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Messages - Chirp

"Oh, right. Avalon. I completely forgot about that place." Koalemos admitted, then slowly nodded. "Yes. Queen Cadance has been around since Harmony, hasn't she?" He thought aloud, then stood up. "Right. Avalon it is! Let's go!" He exclaimed happily, took a few steps, then skidded to a halt and turned back towards the Guru. "Uhm.. What direction would that be?" He asked sheepishly.
"And the tree of harmony? You said the elements are fruits of that tree? Can't it bear new fruits, or can't we use that somehow?" Koalemos questioned. "There must be a way to locate these elements. On their own they are useless, so they might very well be scattered across the world. They'll never know what to do with the power they have." He thought to himself, then looked around the underground complex they were in, before turning to the Guru with another question. "Are there any routes that lead to the land of Virgacorns? They must know more." He explained, his motive to go further south.
Koalemos sighed. So the grey mare couldn't be saved unless Discord was beaten, too, and the land reversed to harmony. And that couldn't be done unless the six Elements of Harmony had been found and used. Six creatures bearing the qualities of friendship. It sounds so easy, and yet..
There was a lot to think about right now, and Koalemos had to come up with some way to find the elements as soon as possible. Strong magic residing within the bearers of the elements. "Like that green glow on Miss Hooves' hoof. Hehe, hooves hoof. Wait, what? Could that be it?" The image of the mysterious, bubble-shaped glow of green beneath her right hoof as she galloped away sprang to mind. She HAD to be a bearer, it couldn't be any other way!

"But Guru. I'm certain Miss Hooves is the Element of Loyalty! Are the Elements of Harmony of any use on their own? They must be, right? Right?" He asked the Guru, hoping firmly he'd confirm his hopes.
Terribly sorry I still haven't posted anything yet. Thought I'd have something up this morning, but it seemed I had other plans, and couldn't find the time to do so. And quite frankly, I'm not in the mood to post something today either. If you want to go ahead, Magus, I'll be fine with that. My next post will be a couple more hours, and by that, I mean probably about 24.
Koalemos thought back at Apple Pie. She was just a friendly pony, but then again, everypony at the farm was, more or less. It couldn't be so simple as just being loyal, optimistic, generous, honest, kind, or friendly to defeat the ruler of the world, who can will anything into existence with just a snap of his fingers. Only a fool would believe in such hopeless tales.

"Loyal? If anyone ever would be loyal, it would be miss Hooves. She's tirelessly doing laps for her daughter, despite the pain and suffering." Koalemos thought aloud. "Whilst being tortured." He added silently, then thought. A few seconds later he stoodup and looked at the Guru with wide-opened eyes. "Guru! We have to help her! Can you make two giant bird-cages, or something? They regenerated when I blew them up, so we have to trap them somehow." Koalemos pleaded.
While I would love to have Liaisa return, I've been rather inactive lately, and my creativity isn't all that either. I'm afraid I might uphold the RP more than I would add to it.
"You know you could've just asked." Chuckled Majem, and created water shields around anypony that wasn't already protected, namely Blazing and Bleyd. The water sphere protected them from both fire and sound. Blazing's Hellhound, being less important, couldn't be protected, as three shields were too much for Majem to handle at a time.
Koalemos felt a tingling sensation run through his entire body when the Guru touched him. It was soft, it tickled, and it was a nice feeling. He smiled silly, then shook his head a little.
"You're saying we have to be friends?" Koalemos asked, repeating what he, and the Guru, just said in his head a few times. "You're saying the ponies of old defeated Discord with friendship?" He asked again, obviously confused. "Doesn't Discord have any friends, then? That's kind of sad. I would be grumpy too if I didn't have any friends, and I believe that goes for everyone." He paused for a moment, to try and see things through Discord's eyes again, and remember what he told Derpy earlier.
"It's just like what I've told miss Hooves. Perhaps Discord is just as confused by this world of harmony as we are of this world..." He looked up at the Guru, then continued. ".. Or, well, you are. You're probably right about such a world being unnatural to us. It probably is to Discord, as well." Koalemos paused to sigh, feeling sympathy for this chaotic creature. "But he can't go on like this. There are too many creatures suffering because of him. We must stop that, first. Then, well, we'll just have to see."

