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Messages - Lusterless Nova

((from my guess, he is a cryomancer, or ice mage to put it more simple))
I am using illusion magic.
This allows me to change my environment to whatever i like. It's my second strongest magic.

The flowers start to change colors and go through the complete color spectrum of a rainbow.
Don't worry. You actually help me a little if you speak to me. It helps me to focus on holding the meditation.
I plan to meet someone who tends to be a little distracting. Please take a seat. I have some snacks if you want some.

He took the hood of his robe of.
This unicorn has a dark blue mane ,fur and eyes as dark as the night's sky on a full moon night.
My name is Lusterless Nova. Feel free to call me "Nova. Nice to meet you.
The pony at the tree waves his hoof to the watcher.
It seems like he wouldn't mind some company.
((I am. Let me give you a nice reason to walk up to my oc))

The pony with the hooded robe walks to the park and takes a seat under a tree. From the looks of it, he seems to start meditating.
Flowers around him start to bloom and leaves become a little greener.
I'll be on my way again then. I'll make sure to send you a wedding present later.
See you later.

Nova turned around and left the market.
I thank you for the offer, but i can't. I will meet up with someone soon and need to prepare myself.
Don't take it the wrong way. I would like to, but this is important.
I see. Good luck then.
If you want i can give you a hoof if you need help.
Good as usual. But i needed to buy new tools. My old ones couldn't be repaired.
What about you?
The wanderer turns around and greets flame with s smile.
Good morning Flame.

((they already met again a couple of days ago))
A wanderer who wears a dark, almost black, robe with a hood,  walks through the streets of ponyville. His face is covered by the hood, and his dark fur color makes it impossible to see it who it is. It is a unicorn though, since a horn can be seen, sticking through the hood.
He finds his was to the market and stops at a merchant who sells tools
Spoiler: Don't drink anything when you open this • show
Canterlot Archives / Re: Life in Canterlot
2013 Apr 14, 13:24:16
Mind if i ask what brings you here?
He closed his book and turned to them. His hood still covered his head.
I have to get going. Until next time.
Nova left the barber shop and went back to his hotel.
As you wish.
Nova took the bottle back.
Let me know if you change your mind.
Nova took a seat again and continued to read his newspaper.
It's your choice what you want to do, but in case you are interested-
Nova takes a little bottle out of his robe. There is a leaf symbol on it.
This balm will help you heal faster and ease some of the pain. It's free since i made it myself, but bring the bottle to me someday.
He holds it to Zeekar but hides it from others. He guessed that he doesn't want someone to know that he is hurt.
I take your silence as a "Yes".
Did you know that wounds get worse the longer they are not treated properly?

He smiled at him as he said that and pointed at his leg.
Nova walks up to Zeekar
Excuse me but do you have a moment?
Nova starts to walk. The couch and Vanity float above him as he walks down.
He sets both of them down carefully.
Nova nodded in response.
He used a second levitation spell to pick the Vanity up as well. He knew that if it would be tilted the shelves would open so he moved it slowly.
Okay i have it. Where do you want me to carry them?