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Messages - Naura

"Ya, I got connection, here, look if they know anything!" Naura says and hands over the pc to Blue.
"I think I can cook some of what we have up here, do you want anything special?" Naura asks and walks around the table with the supplies.
"Oh, somepony called me on pegaskype before, I should check who, she or he might need some help from me" Naura thougth and opens up her bag and picks up her pc. She looks through the list of past ponies that have called her.
"Hmmm, here it says that nopony have called me in the last hour, did I just think somepony called me...?" Naura thinks as she puts down the pc in her saddlebag again. She looks at the unicorn laying on the couch.
"I wonder what she is thinking on right now" Naura thinks while the mare sighs.
"I think we must find a better place to stay at, this is just in the edge of Ponyville, the infected will find this place sooner or later" she tells herself and the other ponies in the hut.
"Thanks" Naura says and smiles at Umbra and then she looks back at the students.
"Seriously, come on! Hurry up already!" She screams.
Canterlot Archives / Re: Land of Equestria
2014 May 07, 16:02:34
"She disappeared!" Naura replied. And just after she said that, she felt that something changed in the forest, suddendly there was no birds chirping and she heard a sound which made her fur stand out, like the athmosphere just changed like that, and suddendly mist began to come out. ((Here is the sound as the sound changes, and please ignore what they say in the video ;3 ))
"Uhh, Wha-at's go-oing on?" Naura asks with fear in her voice.
"I'm Naura, and no, I just got hunted all the way around evergreen by these crazy ponies, and I came by this hut, and it looked like a good place to hide" she replied. But then she remembers something from her morning.
"But now when you say, sompony said something about a disease from Saddlearabia that almost took over the whole country, but they used something to swipe out all the bacteria from everypony, then I said she was wierd and we talked 'bout something else" Naura said with a lower voice
"But now, it doesn't seem as stupid..." she added with a faint grin.
((For facts about my Oc, check here ))
"BUT FOR BUCKS SAKE" Naura screames as there just comes more and more ponies at her, if she kickes one away, two new would jump up at his place.
"No, that's it! You have been hunting me around for ten minutes and you won't tell me why, this is outrageous! I will start kicking harder soon!" Naura screames as she runs closer and closer towards Ponyville with alot of crazy ponies following her, Then she hears somepony calling her on Pegaskype from her pc in her saddlebag.
"Oh, well, great time really" She says to herself. But then she sees a little hut with some other 'Wierd' ponies outside.
"Hmm, they don't seem to get in, maybe I'll check it out" she thinks and pushes herself up to the roof with the help of her vines ((Look up the link if confused)).  She hears through the roof somepony saying
"Are you seriously telling me there's a HUGGING disease spreading..?". Just after Naura realized what she have heard she falls through the roof. She looks at the different ponies around in the room, one of them being tied up. She stands up and tries to keep a straight face on and then she askes;
"A hugging disease?"
Well, Let's just do this one ^
Spoiler: show
1:What's your OCs favorite color?
Light lime green.

2:Where does your OC work?
In the forest.. with, nothing.

3:What's your OCs favorite food?
ALL the candy.

4:Does your OC have a favorite drink?

5:How old is your OC?

6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers?
Her "Cutiemark" (go to nr 59 for more facts on it) gives her ability to control over some nature powers, like vines from the ground, the ability to grow a tree in three seconds. And when on sugar rush, ultra speed, ultra strength, and almost psychic powers.

7:Is your OC in a relationship?
She has a crush, and he has a crush on her, but their just, yeah, are that way, both know that the other one loves him/her, but they wouldn't call it a relationship.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths?
Her knowledge of everything and her strength when on suger rush.

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses?
She takes the fastest away explanations which often leads her into trouble, and she's short temperd.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit?

11:What is your OCs spirit animal?
A  Cubone (Don't judge, just let them exist, alright?)

12:Is your OC currently in school?
She is "Home schooled" in the forest.

13:What is your OCs earliest memory?
Rolling of the familys carriage when half a year old, she waited at the road for a whole day, but nopony came, and then the nature to care of her and saved her life.

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?
No, but she has a small portable pc, with Pegaskype.

15:What makes your OC angry?
All the meaniness in the world (Yes, meaniness is a word)

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year?

17:How long can your OC hold their breath?
5 minutes, but she fainted after that record.

18:What is your OCs favorite holiday?
Winter Warp Up.

