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Messages - Chack

I'm going to explode for joy once the download is out. Maybe twice. You can explode not only once, but twice, can't you?  :0
I shall jump off of every high point I can find!  :D Then I'll do whatever it is ponies normally do. Like laugh maniacally for no reason.  ovO
*has been watching all the licking from a distance*  o.O
"So what should we do?"
"I dunno, he's in prison."
Chack heard this and stopped. He jumped into the conversation. "Eh, I don't think that's a good idea. I had a friend that tried that and he came back meaner than a pack of timber wolves."
Chack made it to the physics classroom, but he was unaware of what went down in the hallway.
 Chack heard Zaner, but did not stop. He felt something pinging at his chest, though. He kinda felt sorry for Zaner.
Chack walks past the group surrounding Zaner, not wanting to cut into their business. He heads to the next class.
Chack seemed a little too into his own drawing to notice what's going on around him. He suddenly looks up and around at the class. He mumbled to himself, "Huh... I think I missed somethin'..."
Chack decides to avoid group work and just starts sketching.
*hesitant to put on glasses*
Being rather unnoticed all day, Chack slips into the art classroom. Since art was a class he liked, he sits in one of the desks in front of the class. He immediatly takes out a brand new sketch pad he bought the day before. He looks around the room at some of the posters and framed artwork all over the walls.