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Messages - ArtVeigar

Tian smiled gently, while letting out a really soft and short giggle. - "You're actually wrong. I would have laughed, but it's hard to truly laugh while someone is crying next to you." - She turned to the papers Pinkie was reading. She picked one, with wet dots here and there from the mare's tears, and started reading. Then she picked another and read it too. - "Hum.... I don't really understand. What is the meaning of these papers, Pinkie?" - She looked back at Pinkie with a confused expression.
Tian slowly followed the voice of Pinkie Pie. Now she could see better, and her heart sunk at the sight of the lonely mare behind piles of papers. She was supposed to be the happy and excited one, the one who would giggle in front of everything and every problem. But in fact, it was probably hard for her to laugh at her own repressed self, the parts of her that could hurt her friends and that she didn't even want to accept it's existence. That was, indeed, the worst situation for Pinkie Pie.

Getting at the pink mare's side, she sat down and spoke with a gentle and calm voice, just to announce her presence - "Pinkie Pie?"
Well, I'm back just to inform that I'm putting my participation in this RP on hold. It's pace is too fast for me to keep up in my actual lack of time. I might be back after November 21th, when I'll get a break from college and, consequently, a considerable amount of free time. Until there, Magus, you can put Ilias on NPC mode or just let her be in Avalon at all this time, what you think is better.

I'm sorry for the trouble.
Arty couldn't break the link between his horn and his spell, but being on Chrysteel's back helped him with the evasion part of his startegy. Bad thing was: every attack was directed at Chrysteel at the moment. Right then, his spell stacked a level, what meaned that the cloud of toxic spores and the Nameless' next attack would be 20% weaker, while Majem's waves would be 40% stronger with added light-based damage. Also, by crossing it, the Aspect Swarms suffered 10% damage each.

[glow=black,2,300]"Be careful, Chrysteel! We don't know if our shield can reflect acid attacks, as it deals continuous damage. Better be safe than sorry. And sorry for not being able to do more than just talk."[/glow] - He said, still focusing on maintaining his spell.
Arty looked even more embarassed for being the only one who haven't packed any warm clothes. Of course, he would if he had any. And the cold was starting to affect him, as he felt a chill going down his body. But he didn't want to delay everyone. But the mountain would be too could for him to climb naked.

While he were still figthing himself mentally, Skylight decided for himself, as she remembered he was the only one who didn't have any luggage at all. - "So, I guess mister Brightshadow is the only one who will need a sweater and a scarf. No problem! Slash, could you do me a favor and get some clothes for our adventurer?" - As she motioned toward a dark gray pegasus with red mane and tail, the stallion presented himself and saluted his capitain.

"Yes sir!" - The guard went flying toward the town.

"But don't come back here! Meet us at the mountain's foot!" - She said out loud, while the guard was still in sight. Something that didn't last long - "He is one of our fastest, and he has been here before. He must be ready in a blink of an eye." - As she said, she winked at Arty, who blushed, still embaressed of his situation.

"Thank you..." - He still managed to smile.

"Well, so I think we can get moving! I'm really excited at getting back up there, even in a situation like this. I was planning to stay outside for at least five years before coming back, but it seems plans have changed. I'm really curious about how they are holding up right there..." - Tian started to get side tracked in her own thoughts.

"If you all can follow me, the mountain is this way." - Said Vladmir, taking the lead. - "As the mayor of this town, it's my duty to lead the Princesses' adventurers and Royal Guard to your destiny." - He started walking toward the building they were behind.

"Let's go!" - Overly excited, Skylight lifted herself and did a loop in the air, before following Vladmir. Nightwalk sighed and Tian giggled at the white pegasus before also following, with Arty going right behind, with just a smile.
((Yes, I'm alive. Sorry for the delay again, I'm just too busy this month. But November 21th is coming and everything will get better))

Tian listened to all the sounds around, without opening her eyes. But she couldn't say she wasn't curious to know where they had just been through. But as soon as Pinky said they could open their eyes again, she did so and got her mind back to where it should be and started paying attention to the heavy breath nearby. - "Is that her?" - She asked Pinky, still waiting for her eyes to get used to the darkness and see who was making those sounds.
Tian followed everyone of the filly's instructions, ducking, holding and getting ready to close her eyes. - "Okay. I trust you can lead us to safety, you know more about what's happening than us. But still, be careful. This place is giving me a bad feeling." - She tightened her grip around the filly's hoof as she followed her.
"Ambassador? Wow, congratulations! I always knew you're destined to great things." - She turned to the moutain's direction, even if it couldn't be seen from there. - "The way up the mountain isn't really short, so we will have time to catch up, don't worry." - Tian turned back to him with a smile.

