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Messages - LadyInWhite

MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: Mane six.
2013 Jun 09, 17:24:03
Rarity seems to be the only one of the Mane 6 interested in dating (finding a Prince during the Gala). I don't think we will ever see them engaging in romantic relationships with other ponies (be they male or female) unless the staff completely run out of ideas.

Also when watching the first Equestria Girls Trailer I didn't immediately assume that Brad was a romantic interest for Twilight like so many other people because it just seems even more out of line with the premise of the show that we have seen so far.
Even if the show ends the toys probably wont since they keep coming back in new forms since it first started. Also there are plenty of knock-offs. What would the bronies do?

Probably reminisce and do what they're doing now. The fandom won't just disappear because the show went off the air.
The second Trailer made me have more hope for this than the first. Considering it's been in the works for over a year and it's the same writing staff the plot can't be as bad as the first trailer makes it out to be. But I will just have to wait and see when it's on youtube.  ^-^