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Messages - Chirp

"There goes the nothingness, but it's still pretty dark. I hope a light or fire god quickly comes, I can't even see what we're making."
Majem looks up to the other two.
"Alrighty, let's get to work then! Water time, water water" He said as he created massive amounts of water.
((Thanks for the tip, but she wants the darkness, and Majem's fine with it  ^-^)
"Ugh, you know we can't cause each other harm or force each other to do things."
Majem made a thick ball of water, blocking the noise Shadow made.
"Sure, I don't mind. But I do mind your squeal. Could you keep it down a bit? I'm trying to sleep!"
((Thanks for claring that up!))
Majem looks around to see... Nothing. He knows he cannot create anything beautiful on his own so he engulfs himself in water and takes a nap, waiting for the other gods.