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Messages - CMC Scootaloo

Quote from: KrystalClear on 2014 Aug 09, 05:31:14
Yeah... mine has randomly decided to stop working and crashes after the unity logo on startup :'(
so... guess I am sitting this OSW out... I don't think there is anything else I can try...

Try to reinstall it. If it started to do so randomly, then it's probably something with your computer.
A reinstall should fix it.
Our first Hide & Seek event (officially) ended at 10:00 PM EST after six funny rounds with five players that joined Scootaloo!
Check it out here:][/URL]
So, time to start the first Hide & Seek event! Piaffe is full now, but it will start on Pesade now (Thank you dev's for the additional servers! DD: ).
Alternative server if something happens is Courbette:][/URL]

I hope many of you will come for some relaxing Hide & Seek (and come especially if you just tried to fully explore The Heartlands, you will need it then!). 0:)
Had to change the plans for the Hide & Seek events again. The alternative server will now be Courbette instead of Croupade, since Croupade is not there anymore.

Please check the post for any future updates on the situation:][/URL]
I had some changes to make for the Hide & Seek events:][/URL]

Times stay the same, but the servers are different, so please check it out to be able to come to the right server!
We're still waiting!

Why? DD:
You're welcome, everypony! 0:)

This time, I will again turn the train station in Canterlot into a Hide & Seek meeting:

I know it probably didn't run so smoothly the last two times, because I was never really there, but things will go differently this time!
Just read the topic that I made for all the infos on it!

And now I will get some hours of sleep to be ready and fit for the start!
Good Night everypony! Until a few hours! 0:)
McSleuthburger answered me on a message!

He said that they still finish fixing some bugs to make the game run more smoothly and that they will announce it everywhere once the download is ready. :D
Why is there no download link yet? O:
You said it will be there one or two day before it starts.
And now it's only a few hours before the servers are opened!
Please hurry!
News Archive / Re: One Week Away!
2014 Apr 11, 14:00:39
Only one week more!
I'm already so hyped, I can't contain the happiness! 0:)
I found a solution for the windows key problem:

You can switch back to windowed mode by pressing Alt + Enter again.
Then you can let the game running while doing other things. :D


It's open for three days (72 hours).
And maybe they will extend it with one day again, like they last year!
Not sure, but it could be.
The game always crushes, when I hit the windows key in fullscreen mode.
Is there any way to avoid that?
I'm trying to log in right now. 0:)
Oh, and I already ran into the first bug:

When I hit the Windows key to get back to the desktop while playing, I can't reopen the game anymore.......
I'm forced to shut it down and to start it new then, which makes it a bit uncomfortable to leave the game short to look something up here in the forum. :s

Quote from: FanofRainbowDash on 2014 Jan 23, 23:59:16
I got the game up! YESSS!!!!!! Now all I have to do is wait for the servers to open  :3

Have you read my answer on your profile?
Hope we can meet, Babs! 0:)
How can I make screenshots in the game, that are immediately saved to my hard drive?
Last year, there was a key for that, but this time no one has mentioned one.

Oh, and it would be nice for some if you would add the controls in the news on the homepage! 0:)
Quote from: Howitzer on 2014 Jan 23, 16:57:36
Quote from: CMC Scootaloo

Also, I ran into a little (big?) problem:

I already started the game and got to the title screen to ensure everything works fine tomorrow, but the game starts only in window mode and I can't make the window bigger.
And I also can't open the settings, where I can maybe find a fullscreen option.
Are there any solutions for that?

ALT+ENTER, that'll get you to fullscreen

Thanks! 0:)
Apparently, you changed the name of the places.
I hoped it's just some kind of work title when I read "Cloudopolis" during the stream event, but now it's really a thing it seems....
Has Hasbro demanded from you that you change the name of the places?

Also, I ran into a little (big?) problem:

I already started the game and got to the title screen to ensure everything works fine tomorrow, but the game starts only in window mode and I can't make the window bigger.
And I also can't open the settings, where I can maybe find a fullscreen option.
Are there any solutions for that?
Thanks for the reminder!
Not that I would have needed it. :D
But still.
Are there any new quests in the game?

Hmm, the forum is already slow......
Seems it's already stormed by bronies that can't wait to play. 0:)
I like it too. ^-^

The day of blatant obviousness. lol
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2014 Jan 04, 11:56:01
spot on for the most part, your forum account will be what you use to log into the game and then the client will most likely be available right before or right at the start of the weekend

Can you provide the download of the client one or two weeks before?
There will be sure a big run on the servers and the last time, even the page and the forum were getting down, which would make it hard to download the client and get into the game, once it started.