^-^
Video Games Archive / Re: OH BOY OH BOY! :D
2012 May 17, 04:03:11
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 17, 00:15:26
I was actually on the very minute it was released and I'm currently on the third act which is so innnnteeeennnse   B)

Sooo awesome!!!  :3
Welcome to LoE Chrysalis!  :P
Video Games Archive / OH BOY OH BOY! :D
2012 May 16, 19:37:19
I'm i the only one that LOVES Diablo III????  ^-^

I've been waiting for that game since forever!!  =P
Quote from: Holly Dash on 2012 May 16, 07:20:06
Hello and welcome to LoE   ^-^

Thank you Holy Dash  ^-^
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 15, 18:23:27
Quote from: Nille171 on 2012 May 15, 17:19:50

But how does it work?  x3

I dont understand  ;)
Ah, I see.  Ok, here it goes:

Roleplaying, or RPing, is kind of improvisational storytelling, with each player pretending, or "playing", as a particular Original Character, or OC.  Usually RP is centered around dialogue between several characters, and doesn't move around very much "in-game".

And example of RP would be like this:

Poster: Feather walked into the town square, shyly looking around and waiting for his friend to come by.
Replier: A green-coated mare with brown eyes and mane trots up and says, "Hiya!  Are you new here?"
Poster: "Um, sort of... could you show me around?"
Replier: "Sure!"

and so on, ad infinitum.  Most RPs have a particular theme, such as adventure, or comedy, or slice-of-life. ^-^

During RP, sometimes players want to ask a question about the setting, but knows that their OC wouldn't say that "in-character".  So, one way to ask questions or just comment "Out of Character", or OOC, is just using (()) parenthesis.

So for instance:

Poster: Feather decided to walk into a building.
Replier: Juniper follows. ((which building?))
Poster: ((the bakery)) He walks up to the counter and asks, "Could I have some apples, please?"
Replier: ((ok)) Juniper pulls out some money to pay for the apples.

For most RPs, the poster who made the thread, or the Opening Poster (OP) is also the Game's Master, or GM.  Everypony in the game has to listen to the GM's rules, or risk getting thrown out of the game.

Hope that answers your question! ^-^

Thanks for the explanation!  ^-^

I must try that RP thing on this forum  ;)
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 15, 17:14:21
Quote from: Nille171 on 2012 May 15, 16:34:44
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 15, 13:23:24
Quote from: Nille171 on 2012 May 12, 18:32:28
Hello!! My name is Nichlas  ^-^ Im from Denmark so my english isn't the best  :P
hello and welcome ^-^ I hope you can join our Thread Games and maybe Roleplay :D

What roleplay?  :0
Any of the role-playing games on the forum ^-^  I have two games open, Pony Cosmology for if you like playing as a "god", and Sweet and Elite if you like playing as a "villain" or "noble".

There's also Zaner's Roleplay, Sonya's Roleplay, and others too ^-^

But how does it work?  x3

I dont understand  ;)
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 15, 13:23:24
Quote from: Nille171 on 2012 May 12, 18:32:28
Hello!! My name is Nichlas  ^-^ Im from Denmark so my english isn't the best  :P
hello and welcome ^-^ I hope you can join our Thread Games and maybe Roleplay :D

What roleplay?  :0