19:What usually bums your OC out?
When she can't get sugar.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?
"Kawaii" (Normal vesuvio with pineapple and sugercubes).

21:Who is your OCs best friend?
Everypony that isn't mean to others for no reason.

22:Has your OC ever been arrested?

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret?
Her hate to people being overly stupid, her anger is sometimes uncontrollable...

24:What does your OC smell like?
Vanilla cookies.

25:What time of year does your OC prefer?

26:What race is your OC?
Earth Pony

27:What languages does your OC speak?
English, Swedish, Japanese and she can speak with most the mythical creatures, fairys, dragons and such.

28:Does your OC like anime? Western Cartoons?
ALL the anime!

29:Can your OC swim?

30:What would be your OCs favorite movie?
South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut.

31:Does your OC believe in fairies?
She have seen them ._.

32:Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?

33:How many family members does your OC have?
She is an orphan.

34:Is your OC a huge fan boy/girl over anything?
Vocaloid and candy.

35:How flexible is your OC?

36:What if they were gender bent?
Well, it would just end up really awkward.

37:What was your OCs first word?

38:Does your OC have any pets?
She knows alot of animals in evergreen forest, she think pets is a race discrimination.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy?
Everypony who thinks he/she deserves more candy than she does.

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done?
Long story short; One time she levitated into a candy-floss cloud, when she ate it, she fell down right on Discord which made him faint and in that way she saved equestria... (don'tjudgethatsheisoverpowerdshejusthappendtofallondiscord)

41:What is your OCs motto about life?
"1, Get the candy. 2, Get the friends. 3, Turn on the tv. 4, Unknown. 5, World domination."

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea?
Tea, but it's made with 7/8 % milk.

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero?
Pinkie Pie, she owns a candy shop...

44:What color eyes does your OC have?
Rose red.

45:Does your OC like reading?
That determains what she is reading.

46:Is your OC loyal?
That depends on who, if it's a sneaky type, or somepony that's mean, she won't budge for them.

47:Does your OC tolerate violence?
Never, she will get herself involved and will kick @ss.

48:What social class is your OC?
Orphan in evergreen forest?

49:What country was your OC born in?

50:Does your OC cry easily?
No, only if she get's something in her eyes.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music?

52:How does your OC feel about insects?
She usually sleeps with them every night, she has no problem with them.

53:What are your OCs hobbies?

54:Does your OC use any medication?
When on sugarkick, she does aromatherapy.

55:What gender is your OC?

56:What kind of clothes or accessories does your OC wear?
Sometimes she dresses up a a grassy looking crown.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous?
When she's not shy, buck yeah!

58:Is your OC social?
Shy to new people, almost annoying to the ones who know her (big mouthed).

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?
The way she wears her mane, looks like a leaf. And ofc her unique cutiemark, it's on her neck instead that on her flank.

60:Does your OC enjoy nature?
Ya, she lives in evergreen forest since she is a orphan.
"Oh right!" Naura says and stops pokerfacing. "Well, all of you who hasn't done the test, come to my office and I will let you do it there" she says and starts to lead the way but stops and looks back at the student "What are you guys waiting for? Come on!"
Canterlot Archives / Re: Land of Equestria
2014 May 07, 12:59:27
Naura looks at the two mares and then hears a roar. She sees that the yellow pegasi tries to hide behind the bush and Naura tries to stifle a laugh when it falls down the hole. But then when she looks down, she don't see the mare and is surprised "I didn't dig the hole that deep..." she thinks, and turns to the others and asks "What is everypony doing here then?" with a soft voice.
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Apr 30, 09:23:42
Spoiler: show

Please tell me somepony here gets these two^ They're both Soul Eater references.

Oh god yes xD

Post Merge

Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 Jul 13, 04:39:46

xD South park x3

Post Merge

Post Merge

Spoiler: show

It would probably be 私 (I on japanese) Since almost everything I love comes from japan, vocaloids, anime, my towel and the language. Or maybe some kind of candy... or maybe some kind of combination of the two things, hmmmmm...

