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Messages - Nocturna

((I'd be fine with a time rewind, myself. It'll be the same general thing, but it would be nice to have a better closure to our tale.))
((I honestly think this wasn't too strong of a conclusion, but it'll have to do. It was wonderful being a part of this <3))
((Nice, thanks.))

Nocturna's note reads:

"To those of my journey,

These last few moments I fear are my last. For some odd reason, I remember everything, with the haze and all gone. The time vortex, it's taken its hold on me, it's ridding of my existence soon after this letter. This letter is made from Paradoxial Fiber, a product of the Paradox Machine, that can survive even when I no longer exist.

It's quite strange. What you knew of me was but a construct, yet who I am is an unknown. I don't exist, yet I do, ever-present, in my own way. I'm not even sure if how you saw me is my true form, I have no clue.

I thought the incantation would let us talk, yet I suppose this happened to avoid possible paradoxes to occur.

Thank you all, for everything. Even though the life was not truly mine, I feel as though it was, and my feelings towards all of you were very real, nonetheless. In the event of cross-time communications, I loved every second spent with all of you, and hope that Equestria continues as it should, to a time of peace and unity.

Goodbye Peace Brothers, Gracie, and Sir Maple. I did include something in here for all of you, in a chest. When you open it is up to you, it serves as my final gift to all of you. This is tied solely to this timeline, thus being why only for you three.

Perhaps we shall meet again, in a form I recognize not, but for now, I go, in my final goodbye.


Derpy remembered the chest, and put it onto the ground as well, after a few.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 29, 13:44:18
Not being told about things, like my grandmother having a stroke, and my sister getting bilateral pneumonia. It's always fun never getting informed about important things -.-
A note blinks into existence, a symbol of a TARDIS upon it. The note appears to be from Nocturna, who is non-existent with the group that's currently back in their time, or to the time that they wanted to be at.
I would appreciate some critique, however I already know my poor performance throughout this roleplay, so I'm not expecting much.

I would ask for a critique of my OC, but it fares no better.
((So much for my idea of the ending then, I was wanting a final conversation sequence to end it. Do you have something else in mind? In accordance with my OC Description, my character disappears into the vortex every time that her existence somewhere concludes, such as time travel(specifically). I was planning on having the roleplay incorporate that, then have everyone back to their own devices in the present time, and me appearing again in the next roleplay, without recollection. That, or I bring upon my other OC, one of the two. Either way, that was my idea, up to you though, Peace Keeper))

((I actually thought of something, continue like you are. It's less of an emotional moment, but it works)
"I'm fine," Nocturna lies, muttering a temporary heal incantation. "Let's go then," Nocturna says, shouting the final incantation, causing the castle to start crumbling from force, and the two groups of ponies((the sign-up crew)) to be taken into the rift for a time((final conversation of this roleplay, if that's fine. Not trying to rush it, but I like to make a good, strong ending, which is what I'm setting it up for, if you'll read my OC Post)):

"Teraquay, travido!"

((If I'm going too fast, tell me to slow down, I'm honestly a bit tired, so it's likely I'm doing something off.))
"Just needed to cast an inter-dimensional rift to travel through, no biggie," Nocturna says nonchalantly. She grabs her head as a migraine begins, a pretty hefty one.
A rumble can be felt in the room as an incantation is stated. "Titario, la travido, ye concoctico," Nocturna repays as the orbs link with a line of magical energy. "We're ready whenever!" Nocturna shouts over the noise.
"Double Edge, your attack was rude and highly unnecessary," Nocturna began, smiling at Illusion for helping her. "Besides that, I think we need to get this started before more can go wrong. I'll be over here casting preliminary incantations, don't mind the feelings you may feel during so," She continues, heading to her triangle of runes and materials.
"You and I may not be of good terms, Sir Maple, though I respect your rank in the division nonetheless. Whether or not I view you as a traitor matters not to the goal, now does it? If I wanted rid of you, I could've done it a while back," Nocturna states, organizing the rocks in a tent shape, and organizing some rune blocks.
"..I never said I couldn't help you, that much was true. My intention was, then I was reminded of Greenlight by both the traitor and those going for supplies," Nocturna begins, her eyes growing softer. "Yet, I see what you mean, and the truth before them. I shall not go for a sentence, yet I shall utilize this room for the purpose it should've been since square one," She finishes. "Retractica, le trapido!" She shouts, undoing the weakening spell. The guards have given up attacking the prior enchantment, in confusion.
Nocturna stands, frozen, listening and pondering the spoken words. "Yet with the words you speak, all I am is nothing to you all, due to my actions of present. All that will happen is that I'll be alone again, no matter what.." Nocturna says, quieter, sobbing.
Oh, haha. Sorry about that inconsistency, we could pass it off as her memories fighting eachother(the haze, that's from what I explain in my character's OC thread)
"S-stay back!" Nocturna says, seeming as though she was about to speak the incantation again, though hesitant. ((By the way, it's going to be a matter of convincing Nocturna that doing so wouldn't lead to anything good, and that Sunset wouldn't want her to do so))
" was Sunset, she always enjoyed it when the sun set to begin the night," Nocturna says, a small smile on her face. "She always enjoyed coming up with different ways to celebrate it," She continues.
"I don't plan on harming you all.. I do plan on using this room, with the energy present, to poor foal that I couldn't before.." Nocturna says, crying. She goes over to her materials, still audible. "I have nothing left.." She chokes out, shaking.

"None of you know what it's like, being shunned away from your own by a factor outside your control, and being betrayed by one you held dear, none of you!" Nocturna shouts at them.
"Yes..let's do so indeed," Nocturna states, laughing menacingly.

"Turenkadis, tufraleous, si corruptica!" She shouts, causing weakness upon the group. "I appreciate the help, my fine fellows, though my plan for time travel was to bring me back in time, to save my foal from that horrendous pony," She says, her fangs out in anger, insanity clouding her. "Almost everything is in set now, finally it can all be done," She continues, tears in her eyes, from what she doesn't understand.

((There's the final conflict for the current roleplay, from my end. It's meant to be a quick, emotional one, and no, we're not really going to be travelling back to that time before the end of it. Perhaps we could do a sequel of this RP, post-returning to the proper timeline. If you want me not to do this, then I suppose I can modify it, though that would mean all the build up was for nothing on my end, lol.))
"Me, I am from this time, though memories always bring haze to my mind. The ones that have travelled to this period in time are those," Nocturna says, pointing to the future ponies. "The rest of us simply are assisting them, perhaps to help ourselves..escape from the troubles of our past and this time period.." She continues, trailing off, shaking to recover from whatever possessed her near the end.