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Messages - moonlight7starshine

Quote from: The Clockwork King on 2013 Sep 25, 18:24:47
Perhaps, Moonlight, it would benefit to use a translator for your text, then copy and paste it in? It may not be accurately translated from your original language, but we'll get there.

if im allowed to rp i will do my 100% best to make it read able misspells happen  :c
Quote from: Shadechaser on 2013 Sep 25, 18:20:20
...confusion... ((I am sorry. Your English needs some work. You can still RP... My creator and I are waiting for the translations.))

does that mean i can rp  :D
already i add .  in my post as for , well  X3
Quote from: The Clockwork King on 2013 Sep 25, 18:01:53
Ok, English isn't your first language. Cool. Understandable. Here's the thing, you need punctuation and grammar in order to convey your character better. I read your post as one long sentence without stopping, and I was pretty out of breath. Inserting commas and full-stops breaks it up and is much nicer to read.
Not sure if 'frikkin' classes as swearing, that's Magus' decision. Regardless, follow the rules and you'll do great ^^

alright im going to edit it then and add those proper semilocons or whatever
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Sep 25, 17:30:49
Please reconsider your power level.  Cadance, in case it's not immediately obvious, is what amounts to a Goddess here.

Also, and I know this may be a stickler, but I tend to ask for players to:

1: Type in complete sentences.
2: Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, including commas, periods and ellipses where appropriate.
3: Use proper capitalization where appropriate.
4a: Type in paragraphs rather than run-on sentences or a series of phrases.
4b: If it seems that this is not fully understood, Type at LEAST ten sentences per post, with at LEAST ten words per sentence.
5: DO NOT speed-post.  I am only online for limited amounts of time during the day, and have 5+ RPs to look after.
6: Treat this RP, the GM (me), and the other players with respect, and post accordingly.  This means minimal emoticons, minimal use of "leet speak" or "chat speak", NO swearing whatsoever out-of-character, and polite, thoughtful responses.  Humor and causal conversation is allowed out of character, but only to a reasonable extent.

english is not my first language plus my post is read able ad understandable why do i need to use very corret grammar  >:/  i will use ( alot less often :p but i do my very best though and i make my post as understandable as possible do i have to fricken repost again  :l

Post Merge

i edited the post a bit
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Sep 25, 15:37:44
rejected.  please make a new one that conforms to the existing world and does not attempt to create new factions.  please limit yourself to existing races.

(aw well :p)

2nd app

Name: Moonlight starshine

Gender: Mare

Race (original): bat winged alicorn

Race (current): unicorn

Place of origin: unknown

Current home:ancient cloudsdale

Personality: brave regal and wise she can be fun and random but mostly regal

Special powers: can stand on clouds and is a talented magic user

Alignment (pacifist, chaotic, lawful, good, neutral, etc): neutral

Brief bio: a male hippogriff named lucien was flying around at midnight or sorta midnight. since the day and night cycle is kinda off not balance and changes rapidly when he was flying he heard something. crying he looked down to see something he went down to investigate and saw it was a dark purple alicorn. with a red mane with cyan stripes and red eyes dragon eyes oddly enough Lucien adopted the filly. but before he went home he went to a doctor moonlights wings were soo badly broken they had to be remove. otherwise a infection might kill her to their surprise even without wings she can still stand on clouds.

moonlight is now a young teenager is still a blank flank but her step dad lucien. does not care if she had a cutie mark or not hippogriffs accept her as one of them since shes such a nice mare Lucien named her moonlight because he picked her up under the bright moonlight.

Purpose/Mission: moonlight vowed that she will steal the elements of *dis*harmony and use them againts discord her dad lucien vowed to help her no matter what .