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Messages - Randam Saiko

Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2014 Nov 04, 18:18:38
I finally get one day alone to myself; no one to bother me.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Nov 04, 18:17:27
"It's fun to get Saiko mad!"
I love that game too! Especially since I was born without the ability to feel guilt.

Really though, if someone pokes a bear and not expect claws and jaws, then they're an idiot.
Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Nov 02, 05:20:15
hey yall. If this is still going might help move things along. will add the Multi to original sign up.

-Multiple Sign-Up Sheet- (Second Sheet)
Spoiler: broken Time line sign up • show

Name: Midnight Aurora
Gender: Filly
Age: 17
Race: Pegasus
Description (Appearance and personality):
Spoiler: Appearance • show

Coat: crystalline silver, Like the pale moon if it was made of crystal
Mane and tail: crystalline midnight Blue with crystalline sparkles of rainbow colors (Uses magical crystal glitter for the rainbow colors)
Cutie mark: A Pegasus in the center of a full moon. The moon is surrounded by a rainbow bursting aura.
Accessories: has very light cyan blue lens sun glasses. Always has a silver crystal rose in mane.

Spoiler: Personality Original Time Line • show

Outgoing, caring, protective, always out to make new friends

Spoiler:  Personality Damaged Time Line • show

Loner, Uncaring, Closed Heart, doesn't like to make friends

Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below: No
Damaged Timeline (What changed):
Spoiler: Original Time line • show

When she was just old enough to remember, Her and her family was helped by a kind being. (parents were saved by this being.) From this simple act of helping, she learned the power of friendship.

Spoiler: Damaged Time Line Changes • show

Never got the help (parents died), so never learned about the power of friendship.

Other Notes: In damaged time line she does not have the silver crystal rose mane accessory or glasses. She also tries to hide her crystalline coat and cutie mark with black cloths and dust. Doesn't use the magic crystal glitter.

So far, so good. It just requires some more details on the changes in lifestyle as well as any inner conflict.
The two of them proceed into the forest at which the whole incident originated. The trees were unsettling as the sharp night gusts forced them to tilt and shake with abnormal force. They looked as if each branch and possibly the roots were going to break off and crush them. The once warm night air grew colder with each minute, signaling that the forest is entering into the state as it did last night. The campsite was in a different state than when the two had left it. The tent was punctured with several holes, the equipment and containers were cracked and damaged, every trace of the ghouls was gone, and the campfire was nonexistent. "....Maybe I don't need my memories back..." Saiko whispered, frightened out of his mind. He turned around and began walking out of the forest with haste.
After returning the books he used, he went out the front door with Dark and prompted, "Well, it's dusk. Shall we begin the hunt?" he said with a slight hint of fear yet anxiousness in his tongue.
"Just about, " he replied following Dark Hooves out the door and towards the woods.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2014 Oct 29, 22:47:54
2 more days...
Hours passed as Saiko silently read the 241 paged novel...

7:41 pm. Nightfall was closing in. The blue skies were being covered by the dusk curtain slowly right as Saiko finished the novel. "The Winter Mare....she is quite an interesting being. I couldn't find much about her except that she's bound to the forest, can devour memories, and sap the temperature from the area. According to the author's accounts, she only appears at night and hates loneliness. He never mentioned any counter measures outside of running away," he elaborated.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Oct 29, 21:32:37
Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2014 Oct 29, 20:19:24
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2014 Oct 29, 19:55:00
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Oct 29, 19:51:27
Why do southerners have to be so dang polite? I don't want to have to say "Good morning" to every single solitary person I pass on the street or in the hall. Especially when there's nothing good about it from my end.

Welcome to Fiji. Over there, it is taboo to not say hi to everyone.



Spoiler: Canada • show

Whenever something terrible happens to me or is about to happen (like a few days in advanced), my entire mind just hops on board train wreck central. Just every thought about the future is a spiraling train track into a gorge of anticipated depression.
"I see then," he said closing yet another book and moving onto the next. His assembly line actions continued until the stack of books was emptied. The list he worked on was at 7 pages and over 100 very specific types. All but one combination on letters had been crossed out. "The Winter Mare..." he read aloud. He returned to the purple hard covered book that had contained it. Turning to the designated page, he read the source aloud, "The Winter Mare, a creature featured in Sky Seeker's 'I forget her not.' " He gets up and searches the library for the novel in question. Only after a few minutes, he retrieved the book. "This may take a while," he told Dark Hooves, who had to wait.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Oct 27, 20:52:50
When someone think they're giving you advice, but it actually sounds like they're trying to tell you how to/what to do.


"A good idea is to reduce your carbohydrate intake due to...blah blah blah."

Shut Up:
"You need to stop eating so much."
He adds several types onto the list and crosses 2 off. "Keep going..." he prompted as he finished one out his dozens of books on stand by. The "out" pile already had 5 stacked up and he had already flipped through 1/10th of the next book. The list at this point was about 3 pages in length with 12-font hoof writing. The names of crossed out ghosts were in vertical columns of 4 and each page had 16 types per column.
He multi-tasks, crossing out a few listed possibilities, continuing with his assembly line, "Go on..."
Spoiler: My Grill, • show

Spoiler: Amy. • show
As he spoke, he continued with his research at the same time, flipping; listing, and crossing. "Well, we can cross out ghouls, poltergeists, undead...." he continued on with the non-possibilities. "Is there anything you can tell me? Any details at all? Appearance? Behavior? Abilities aside from memory theft?"
After entering through the front doors, he immediately began strolling down the aisles, visiting multiple ones in the non-fiction section. After a few trials and errors, he managed to obtain several hardcover books and sat them down on a table located next to the windows. He slowly read him in silence and turning pages every so often and at the same time, repetitively listed and crossed out types of specters on a sheet of paper.
"Hmmmm...we might as well continue to prepare for the hunt tonight. Best be safe than sorry," he suggested. After which, he got up and headed towards the library. "It's best we bring up a broad range of specters and then utilizing given information, we could narrow down the possible type the target is and bring counter measures," he explained confidently.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Oct 24, 23:33:06
Spoiler: When your friend is in a fandom that you're not in and force you to do something fandom related • show

Don't try to convert people unless they're genuinely interested into it.
Spoiler: When I'm doing something horror related with friends who can't handle horror. • show

Saiko continues to doze off with an empty mind for about 10 minutes before asking Dark Hooves in a blissful tone, "We have 8 hours until night fall. What to do while we wait?"
"I guess that's it then," he said walking into the center of town. "Thank's for the equipment, princess!" he shouted back without turning. He sat on a bench located around the town's fountain and dosed off to the weather.