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Messages - AudioWaveDasher

SMILE! Ill make ya famous!

It would be amazing if players during a hide and seek game could grey out NPC's and other players so as to concentrate on this faction of the game
Hello. Im having fun playing LOE. I am also a professional musician, and have contributed a few all original pony songs along with animated PMV's (Pony Music Videos) I also have a facebook group dedicated to LOE as I found the control set up a little difficult, so I dont mind helping pegasi set up their flying controls. And I also enjoy herds, meeting new friends, and contributing to the LOE development as I fully support the project. Drop by my music or FB LOE Herd and leveling group and say HI! Or if you see me in game, say hi and drop me an invite. Thanks!

~ AudioWave Dasher



Facebook group - Legends of Equestria - Training, introductions and leveling up groups
If you're interested in any of the above and wanna check out my page and meet new friends, get updates, anything LOE related check it out! Here's the link
yes I got it! thank you! You guys might wanna close that spot off to the public in future releases
Hey, my game slipped to outside the bramble tunnel with all the waterfalls and I cant get back in. A video can be seen below. My game is ruined because I tried starting over and changing instances, even exiting and updating and it keeps saving me above the map where theres an invisible wall keeping me from getting back to the hidden exit from the brambles. Is there a developer code I can use to get back and keep my game?