"Yes, so let's go to what matters." - With his usual rispid and could voice, Nightwalk interrupted the ponies conversation. - "Mayor Blackwood and miss Tian, please report what you have discovered so far."

Vladmir Blackwood shook his head in a negative sign - "I'm sorry, but I am of no help in this matter. Besides the obvious out-of-date snow, I don't know anything. I actually wouldn't even bother about it if it wasn't linked to what might be happening at the Monastery. Most of us actually like the could air." - He said in a carefree way, as if it really wasn't much his problem.

"But thanks to the researchers you lend me, we could confirm out that this snow really isn't natural, and is probably a side effect of what is happening up there. It is really fortunate that we have someone with knowledge in ice magic." - She looked at Froth as he seemed to play with the snow around. - "But from down here we couldn't figure out what is really causing it. We need to go up." - She motioned to the direction she had looked before, the way they had to go.

"But before that, are you all ready? Have you packed your sweaters? Because if you need anything, I'm sure you can find it in this town." - The mayor said with proud in his whispering voice.

Arty felt unconfortable for being the only one without a luggage, and without any bits at all. But before he could gather the courage to say anything, he heard the capitain of the Moon Royal Guard.

"And you don't need to worry about necessary expenses. Everything will be covered by the Princesses." - His voice and expression were the same, but Skylight smiled at the pony's statement. She walked near him and whispered so that only he could listen.

"That wasn't really in the script, you know."

"I'm sure the Princesses won't mind. Either way, I'll take responsability. It is important for our adventurers to have everything they need, for the sake of the mission." - He replied, speaking lower but not trying to avoid being heard.

"For the sake of the mission, heh? Yea, I'm sure it's it" - Still smiling, she turned to the party. - "So, it's up to you. What will you do?"
"Thanks again for everything, T.C. and Tech." - She gave a smile to both of them. Then, turned back to the paths - "It seems the most recently used is the leftmost one. In this case, it would be wiser to go there. If it was someone who knew these paths, so it will be the safer one. Otherwise, it could lead us to somepony in trouble we could be able to help. Anyway, it's already better than following a random path." - She waited for the others opinion about the matter, and for T.C. to finish the analysis and extraction of the plant's essense.
Tian said as the rock knight said, protecting herself against any flying and deadly cupcake. - "Can you lead us there? You are all Pinkie Pies, all parts of her. In other words, she is the only one who has the power to control this mess. If we want to stop those mad ones, we will need her."
At seeing the changeling getting down from the carriage, Tian's smile grew as wide as it could. She would never forget the face of a good friend. - "Price?! It's been so long!" - Letting go of any formalities she had shown until then, she just pulled Price into a tight friendly hug. - "It's so good to see you again, my friend! How have you been?" - Letting go of him, she looked at the two foals with him. - "And these are Range Conjure's foals, you say? They are so adorable!" - Looking back to Price, she gave him a reassuring smile - "And you don't need to worry that much. It's actually good to have them with us. You would be surprised at how many problems can be solved by just the innocent mind of foal." - She ran a hoof over the mane of the filly. Then, she turned to the other two, one of them also being a young foal. - "And we have another adorable thing here!" - She also ran a hoof over Froth's mane, messing with it. - "This one will definetely be a fun trip! The company sure seems to be one of the best you can get! Oh, and there is still another one!" - She saw the last adventurer coming down from the carriage.

Arty joined the others feeling more excited than he thought he would be. It seems the cream colored mare just irradiated it all around. Without wavering his voice, like he usually does when talking to new people, he introduced himself. - "Hi, I'm Arty Brightshadow! It's nice to meet you!" - He gave a smile he had already forgotten he could. That was strange...