...C̶̷̲̅ᴀ̶̷̲̅ɴ̶̷̲̅ᴅ̶̷̲̅ʏ̶̷̲̅  ?
Naura gets her poker face on (( ._. )) and says "Umm, we were goin' to take a test to see WHO that could go with ME and get the egg...". Then she looks at Starlight and asks "Did you get Shaded back here?"
Canterlot Archives / Re: Land of Equestria
2014 May 07, 01:29:56
Naura saw the yellow pegasus standing there, shaking. "Umm, hai?" Naura tried with a low voice, not to make the pegasus more scared than it already was. Naura stepped out of the shadows to get a better view of the yellow pegasus. "What is your name?" She tried with an even lower voice.
Canterlot Archives / Re: Land of Equestria
2014 May 06, 10:55:10
"Oh, okai" Naura replied while she placed a kick to the griffon, then she kicked her right at the paws.
((sorry for the one liners, let's just get up from the hole and continue there))
Naura heard Shaded screaming and ran back to the room "Oh my, your back, gosh, I thought you were dead for a moment, where have you been? she said and happily sighed.
I got to vote for Omniquus, Since All ponies are awesome, here are my reasons (Ik, this have been done sometimes in this thread, and it might start to get old, but please let me do this):
Earth Ponies:
'Earth ponies have a special connection to nature, animals, and plants. Though they lack the ability to consciously cast spells like unicorns or to fly and walk on clouds like Pegasi, their connection to nature makes them "just as necessary" as and "perhaps more important" than the other ponies. The Earth ponies' connection to the land and animals manifests in various ways. Chiefly, it's expressed in Hearth's Warming Eve where it's stated in the titular holiday's pageant that food can only be grown by the Earth ponies. This suggests that the race possesses a passive, botanically focused magic unique to them.' With that said, Earth ponies are made to be able to get stronger than most other races, but it doesn't always mean that they do. They have a better hand with animals and plants, which makes them able to achieve better harvest than other races.

'Pegasus ponies have a passive kind of magic that allows them to walk on clouds and manipulate the weather. The Pegasus tribe was one of the three founding groups of Equestria, as depicted in Hearth's Warming Eve, and its members were responsible with maintaining the weather in return for food that was harvested by the Earth ponies. Pegasi demonstrate great speed and agility in the air. Pegasi wings are shown to have potential for tremendous strength; athletically-trained Pegasi can support most of their body weight on them.' With that said, Pegasis are made to preform great speed and agility in air, but again, that doesn't mean that they are awesome flyers. They however, have one of the best ways to move through Equestria, with almost nothing blocking them in the air.

'All unicorns have a long horn protruding from their forehead which glows when their magical powers are used. Although they are associated with their magic, a unicorn's horn is strong and sharp enough to have mundane uses: one unicorn in Call of the Cutie uses it to pop balloons, and others uses it to charge an opponent on several occasions. Unicorns are often seen using their intellects to compensate for their lack of physical strength.
Now some random stuff you can watch if you like to
Spoiler: show
Also, five times in the series, their magic has been cancelled out. The first is when Twilight Sparkle is affected by the Poison Joke plant in Bridle Gossip, wherein the plant makes Twilight's horn floppy, rendering it unable to do magic. The second time is in The Return of Harmony Part 1, when Discord removes the horns from Twilight Sparkle and Rarity. In Ponyville Confidential, Sweetie Belle simply kicks Rarity's horn to cancel out her levitation spell instantly, while in The Crystal Empire - Part 1, Shining Armor's magic is rendered ineffective by King Sombra's magic. Sombra's magic causes black crystals to grow on Shining Armor's horn, nullifying spell effects.
With this said, Unicorns can't get as physically strong as other races, and they can only use their magic when concentrating, and nopony really knows how to preform a spell, because it have never been said, we just got to trust what they tell us in the show.

Music Archive / Re: Vocaloids?
2014 May 04, 13:02:59
Quote from: Fluffy Ribbon on 2014 May 04, 10:57:24
I like the electric song that I forgot the name of! ^_^

Electric angel? That song was originaly made for Hatsune Mikue, but Len and Rin's versions are better, you can find much about them on youtube, just search vocaloid, or watch this
for many different songs ;3
Canterlot Archives / Re: Land of Equestria
2014 May 04, 11:27:35
((No problem for me if you jump in (:))
Music Archive / Re: Vocaloids?
2014 May 04, 10:44:57
My favorite song is the 'Disappearence of Hatsune Miku' anyway. (This version of it )
Canterlot Archives / Re: Land of Equestria
2014 May 04, 10:03:39
Naura slowly turned around to see the dark animal, only seven feet above her head."I-I'm Naura, a earth pony, but what are you, a m-mutated pegasus?" replied Naura with fear in her voice. She pressed herself to the ground to be able to jump up if the beast attacked her.
((Naura hadn't seen a griffon before))