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Messages - Brave Fleet

Brave couldn't go any further in air, so she glided down to the ground where it was a bit warmer. She watched her breath and shivered.
'where am I?' she thought, walking alongside the tracks, regretting her decision of going to the Crystal Empire.
"hello?" Brave yelled as she reached a much calmer area that was just snowing, it was very silent, no other ponies for miles. Her voice echoed through the silence. She must have thought to bring supplies to build a fire, but she didn't think thoroughly. "guess it's just me then..." brave's wings were tired enough, but she might be able to glide back if she could pick up enough speed from diving, so she kept going.
Brave looked back at the empire where everypony was at that she knew of. Her trip may take a couple days, but Brave didn't care anymore, she had to find her home, so she picked up some speed, she was good at long distance and sprinting, so she assumed she could do a long distance sprint. Using as many tricks to go fast as she could, like diving. But sadly, No matter how fast or far she went, everything kept going farther away.
Brave gently set the mare on the ground, and gave her a hug as a thanks, and then she opened her mouth to speak.
"Don't tell any pony you saw me out there, okay?" with that, she flew off leaving behind a trail of smoke as she flew in the opposite direction. 'I hope I don't get noticed this time..' She thought, crossing the barrier on the other side of the Empire and making a tight turn right over the empire, and then she headed back the way she was going, constantly looking over her shoulder in case anypony was following her.
Brave opened her eyes, thinking she wouldn't be able to, but she did, and she saw another pony had saved her. She couldn't see much but it was enough. Brave didn't know whether to be mad or happy, but she knew an avalanche was going to happen any second now. With Brave's thoughts being out of order, she grabbed the mare and flew back as fast as she could, her cover was already blown, she could always just try again.
As Brave Fleet crept through the snow storm, she heard whispers, not right by her, but as if she could hear them from really far away... But... They're whispers, how could she hear them? Brave flew away from the noise as the sound of squeaking ice became more aggressive. Her ear moved at the slightest unnatural sound. The ice them became louder as she flew under a very old bridge, as if it was here before the blizzard. It seemed very unusual, so Brave flew up to it and poked it, it was very cold.

Brave backed up for a moment, and quickly held her hoof closer to her. The ice was cold, so cold that it felt like a burn. Flying back down to her path, the sound of squeaking turned into a cracking noise as the bridge fell into the ice covered snow.

She looked over to see she had disturbed something, and a large pillar of ice was falling in her direction, followed by a large cloud of snow from the large, steep hill. The white clouds flying out of her mouth appeared faster as she hyperventilated, not knowing what to do.

Brave sighed and looked around, seeing there was more food to be seen, but she packed up all she could in some nearby saddlebags she placed on her back.
"welp, if I wanna leave," she began as she put on a heavy winter coat lined with wool and tossed the bags onto her back. "I have to do it alone..." Brave opened the door, letting the sun make her feel a lot warmer than she ever has, but she better enjoy it while t lasted. Brave spread her wings and tail feathers and ran and took off quickly against the wind. Brave made sure to get herself as warm as possible to get ready for the sudden large temperature change she was going towards that surrounded the Empire.

Brave Fleet looked back at the crystal city before crossing the threshold of warm and cold "I hope they didn't need me..." she said to herself, and then she crossed the barrier. The cold filled her lungs and her breath became cold. With the turn of her wings and tail feathers, Brave took a sharp turn down to the train tracks, already covered in pure ice. The long straits of ice squeaked as the heavy wind made contact. Brave still had the chance to turn back, but she had to find her house back in the mountains between Baltimare and Canterlot. 'its my home... Hopefully the would be able to understand...' she thought as she flew further into the blizzard.
Brave fleet looked up at the sky.
"We have to do something about that sun." she said as she looked back down. Brave wasn't really sure if anypony was listening, but she had to say something. Brave felt her stomach growl, she felt dizzy all of a sudden and her vision went fuzzy. Galloping to a place she knew was a restaurant back in equestria, she realized how starved she was, and that must have been another reason she felt sick and dehydrated. She jumped off the ground and took flight to get there faster, and Brave finally made it to the restaurant, but she didn't slow down. Brave burst through the doors of the place and saw a bunch of food around the area and gathered as much as possible, and stuffed half of it in her mouth, as well as water and apple juice.