"Hello, Miss Long! It's good to see you again!" - Skylight raised a hoof toward Tian, who grabbed and shook it

"Indeed, it's nice too see you too, Captain Skylight! And you as well, Captain Nightwalk." - She turned to Nightwalk and gave him a smile.

"Yes, it is." - He nodded in agreement.

"He's still not a stallion of much words, but I'm sure he is happy." - Skylight's comment made Tian giggle.

"So, did you guys had a nice trip? Canterlot's Royal Transport is one of the best things in this world, I can asure it!"
Arty smiled seeing Majem joining the party again. - [glow=black,2,300]"Hello, my friend. It's nice to have you with us. Ready to kick some interdimensional flank again?"[/glow] - He said with a smirk, still maintaining the link between his horn and his spell.
"First of all, we need to get and examine the flower for Price. It seems it's just next to the fork, but what worries me is the scattered bones around. We don't know how strong it's gas is, and if it can get a pony unconsious." - Tian carefully walked ahead until she could see well the flower and area around, but still keeping a safe distance. - "Hey, T.C., I'm sorry for asking another favor, but can you get it for a physical analysis of it's properties and extraction of it's essense? You can be sure I'll pay this favors one day... We just can't risk any normal pony getting unconscious right now." - She smiled to the robotic pony.

Turning to the three-way fork, she started to think. - "It seems like we can't be sure of what's ahead. Everything we know is that there is danger and there is water. I guess if we can't find any sign to tell which one is better or worse, we will have to just pick one and go." - She said, looking aroun the entrances. If there is a camp ahead, the ones there had to go through one of these paths, and she was searching for a sign of which one was the last to be used.
The still not defeated gravelwoves could feel their rage against those who attacked them dissipating due to the light mana inside them. They could also feel it strengthening their very essense and body. They could also faintly notice that the energy inside them is linked to the white unicorn who had just flown in the back of the changeling.

[glow=black,2,300]"Let's do it! Elemental Field - Light!"[glow] - Shooting a light beam toward the 19th and 20th floor, it started to glow white. Around them, a white and translucent dome appeared.

The field had the following effects:
- Any attack toward what, in this case, is inside the dome becomes 20% stronger with added light-based damage
- Any attack toward what, in this case, is outside the dome becomes 10% weaker
- It deals 2% damage to boss enemies who touches it, and 5% damage to all other enemies. No knockback, what means enemies can cross it
- Each turn the caster keeps channeling the spell, the initial effects are added to the actual effects ((i.e. if it deals 2% first turn, it'll deal 4% in the second and 6% in the third)). Up to 5 stacks
- No other spell can be cast while channeling, and movements is halved
- Lasts for 3 turns after the caster stops channeling the spell
- It lasts 3 rounds after the caster stops channeling the spell directly.
Tian seemed to be lost in her thoughts. She was trying to comprehend everything. These were Pinkie Pie's fears, that's for sure. It seemed she had a deep problem of self steem, to be repressing so many "hers" inside. Like the obstacles they have gone through, the solution doesn't seem to be fighting, capturing or anything that deals with brute force. They needed Pinkie Pie to it herself.

"And you haven't seen her since when?" - She asked the filly. She would let Wavelenght and Rocky with the guard role, and would try to find Pinkie Pie.
((Sorry again for the delay. Finally having time to think and post.))

As they shortened the distance between them and foliage of the trees, Nightwalk's horn started to glow silver. Even with the bad visibility caused by the falling snow, he easily found some sort of antenna sticking through the leaves, and a beam of mana was shot towards it. The antenna started to glow with the same silver color, what suddenly spreaded through the nearby trees. It's leaves started to separate one from another, forming a gap over the foliage, big enough to fit the entire carrige, just like a natural gate leading the adventurers to their first stop.

As soon as they entered, the gap they came through closed, leaving behind almost all of the natural sunlight. Inside the town, everything seemed to be almost completely dark. Really thin rays of sunlight pierced through the foliage, and a few, spreaded out candles and lanterns could be seen here and there. There, under the foliage of the trees, the snow could barely come through, and just a few white spots could be seen around the places where the sunlight hit the soil.

