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Messages - Midnight Star

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Jun 17, 21:27:45
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 17, 18:27:16
i'd like to see some sort of inter-generational dialogue, such as ponies talking about Minty etc

Well, they have been referencing previous generations. Like the rainbow that the mane six use with the EoH references the Rainbow of Light or whatever. I dunno, I was shown a video pointing out a lot of the references. Also, Pinkie's first actual line (unless you count *GAAAASP* for some reason) is the name of the pony she was originally going to be, a pegasus named Surprise.

Also, please spoiler the videos in your quotes, as they're causing me a bit of lag. ^-^

saw that vid to, it w as really awesome, concidering I was a MLP gen-1 fan to ^-^ (yes, I know, I'm old  >:/) also, Rainbow's epic introduction, where she crashes into Twilight and covers her in mud, is a tribute to Rainbow's inspiration FireFly's epic crash landing into the original Apple Jack, in the very first pilot episode, coving them both in applesauce..
Ponyvill hospital is also an institution for mentally ill patients!

in Read it and weep, Rainbow is chased by a security guard, a doctor, a nurse and.. a mentally ill patient? This blue pony, with a screw (get it?) as a cutiemark barks like a dog, and is afterwards told to "get back to the hospital!"

Conclusion? Ponies are well aware of insanity, and have institutions to treat(?) it... This is somewhat a reeeally creepy thought, since it's supposed to be a kids show  :I
*a deepblue unicorn stallion walks lazily around Ponyville*

ugh, this better be... I can't believe I have to be the one coming here...

*He looks around*

Mayor's office... Mayor's office.. How in the name of Luna can the Mayor's office be this well hidden!?

*he punches air through his gritted teeth, and walks on*
The Retirement Home / Re: true or false?
2012 Jun 17, 09:41:11
False.. mostly because I have no idea what she's doing  x3

The pony below me is currently partying hard to their favorite music
Quote from: Crystal Chaos on 2012 Jun 16, 20:38:06
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 16, 20:33:49
Quote from: Crystal Chaos on 2012 Jun 16, 20:28:21
Came up with an idea for an entire episode, I'm too lazy to post it all now.

Spoiler: show
Twilight: *Is trying to drag Spike away from a candy store window* Come on, Spike!
Spike: *Staring at rock candy* Aww, but Twilight, they look so good!
TS: Spike, too much sugar is bad for you.
S: Twilight, these are-
S: Oh, please.
TS: No.
*Le staring contest between TS and S*
S: *Ad'aaawwwable face*
TS: Fine!
*TS and Spike walk into store and buy rock candy*
TS: Now, Spike, you need to ration it so- *looks back at S*
S: *Stomach is enlarged to show he ate the entire bag*
TS: *Face hoof*
*Le theme song*
Rarity: Twilight! What's wrong with your mane?
TS: Spike had been up for a week sugar-high!
R: Oh, darling, let me fix your mane!
TS: But who'll watch Spike?
Pinkie Pie: I will! Spike, let's race!
R: Just calm down, Twilight, Pinkie's got him covered.
TS: Okay. *Sits back so R can style her mane*
*R styling TS's mane*
R: Oh, darling, you look wonderful!
TS: These curls do look kind of nice.
PP: *Enters room, exausted*
S: Really, Pinkie? You're tired?
PP: Uh-huh. *Faints*
TS: *Jumps over to PP*
R: Spike must really have it bad.
*Le timeskip*
TS: *Wakes up in bed with a pink streak across her cheek*
S: *Giggles*
TS: What is it? *Looks in mirror* SPIKE!
S: *Laughs and passes out*
TS: *Facehoof* Well, I guess you can go To Fluttershy's for the day, maybe she can help you. *Carries Spike out door*
Guards: Hello, miss. May we examine you?
TS: Um... okay... ?
Guards: *Inspect TS* Please come with us.
TS: What's going on?
Guards: *Pokerface*
*Le queen and king walk out of carriage.]*
Queen: Is it her?
Guards: We believe so.
Q: Let me see... *Examines TS* It is! *Hugs TS*
TS: Um, I'm sorry, but why am I so special?
King: You're our daughter!
TS: Daughter? I'm not your daughter.
K: Of course you are! You have the birthmark!

wat o_O i have no idea what's going on :P

Twilight is mistaken for a princess of a foriegn country. The rest which I have not written is Spike will be took to a dungeon because he "is a threat" and the mane six are not allowed to see Twilight. Rarity hatches a plan to save her by pretending to be one of her servants. They later find the true princess and Twilight and Spike are let go.

safe for the princess-part, this very plot already appeared in MLP gen. 3, so I doubt they will reuse it  ^-^
a blue unicorn filly comes trotting along the hallways..

"I wonder, I wonder... where should I go.."

She corrects her indigo saddlebag, that looks quite heavy, and continues to look around for something
Video Games Archive / Re: Gaming Parents
2012 Jun 16, 16:59:40
hm.. I am a parent myself, and I play a LOT of mmos  ^-^
my kiddos daddy plays RTS games like starcraft and LOL and so on and so forth  :D
Music Archive / Re: Favorite song/genre?
2012 Jun 16, 16:54:52
I listen to k-pop!

my two favorite groups ^^
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Jun 16, 16:51:06

<3 <3 <3 [dugundugundugun]
Smile song!
The Retirement Home / Re: true or false?
2012 Jun 16, 16:46:40

The pony below me reads pony fanfics
it says.. wait whut..?  o.O
Likes the pony above, because they have no avvy, so my imagination ran wild, thinking of they look like  lol
Quote from: Vick McBread on 2012 Jun 16, 14:08:59
kind of obvious, she was the first one to show her talent and not even know it.
P.S. We did not look at the spoiler and We don't want to.

