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Messages - Moon princess

Awww I can't get in anymore  D:. How many ponies showed up to flood both servers?  o.O
Downloaded and ready to go  :3
I can't wait to jump in  ^-^
OMG  nine more hours until everypony floods those servers  :3 This is going to be so much fun! ^-^
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gush! I'm so excited I jumped out of my chair when I saw the news.
I know a few friends who did not get to play the last OSW I'm so letting them in on it so they can get a chance to play :3
This has honestly been the best and most fun I've had on a weekend for a long time. The timing for OSW was perfect between my classes so I could play as much as I wanted before it end. It was my first time playing as princess Luna and wont be the last. :luna: after having so many fun roleplays with so many fun loving ponies including one with a stallion celestia and luna  lol

it was awsome! ^-^

I'm hoping to see the friend's I've made again in the next OSW like Agent Valor and a crissy of my own. The best part was at the end to see how much everypony show so much love to the LoE team for giving us a chance to enjoy ourselves so much. Thank you LoE team for what you do and hope to have another OSW soon and hopefully without someone trying to put a downer on our fun  0:)