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Messages - Goldenrod

I personally find that the point of this survey is to give bronies statistics about themselves to show the haters they aren't messed up.
The whole panel seemed to be showing how the population is very close to average, and not the freak show some people want to call us.
I find it more to show that people don't have to feel ashamed about their likes and how they are just like everyone who doesn't like the show.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: My Mistake
2012 Jun 20, 23:56:16
Quote from: HerpyDooves on 2012 Jun 20, 21:23:28
All I can say is, this is one step closer to telling my mom I want to go to Bronycon.

I'm going to NYC to "visit my gf's family." :P
Her mom's totally fine with us going, but my parents would flip out, so I improvised.
October 17th, two days after Lesson Zero.
Was caught up in time to watch Luna Eclipsed on Bronystate x3
Video Games Archive / Re: Among the Sleep
2012 Jun 12, 01:11:08
I hadn't heard of this, but it seems like it could be really neat.
I'll have to peruse the website to see what's up.
Video Games Archive / Re: Gaming Parents
2012 Jun 12, 01:07:04
My dad used to be pretty big into Halo, but he stopped after ODST.
That and Wii golf, I've never seen anyone log as many hours as him on that :l
Video Games Archive / Re: 0x10c
2012 May 24, 22:37:47
This looks like it could be absolutely amazing.
I'm kind of bummed Notch wants to make multiplayer subscription based though...
Yeah, I found it fun for a while, but then I got bored after my space empire stretched about a quarter of the length of a galactic arm. :D
My little sister sometimes still plays it for the creature creator, but I haven't touched it in a while.
Hey guys, don't forget about Sonic 06!!

No, but actually my favorite game is Shadow just because of the tons of storylines you could play.
I spent hours trying to get every ending and fight every boss. ovO
I'd have to join the paladin group.
After dealing with bullying in elementary school, I have zero tolerance for it and have gotten physical when pressed.
But I'm not really a big hitter, I fight closer to the Assassin's Creed method of wait for an opening and then get them.
So a paladin/rogue then?
Video Games Archive / Re: Skyrim
2012 May 19, 22:43:39
Heh, I was playing with the game muted because I was school and the screen just started shaking for no reason lol
Then I ran around for 20 hourrs doing sidequests so when I got back on the main storyline I'd forgotten what was going on.
Camera's currently messed up, so no photos ono
12 pack blind bags from Toys R Us
Spoiler: My shirt • show

Got it back when I was less open, looking for a new design to display over the summer if anypony has recommendations 8)
Always glad to meet a new forum-goer! ^-^
Introductions Archive / Re: hai :D
2012 May 17, 21:49:36
Welcome to the forums!
Hope we get to meet you more as well! ;)
Introductions Archive / Re: Ohaider
2012 May 17, 21:48:53
Welcome to posting on the forums!
We hope to see more of you! :D
Video Games Archive / Re: STOP RIGHT THERE!
2012 May 17, 21:43:21
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 17, 00:07:04
Walks through portal for the first time, everything is going fine, get's to the minefield without noticing it and sees the spinning/flying object in front of me
"What the he-"

Heh, when I first saw those I was like "Kill all the things!" and ran out in the middle of them with my sword :P
The Retirement Home / Re: dubstep thread?
2012 May 16, 23:08:37
Gotta get my daily fill of Coyote Kisses!

Video Games Archive / Re: Dragons Dogma
2012 May 15, 22:28:37
Ugh, I was hoping to have some money left at the end of the summer...
Oh well, at least now I don't have any reserved hope to hold out on the inevitable.
Video Games Archive / Re: Firefall Beta
2012 May 14, 23:54:26
I was beginning to think you'd gone off and given the key away O:
Anyways, here you go
[email protected]
Video Games Archive / Re: STOP RIGHT THERE!
2012 May 14, 00:39:27
Best way to ditch guards is to sic townspeople on them with fury.
Pay with their blood rather than your own ovO
Not really a boss, but it sure felt like it at the time.
First time I played Morrowind I had no clue what I was doing and statted my character as a long blade user but decided I wanted to use a spear instead after confirming skills.  X3
I run off into the wilderness and find an Kagouti which proceeded to eat most of my health.
I eventually killed it by jumping back and forth over a fence and picking away at it as it runs around to get me ovO