Yes we did, and we laughed our flanks off!
Original Characters / My OC Ponies
2012 Jun 16, 16:15:20
(Le gasp, seems my OC page was among the victims of the hiccup  :I Oh well, I'll just make it again!)

Midnight Star

Gender: Female

Race: Unicorn

Age: Early 20'es (in human years, so a young adult)


Spoiler: show

Coat: Light blue

Mane and tail: dark blue with white stripes

Eyes: Bright green

Cutiemark: 8-pointed silver- and grey star; represents enlightenment and guidance.

Spoiler: show

Other: She is almost always seen wearing her silver bracelets, which were a gift from her parents, when she moved away from home, and she treasures them a lot.

General personality: Midnight Star is a very polite pony, who holds her manners in high regards. With that being said, she is by no means a snob, quite the opporsite! She is friendly, and although she appears to be why, she loves hanging out with her friends, goofing off and laughing over anything and everything.

Midnight was born in Catnerlot to a unicorn couple, who loved an cherised their only child to no ends. Her mother, a beautiful sky-blue mare, with long, flowing rosey hair, was a high-regarded seamstress, who ran her own shop with a few trusted emplyees. Midnight saw her mother as the greatest role-model in all of Equestria, not even rivaled by the PRincess herself. She was always polite and smiling, Midnight never recalled seeing her mother frowning. But what Midnight admired her mother for, the most, was the ever-loving look she exchanged with her treasured husband, Midnights father. The silvery unicorn stallion, with a short but messy white mane, always treated his wife and daughter like princesses. Even though he was busy with his job as a lecturer in the magic school, he would always make sure to devote all his spare time to his beloved family. All in all, Midnight had a wonderful time as a filly.

When she entered school, her teachers soon found her thirst for knowledge to be insatiable. Always, she was to be found in the library, reading old dusty books on History of Ponies, Magic Philosphers and everything in between.


Gender: Female

Race: Pegasus

Age: Early 20'es (in human years)


Coat: Light purple

Mane: White, with a dark purple stripe

Tail: White

Eyes: Ske-blue

Cutiemark: a red heart, with twi bridged quarternotes ontop, representing her love for singing and dancing

General personality: Stormdancer is your average happy-go-lucky filly. She loves to laugh and have fun, trying her best to be in the middle of a party. She loves to sing and dance, oftentimes trying to break silence with her singing.

Stormdancer, or Storm, as she usually goes by, was born in Cloudsdale, as many other pegasus foals. Her parents named her the very first day they brought her home. They had put her down for a nap, or so they thought, for only minutes after leaving their daughter, a storm had whipped up, and the purple foal was happily giggling in the center of it. As a young filly, her skillfull wings earned Storm an internship in the weatherfactury's wind department. Her mother was in the department, that handled the delicate snowflake making, and her father was in making of rainbows. Storm herself, always found it a bit dull to hang around, waiting to be sent off to move clouds, guide the nothernwind in from the sea or simply to blow leaves away from the roads, and soon Storm found herself flying aimlessly around the factory in search for something to entertain herself with.

Will be updated with more detailed bios and Cutiemark tales, once I get around to write them down again  X3
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 16, 04:00:38
Quote from: Flamestriker on 2012 Jun 16, 03:58:08
It might be Princess Celestia goes insane and releases something she doesn't mean to...

But that's just a guess.  lol
or Celestia Herself going Nightmare? ovO nightmare sun!

Eternal sun.. it would burn up all the plants, dry out the water and so on.. very nice  lol

Although, I have to agree with prioer postings; watching Celestia fail was a maaaajor disappointment to me..  :c I vote for Shinging Armor and Cadence to take the throne instead, seems they're better fitting leaders  :]

aaanyhoo, how cool would it be to have Angel Bunny gathering all the bunnies to a riot? He's almost already there, anyway  :I it would be a disaster hahaha
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 10, 17:39:05
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Jun 10, 17:36:17
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 10, 16:08:23
so... did CANDACE invent the love poison?!

At first, I wondered if Discord invented the love poison so he could create more chaos, but now I wonder if the changelings invented it. Not sure why Cadence would invent it.
*heart* *pop* *ponies love each other*

As I understood Cadence's power, she sparks love, rather than creating love.. Like, if two ponies already love each other (like the pony couple in Twilight's flashback, and Shining Armor and Cadence herself) but seem to argue or have just forgotten the affection, Cadence is able to "remind" them, in lack of better word.. Love in itself, is a very powerful force, just like friendship, so I don't think it can be created out of thin air, like the Heart and Hooves day ep. implied, with the less-than-usefull potion.. It created an obsession, rather than actual love..
More of the Cake twins!
More of Peewee the phoenix!
More of TANK the tortoise, that's 20% cooler!!
How the rest of the pets came to the ponies (AJ's Winona, Fluttershy's Angelbunny, Rarity's Opalessence and Pinke's Gummy)
The families of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy  ^-^
Spike's origins~
Twilight's bother and sister-in-law
The CMC finally getting their cutiemarks (yes, I'm tired of waiting  X3 )
aaaand more Luna!
Rarity is my favorite!  *-*

1: Rarity
2: Twilight and AJ
3: Fluttershy
4: Rainbow Dash
5: Pinkie Pie
Quote from: Fudgemuffin on 2012 Mar 26, 12:40:37
Quote from: Skardan on 2012 Mar 26, 12:13:09
Quote from: Fudgemuffin on 2012 Mar 26, 11:36:43
At least they didn't show her... Cupcakes... ovO

But her reaction would be interesting

It would be interesting, it may give her a few ideas. ovO

Ideas?? Don't you think she was creatice enough?  :0