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Messages - Moonstar100

Quote from: Mizuki on 2014 Jun 04, 22:24:22
Quote from: Moonstar100 on 2014 Jun 03, 15:09:27
I was talking to this person called "Tiger"
That person is really annoying and I really want the game to be open  :c :( ;(

Ok so I will listen to you and I understand :D

Also 1 questions: How do I get a profile picture?

Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 May 30, 11:07:28

I was talking to this person called "Tiger"
That person is really annoying and I really want the game to be open  :c :( ;(
Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 May 30, 11:07:28

Really just leave me alone  :c

Your really bugging me

So yeah....  >:(
Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 May 30, 11:07:28

So that means you will open the server?

If you will I will be SO happy  X3
So yeah....

Open it o3o
Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 May 09, 17:21:49

Every pony stop saying "Be Patient" well I can't!

I look on the website every time but it's closed I can't keep my patience I'm to impatient!

Thank you for understanding *le sigh*
Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 May 09, 17:21:49

Open up the god">Read the forum rules. server!
People wanna play just do it!
People are gonna hate you it you don't open the server!!!!  >:O o.O >:/
Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 May 09, 17:21:49

Come on please can you open it?!!?!

Please open it!!!!!  <3  ono  >A<  :c
Can you please open up the server? I really want to play! I've never played before :( >A< <3
Updates Archive / Re: Servers Now Closed
2014 May 08, 19:29:55

Hi I'm really sorry for using caps and saying curses I'm super sorry I hope you forgive me if it's closed well it's closed I can wait till it is open :) So hope it opens also once again I'm sorry for being mean  ^-^  0:)