He looked around for a while, then back at the Guru. "Any idea where to find new Bearers of the Elements, if the ones of old are Discorded?" He asked hopefully.
Sorry, have been been social all of a sudden. Little internet time for me.
Spoiler: Not too important. Why Chirp left for a while • show
[glow=brown,2,300]"Well? WELL?! Did yah find any weak spots?"[/glow] A raspy, greedy voice called out the Chirp from the dark. Chirp himself stood at the edge of complete darkness and a partially-lit alleyway, and shook his head at the question.
"No. He knows of every presence, movement and magic inside. And it's filled with unbeatable guards, just give up." Chirp responed.
[glow=brown,2,300]"You gotta be kiddin' me! Jus' a few things in there, an' we'll be set fo' the rest o' our lives! Come on, we jus' teleport in, grab a couple o' hostages, then take some stuff with us, an' let 'em go!"[/glow] The hidden pony insisted.
"You'd have to be able to teleport into the mansion for that. Impossible, not with the guards patrolling every possible path." He reasoned.
[glow=brown,2,300]"Bah, a couple o' dem guards don't scare us. Right guys?"[/glow] A chuckle escaped his lips as he presumably turned his head towards the other ponies in the dark with him. A few other voices in the dark muttered an "agree".
"Even the Master of the House beat me. Should give you an idea, no?" Chirp tried to explain.
[glow=brown,2,300]"Then you must me growing weak."[/glow] He scolded.

That was the last straw for Chirp. His eyes shot open and stared directly at the pony that dared insult him, that one already had his second chance. "No more mister nice pony." Chirp thought to himself, then leaped into the air, lunging at somepony in the dark.
In response, the pony drew a machete from a sheath, attempting to slash Chirp with one swing. Unfortunately for him, Chirp was far too prepared for this. He punched the machete out of his opponent's mouth with his left hoof, then slammed his right hoof into the pony's face. Without wasting a moment, his left hoof shot up again, hitting the jaw with such force, the pony was sent flying upwards, and fell unconscious on his back.

The other three in the alleway gasped as they watched the scene unfold before them in naught but two seconds. Each of them took a few steps backwards as Chirp's gaze switched to them. A smirk formed on his face, and his perfectly white teeth seemed to light up the complete darkness.
"Anypony else still wish to infiltrate the Pants Manor?" He nearly laughed while speaking, feeling overconfident in his capabilities.

The three ponies hurried away, leaving their companion on the cold floor of the dark alley. Chirp spat on the ground, then turned around, and returned towards the party.

The familiar blue unicorn happily walked up to the front gates again, greeting the guards with a nod and a smile as he wandered back into the estate. He was still invited, and the party wasn't over yet, so they had to allow him entrance.
Chirp headed straight for the appetizers, feeling he could finally enjoy himself, now that the... optimistic... ponies were out of the picture. From the tables, several tarts and slices of various foods began to hover towards the blue unicorn, who began to chow down, splattering bits and crumbs everywhere. Caring little for what the others might think of him, he only stopped eating for a gulp of wine, champagne, or Apple Family apple cider and the occasional burp.

Many of the ponies who wanted something to eat, too, quickly grabbed something, then backed away from the strange, filthy blue unicorn sitting there, stuffing his face.
Koalemos marched to match the speed of Guru Fido, gazing at the wonderful corridor, the crystals, and the marble. It was so very unlike anything he's ever seen, apart from the Guru's body, though it was still something else. Something about the crystals just caught his eye.
His attention fell upon the Guru's words, however, even if his gaze was locked on the corridor itself.
So, I'm more of the ancient world than other ponies of my time? What a paradise that must've been: filled with clumsy, forgetful ponies. Perhaps it is better this way after all." He thought to himself, thinking about the many accidents he's had, and then multiply that by a few thousands.

Then the Guru sat down and motioned for him to sit down as well. Koalemos shook his head a little, preferring to sit on the ground in front of the Guru instead. He intently gazed at the Diamond Dog, taking in his words as careful as possible. These were no longer stories being told, this was information he needed.
Only when the Guru stopped talking, did Koalemos respond. "So you are telling me our only hope to change the world back are the Elements of Harmony? Just what are the Elements of Harmony? And if we used them, wouldn't that turn you into a bad guy again?" He asked the Guru, looking at him from head to toe, then imagining him to be a bad Diamond Dog. This wise, old creature had always been kind, yet used to be evil? Just what did Discord do to the world?
It's ok! Haven't been feeling too creative anyway.
Quote from: bauccgia0 on 2013 Nov 19, 16:58:02
((Really quickly, who's where? I can't make heads or tails of this right now.))