Brave didn't find much, but since her stomach shrunk in that time of not eating or drinking, it was just enough, and she sighed in relief as she felt her stomach was full.
"Oh, heh, I guess my leg is fine then" Brave said, letting her hoof touch the ground. Brave looked at her surroundings again, and looked at Bassaro.
"How long have I been asleep?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.
Brave Fleet saw Carter and Venom and limped over to the two by the barrier.
"what's going on? How long have I been asleep?" She asked, fiannaly getting close enough so they would hopefully hear her. She looked down at her leg and gasped, seeing how swollen it was.
Brave had no idea where she was, she looked around and stretched her wings and tail feathers.
"hello?" Brave said, squinting her eyes, blinded by the sudden light.
'where am I?' she thought.
Brave saw the train as it fell and reached out her hoof, as if somepony was there to take her hoof, but nopony was, she was alone, and was possibly going to be more alone because of her mistake of the train's way. A tear ran down her face, and she shivered, she was too cold to fly and her hoof hurt. Was this her end as well? Not yet, Brave Fleet stood up and lifted her injured leg up and galloped in a limp motion over to where the train fell and saw Venom.
"Venom!" Brave yelled.
Brave saw where the train was headed and picked up the speed, high speed, ready to play chicken with this train. Brave dove, and got ready to pull the train back, folding her wings to make it in time.
"EVERYPONY HOLD ON!!!" brave yelled, suddenly forming a mach cone again as she got close to the train, she didn't care, she needed as much speed as possibly to stop this train. Brave saw the train had already then fixed itself, so she tried to move out of the way in time, but they were both fast moving objects, and her hurt leg hit the train and made the sprain worse, and she crashed into the snowed ground in a bit more pain, thankfully she could use the snow to numb her injury.
Brave's senses suddenly driver crazy and she leaped out of the bed and flew out of a nearby window because she felt something bad was going to happen, only to realize her wings were still asleep, and she started to dive down. Thankfully, she was really high up, so she had time to pull up using her tail feathers. She didn't seem to panic but she had no idea what she was going after, until she saw train smoke in the distance as she flew forward with her wings slightly unfolded, enough for lift.
Brave's ear twitched, she could sence something was wrong. Brave was still asleep, but her senses weren't.
Brave Fleet silently slept, and she didn't know she was alone, her sprained hoof correctly placed for it to heal, it slowly felt better with every passing hour of her sleep. Who know how long she could sleep? She had no idea, plus she was asleep.
Brave opened her left eye slightly and saw the pegasus as he put her in the bed, and fell right back to sleep, even more comfortable than before, she dreamed, dreamed about good things, and she was probably the first pony here to sleep in a bed.
Brave rested her head and fell asleep. She was warmer than other ponies, mostly because of her naturally high body temperature, and also because she was a bit sick. She didn't care where she was sleeping then, all she cared about was that she was asleep, and she was surprisingly too comfortable, yet again.

Brave Fleet's wings were folded but they were a bit limp, but the colorful feathers at the ends of her wings glistened in the light of the crystal empire, she lightly smiled in the sleep, showing her dimples slightly, which most ponies don't really have. She was completely limp, as if she were a dead body, but thankfully she wasn't.
Brave lowered her eyelids a bit, her expression showed she barely had any energy left in her, she looked up at Carter and back down to the ground.
"I feel sick..." Brave said quietly. Her head hurt and her wings felt sore as well as most of the other bones in her body. She had to stop moving her wings, she was fatigue in every way possible, but if she stopped she might get hurt even more. She quickened her wing beat a little bit, and breathed a bit heavier, she was a good athlete but when she doesn't get rest nothing works as good as it should.
'If I fall, I doubt anypony might catch me in time...' She thought, quickening her wings a bit more and her breathing. She was moving her wings in an infinity sign like a humming bird, so it was hard for her to move them like that.
Brave wabbled as she flew, struggling to stay awake as her eye lids felt like 100 lbs the more she used the rest of the little energy she had.
"I can't go much longer..." Brave said, still attempting to catch her breath and her wings slowed down a bit.