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Messages - Blitz Freeman

Because horse radish is all the instrument you'll ever need!  ovO

What am I gonna do with all this motor oil?
I got THE coolest Batman mug from my parents! It looks like this, only the yellow part is metallic yellow! I love it!  :3
Spoiler: show
At one point in Team Fortress 2, my Spy play time was exactly 11 hours, 11 minuites, and 11 seconds  :nod: I tried to keep it like that for as long as I could, but it is no longer with me.  :c

I got the Spy Achievement: High Value Target on a Heavy that was dominating me and two other team mates, so that's nice ^-^
One time in Skyrim, I was fighting this dragon. I just started the game, and had been playing for a few days. I got killed by the dragon like twice, and then I beat him on the third try.
The dragon had left me with very little health, and as I was absorbing the soul....a wild mudcrab appear outta nowhere, snipped me, and finished me off

I was SO angry!
I have a few songs that I listen to late at night when I'm thinkin' about stuff. Do y'all have any of those? Sad songs? Party songs? I don't know.

What ever do y'all listen to during the Luna hours?

(My favorite is "Name" by the Goo Goo Dolls btw) :]

I would try out voice acting for an animation studio. I've always wanted to do that. X3
About as awesome as General Grievous doing a light-saber twirling show in Vegas, on New Year's Eve  o_O

It's lonely where I am, should I come back down?
Exactly one wood million.

How do I door? o.O
I had previously thought that the "mlp movies" would all be EqG-based. But now there's a real MLP film! I'm hyped as heck and ready! First season 5 is confirmed, then 4 or 5 more seasons were confirmed. And now, the new movie....   It makes me happy to know that the ponies aren't going anywhere. ^-^
Well, I had no problem downloading the game, but a bunch of real life stuff got in the way this time. So, I wasn't there :c Even so, I'd like to thank the LoE team for volunteering their time to bring us this amazing game. If you were on the servers this past OSW, I hope you had a ton of fun! I will continue to follow the progress on this project, and I look forward to the next OSW, when ever it might be!  ^-^
Quote from: Limelight on 2014 Aug 08, 02:46:14
QuoteEdit: I got around this by making a copy of the .zip to my google drive account, and then downloading it from there.

Did it that way too. Thanks Limelight!  ^-^
The way I see it, 2014 is a great time to join. You got at least 5 more seasons on the way. I anticipate a lot of new concepts will be added to the no, you are most definitely not late to the party. I think its just getting started. :D

New fans of the ponyverse are always awesome to me.
Well I'm bringing the Mother-to-be first. Then get the youngster. Bring the father, so you don't brake up the family. And me (pegasus)

That's 4 right there
Next, bring the medic, to deliver the baby. Bring the traveler, for survival tips. Finally, bring the teacher,  who will have quite a bit of experience in dealing with children.

The medic & traveler should be enough to sustain us until help arrives. Plus, all 3 races are present, so all pony abilities are present.
 Without Pinkie: Doing laundry at the local laundromat. 

:D With Pinkie: Swimming in an unlimited sea of soap bubbles with her. What could be more right? ^-^
For me, it was that screwy rabbit & little black duck  =P

(Bugs & Daffy)
Oh how I've anticipated the return of Open Server LoE! *-* I've been looking forward to this for months! And now it's finally here. It'll be very refreshing to hear that Cloudopolis Day-time music again ^-^ And this time, I'll finally visit the Evershade forest!

So very excited!! :3
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts Vs Fillies
2014 Jun 13, 12:17:42
Well let's see how this goes then :]

-.- = 0
I don't know why I didn't see this sort of thing coming, but here's my reaction:

I feel like Filly Funtasia will appeal to kids specifically. I imagine that young kids today have become accustomed to CGI cartoons, much in the way that the older demographic (teens to college kids) grew up with fluid 2D animation stuff. So the little ones might get a kick out of it.  :nod: Older bronies? I'd rather doubt it.  :s But you truly never know. Nonetheless, imma check it out. After all, it's doing something right over in Germany.