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Messages - Aylayla Thornberry

Uh oh...

Server also says that ping is -1, can't get in.
Weird, downloaded for the first time, said it would take 6 hours, re-downloaded and now my macs saying it'll take 30 minutes-1 hour to download.
Still, hopefully the game wont overdo my CPU levels and I can play for the first time. Hopefully anyone having problems will get it fixed soon.
Ooh, better go download it now!, Last few server weekends, gone to download the file and got traffic errors. Can't wait till tomorrow!.
My brother skipped a year on my AC NL game and i lost my one of my fav villager's Chrissy in the skip? Would she ever come back?
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: Favourite pony
2013 Jul 19, 05:47:42
Introductions Archive / Hi there c:
2013 Jul 17, 06:56:49
Oh hi there c: I joined about maybe a week ago but never got round to  introducing myself  ^-^