I am currently underground with Guru Fido. Awaiting a response from aforementioned Guru.
Majem gritted his teeth as the ultimate evil dared laugh at the deaths of his comrades. How could something be so twisted that death brings them joy? It needed to leave this planet. It had to be defeated.
"Try to stay together, everypony. None of their attacks will be able to break through our combined efforts!" He ordered, then shot two jets of water at the Nameless Abomination. Next he handed Chrysteel his 8 hope, and 4 love orbs. "I'm not quite sure how to work these, you can have them." He told her.
Never in the past have I ran into you. Up until now, there has been no running into each other, so I remain correct. Hush. I am right :D
Quote from: Shadechaser on 2013 Nov 14, 17:31:46
Quote from: Chirp on 2013 Nov 14, 15:00:16
You lot are a lot of trouble. Glad I never ran into any of you.  :P
... Umm... (If you say never, you may speak of fiction, but you can never be certain what will happen. At no time, past, present, or future, will any one know of the darkness that collides with the light, and mingles so well that there becomes light every were, or everyone knows the scene at first glance, that resides in the shadows.) ... right.

You speak of time as if you know when things are happening. Without any interaction between us, Koalemos could've been talking to Derpy before any of you have met. If I'm not mistaken, Derpy never mentioned anything about the events in the RP, so anything Koalemos did, and will do, can be located anywhere in the timeline. It could've happened three years ago.
No interaction, no definite time.
Quote from: Shadechaser on 2013 Nov 14, 17:31:46
Quote from: The Clockwork King on 2013 Nov 14, 17:10:02
Oh, you will... ovO
... (That is a guarantee.)

And what makes you think so?  :]
You lot are a lot of trouble. Glad I never ran into any of you.  :P
"Where? What? H- Oww, my head." Koalemos said, and rubbed his head. The sudden drop, catch, and change of scenery, combined with the knock against the boulder was too much for his brain. Now, not only physical, but also mental pain danced around in his head. He pushed his hoof against his eyes, waiting for the different senses to settle down.

Koalemos still had his hoof against his eyes as Guru Fido spoke, and put him down on the ground again. "Huh? I.. I. Oh, I know you!" He exclaimed as he removed his hoof from his face and pointed it at whoever addressed him, instead. "Goo goo fifo!" He blurted out with a big smile on his face, feeling pretty satisfied.
But his smile didn't last long, for the Guru gazed at him with a mixture of amusement, but also concern, as if he'd done something bad. It was only then that his word managed to reach Koalemos' brain.
"Just taking in the sights." He chuckled lightly, then continued. "Does it really matter, though? Tales speak of a world shrouded in Harmony, where Discord did not rule, yet everyone seems to just accept it, and try to live their lives. What happened to those sisters, and where are the elements of harmony? Surely, you must know something!" He said boldly.
"Oh, and thank you for catching me." He added silently.
Koalemos nodded, then began to run towards the boulder the mare pointed at, there was no time to waste. But behind him, there was the sound of cawing, and the blackbirds returned. He really wanted to keep the birds away, but they were no ordinary birds, and he ran out of explosives.

Looking over at Derpy again, he noticed the green glow underneath her hooves. It was strange. Koalemos kept running as he looked at the curious glow, mesmerized by the mysterious power that was magic. "Really, what is she?" He thought to himself.
Then there was the boulder. After stubbing his hooves against it, Koalemos fell forward, smacking his head on the boulder. He pushed himself off, then rubbed the side of his head, trying to ease the stinging pain that rushed through him. "Hmmmmm... Ouch.. Gah. Well, at least I tapped it."

Now he sat there, on the ground with a painful head, awaiting the entrance to be shown.
"She's a real sweetheart, that mare. Perhaps a bit too much of a sweetheart, for the ponies with fewer moral values. Ah, but she can certainly hold her ground, something with the apple cider season, if I'm not mistaken?" Chirp says, thinking back about the rumors that spread about two ponies and some sort of cider-making locomotive. "Yes, the zap apples. They only grow at a certain time under the perfect conditions, don't they? And even then, they're only ripe for a day before having to be processed, or else they'll go bad immediately." Chirp scratched the back of his head, thinking about how much trouble they really are, but then, they're as delicious as anything can be. "Ah, but if they can bring forth the creation of a town, then I suppose they're worth the trouble, aren't they?"

Chirp glanced around the ballroom. Beautiful music was playing, fantastic meals were open for public, and the most -legally- powerful ponies had gathered. Truly an evening nopony would want to miss for the world. Except for this pony. Chirp turned his head back to face Fancy once more.
"And thus, I must say my goodbyes. The world is a dark places, filled with wonder and malice, and one pony alone cannot keep an entire country in balance, it's the combined actions of many that make a country how it is. Everything must change to keep life worth living, but it musn't change as much that it becomes uncomfortable to live." Chirp nodded at Fancy, then turned towards the large front gate.
"Stability, flexibility, change, similarity" Fancy could hear Chirp's voice fade as he moved further away from the aristocrat.