The carriage landed and stopped in an open area right under the passage they went, as it was too big to fly inside the forest. As their eyes got used to the darkness, the adventurers could see themselfs over a platform, what seemed to be a landing place, behind a building mostly made of wood and stone bricks. It was tall and seemed to blend with the nearby trees, as if they were part of the structure. Between them and the building, two ponies were waiting the newcomers. The first was a blood-red male Night Pegasus wearing a black blazer overtop a red social shirt and a black tie. It also covered his cutie mark. His black mane was straight and slicked back, and his golden eyes really stand out from his color scheme, almost as if shining. The other was a cream colored female Earth Pony, with dark-gray mane and tail, both tied with a red ribbon in the base and another near the end, braided between both ribbons, what makes them look shorter than they really are. Her eyes were red with a dark makeup around them, and she was wearing a plain and black silk shirt, one black armband in each front leg, and a golden hooflet with a small ruby on each hoof. Her cutie mark was the head of a black dragon.

Skylight turned back to the party with a smile - "We are here! Let's get off this incredible nice carriage and see the town!" - With a hop, she got down from the carriage.

"Don't forget why we are here. We don't have time to lose." - Nightwalk also came down, but a lot less excited than his fellow captain.

The two ponies came closer, both smiling, even if some uneasy feelings could be noticed in the eyes of the mare. - "Welcome, adveturers and guards of the Sun, to the Hollow Shades!" - His voice sounded almost like a whisper. He turned at Nightwalk and the other Moon Guards - "And welcome back home, guards of the Moon! I'm happy to see you all back, even if you aren't staying long." - Turning back to the adventurers and Skylight, he started introducing himself - "I'm the mayor of this town, Vladmir Blackwood. It is a pleasure to have you all visiting our town!" - He smiled again. Then, he pointed to the mare accompainying him - "And this wonderful mare here is the one sent by our Princesses. Her name is Tian Long, and she will be your guide."

Blushing after the mayor's praise, she bowed deep to the adventruers and royal guards - "It is a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope we can get along well!" - Raising herself, she gave them a wide and friendly smile.
Well, sorry for the delay on my posts lately. This week has been really full, and [sarcasm] to make everything a lot better [/sarcasm] I just got the most annoying cold ever. I'll try to post the arrival at the Hollow Shades later today, and after that I'll also require Super Nova's post. I wasn't really worried with him because all that was happening was some chat, and I just assumed his characters didn't want to talk anymore. But things are going to move, so it's better if both players post, so no one will stay behind.

And, The Stars, we are acutally building a pretty good relationship between Price and Tian that will serve as a nice background for them in this RP in "When Darkness Fall"! Let's see how thing will work out here.
Being able to grasp the feelings of the changeling in his self-discovery, Tian smiled widely to Price - "I'm glad I could be of help! You can always count on me with anything under my capabilities, and even things a little over it. And when you ever have the chance, why don't you visit the Monastery? I'm sure the masters will be more than willing to help you discover more about your origins and with some self-control technics." - She heard of T.C.'s finding - "It seems T.C. has found something. Let's see if we can gather it and extract it's essence. We don't want one of our best soldiers to turn agains us, right?" - She gave him a wink before turning to where T.C. has pointed.

Seeing the fork in their way, she turned to Tech to give her opinion - "The worse we can do is split the party. Even if it takes long to find the way we should go, it's better than putting a small group in face of a possible great danger."
The orb didn't seem to do anything, at least for now. And that meant he would have to endure his headache and the wave of feelings hitting him full strenght. Too worried with his own problems, he could barely notice the mess caused by the multiple forms of the pink pony. He could barely feel the pony grabbing him and bringing him to what seemed to be safety.

And when Tian thought of running to the rock golem, she felt Super Nova doing the job for her. - "Wow, that was fast! Thanks!" - Then, she turned to the little filly - "Pinky, right?" - She gave a smile, but urgency was still noticeable in her voice - "Could you explain what is happening?"

Can't... Stop... Laughing... lol