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Messages - Firefly

The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 May 02, 08:37:45
3 years after the deadline

I wish for a hamster  :3
10/10 because Dr Who told me to
made all the "Let It Go"  videos on the Internet
Clinically, the Rh factor, like ABO factors, can lead to serious medical complications. The greatest problem with the Rh group is not so much incompatibilities following transfusions (though they can occur) as those between a mother and her developing fetus.  Mother-fetus incompatibility occurs when the mother is Rh- (dd) and her fetus is Rh+ (DD or Dd).  Maternal antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy fetal red blood cells.  The risk increases with each pregnancy.  Europeans are the most likely to have this problem--13% of their newborn babies are at risk.  Actually only about ½ of these babies (6% of all European births) have complications.  With preventive treatment, this number can be cut down even further.  Less than 1% of those treated have trouble.  However, Rh blood type incompatibility is still the leading cause of potentially fatal blood related problems of the newborn.  In the United States, 1 out of 1000 babies are born with this condition.


lol idk  :P

paragraph was not written by me

I LOVELOVELOVED the songs! They were all so catchy and simply EXCELLENT  ;)
The designs for the girls were also nice to take in

But the writing... could use more work  :\
Since the show's target audience is young girls, it is understandable that the plot is straightforward with more focus on the character's personalities and supposedly funny moments. But when the 'high school' theme and gruesome battle (where Sunset Shimmer turns into a horrifying demon) comes to mind, it makes it seem as though the story had neither been meant for young girls nor bronies of our age.


Yes, the plot could use some work, but the other elements of the movie are just UNDENIABLY AWESOME  :3  The transformation was rather refreshing tbh :DD

Right now, with exams chasing my tail I'm useless, so I'll just wish all applicants good luck  lol
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Feb 16, 20:22:42
*Making out with cutout when somepony walks in*

LOL  lol lol
Original Characters / Re: An Experiment...
2013 Feb 16, 08:19:43
I really like her mane!!  0:)
Yes, and I really mean really  :nod:
Original Characters / Re: Riptide Rush
2013 Feb 16, 08:18:34
250 siblings >_> dear me XD one of a kind, pony, simply one of a kind  :]
Her design looks stunning though  ;)
Pony off-topic topic is getting off-topic :P  lol
I'm not sure if this comment has been mentioned in the earlier posts, but I'll just drop this quote from the official Mane6 site...

(c) Jesey1

"I'm also gonna repost something that is lost in the jumble below.

Everypony! Stop freaking out! Mane6 did NOT even confirm if the email/letter is invalid or fake!

If the email/letter doesn't have an Official Signature then it is invalid and whatever is said in it can be ignored and shouldn't take effect.

If there is NO signature at all, Mane6 can simply ignore it and continue their work as they pleased because it is most likely fake. I highly doubt Hasbro will be dumb enough to forget a signature cause if they did and then tried to take Mane6 to court, Mane6 will win the case cause of the fact of no signature at all.

If it does have a signature, make sure it is official. To do so, simply go to Hasbro's site and somewhere they should shown their official signature of their documents. If the official one doesn't match with the one on the letter/email then that letter/email is unofficial and can be ignored. If Mane6 does go to court, all they need to do is show a picture of the official signature and a picture of the unofficial one and say that they thought that the email/letter was fake, since the signatures did not match.

Now, if it was an email... Faking an email address is easy. Give me a few days and I can prolly send tons of fake C&D emails to people easily, though I wont. Also, if it is fake then don't expect Hasbro to do anything cause they most likely don't give a flying buck at all... It is extremely rare for a company to step in and say "That's not us"... Especially to something as small as Fighting is Magic...

How do I know this? Personal experience. I use to get tons of fake emails that was said to be from Jagex when I use to play RuneScape long ago... What they had in common? No signature. But when I got an email from a real person from a company, it had a signature and I was able to compare it to the signature on the official site for that company... Also, Jagex doesn't give a flying buck about those fake emails. They
never get involved at all cause it is just a small thing compared to them that doesn't mean anything at all... All they said is simply ignore it and they only said it once... It's posted somewhere in their forums or on their site, if I remember correctly.

So ye'h. @ Mane6: Check that letter/email. If it doesn't have an
official signature then continue your work and simply ignore it since it is most likely fake.

Why did I thought of this? I remember something about Hasbro knowing about this since early 2012 so why did Hasbro wait? I came up with three solutions to my question! 1: Hasbro is being a">Read the forum rules.. 2: Someone was fired and replaced. The replacement made the decision to send the email/letter. or 3: It is fake cause someone doesn't want to see the game come out or come to the Evo event. Kinda funny how this C&D letter/email came about not long after the whole Evo thing, right? Coincidence? So ye'h...

Now if it was truly faked and the people who sent that fake email/letter are prolly reading our comments and laughing at us. If this is true then I got something to say to them... Come at me bro(s)!

That is all. I'm done now."

To be honest, I think this guys has a point :/
Hey guys :DD

It's Feb 14 in where I live now, so first off, I'd like to wish you all a HAPPY HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY!!  :3

By the way, I was just wondering... Do your OCs have a special somepony? If so, who?
Also, for the sake of fun, give a mini write-up about how they met? ;)
Pictures are welcome too :D <3
News Archive / Re: The Road to Alpha!
2012 Nov 10, 21:03:08
Are we going to have special accessories/events/mini-games in the game when there is a special occasion/public holiday? (e.g. Halloween hats during Halloween, Santa Claus hats during Christmas and so on...)
Artist Showcases / Re: Ponyville Houses!
2012 Nov 09, 11:31:26
Absolutely charming.

I applaud the simply stunning 3d and 2d drawings done by the artists, as well as the precise and meticulous work of the 3d modelers  ^-^
Is really, actually a time lord  O: O:
Cuz they posted in this thread
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2012 Oct 27, 22:04:33
you guys  >:O
