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Messages - Lusterless Nova

Huh? Another changeling was here just a moment ago and was up to no good with you.
Where were you today? Or what were your plans for today?
Nova looked at zappy's horn. he could see very weak remains of someone's magic.
Looks like she wanted to erase your memory. Do you remember anything at all?
((No award for solving a battle with no injuries?))

The hawk in the air came down and landed on Nova's back.
Not important. What IS important though is the question -what just happened-.
Are there problems?
Nova stomped on the ground and a seal appeared under him. In the same moment, a golden armor appeared on him, making him resemble a Knight of canterlot.
Binding Star!
The Seal widened and the moment it was under Cocoon, it froze her movements in midair. Just one more inch and her daggers would have touched him.
Shooting star!
She was surrounded by light and send back to the everfree like a rock in a slingshot. Upon impact, the sphere dissolved as it landed in the middle of the everfree.

Usually, her attack would have hit him, but he had a eye in the sky. A Hawk to support him from a safe spot and watch him to be his third eye.

The herbs zappy ate were usually helping against stomach problems.

Nova's armor vanished and his eyes returned to normal as he walked back to zappy.
Feeling better?
Something was off. No matter what she did, these ponies seems just to be faster then her as they kept dodging.
((Illusions of course))
Nova gave Zappy some herbs to chew on.
Don't worry. I'll end this quick.
Nova stepped toward cocoon and closed his eyes as he did so. The illusions faded away now.
The pony dodged unusually fast. Even Cocoons movements were to slow to keep up with them.
Nova meanwhile took his hoof and tried to shake Zappy awake.
Hey sleepyhead. Rise and shine.
He was making sure not to loose sight of Cocoon though while he took care of zappy.
Each armadillo vanished after missing, just before hitting anything else.
A pony drops from above, landing just in front of Zappy. A dark blue unicorn colored like the deep blue night. He wears a vest with some pockets and a saddlebag on his back.
His eyes met Cocoon's, and he was not looking friendly.
Nova's eyes changed to red, and the heroes of the hive defense operation walked around the corners of ponyville, ready to battle Cocoon all together.
((Oh! Oh! Better idea incoming))

A small ball shot around the nearby corner and hit Cocoon in the stomach, hitting her hard from the side. After a closer look, it was easy to see a ghost armadillo.
And from the street behind him, at least 20 more were incoming with the same speed. It would only take a few more moments for them to attack too.
((mind if i throw Lloyd in again? Just as a guardian for ponyville that will only scare Cocoon away. Not fight or defeat her.))
((Go and fight your own battles. You can't count on me to get you out of the gutter. Sometimes i may not be there, so proove yourselves that you can defend your home))
((And what if we leave out Lloyd? We have more heroes, so let's safe him as last defense))
((is it just me or does this sound like a rp idea?))
((Brohoof for thinking alike!))

Now equipped with two keyblades, Lloyd was able to use his dual wielding style. Double damage and increased speed.
He took his battle stance and ran at the manifestation.
The moment creeper would look around, he would see that lloyd was already gone, vanished without a trace.
Lloyd's expression looked kinda... bored. He just grabbed into his pocket and threw a peppermint bonbon into Creeper's mouth.
Lloyd still had the key with him as the area turned dark.
He focused for a moment and closed his eyes.
No. I know what monsters look like, and you don't match that description.
Lloyd used the key as the last part of his keyblade's keychain, connecting the remains of silver's keyblade's power with his own.
Hm. I guess there is no need for you to fear it as long as you don't become a enemy.
Anyway. Anything else?

It looked like he wanted to leave the area now.
You are silent, i give you that. But you should do something more useful with your time and look for another target. One that can't feel you as example. And... how about one that is not armed?
He chuckled a little at the last words.
From the informations he could gather now, he knew that there was a fight about to come. But there was a problem. The darkness around him was a part of silver, so he couldn't just crush it.
He had a idea and just hoped it would work as he continues to walk forward, ignoring the eyes around him.
Lloyd turned to him and was a bit surprised by his appearance.
So... Wanna tell me why you follow me around?