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Topics - mentalshock

Canterlot Archives / Half and half
2014 Aug 09, 01:04:39
This RP is about the life of Halflings (half pony half anything else) and a war beteen them and pure bloods. Twilght and Luna are aiding the Halflings. Where as Celestia and Cadence are against them.

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Also if you wish to help Halflings you do not have to be one. If you want to aid the pure bloods you must be a pure blood yourself. Or you could try to live a normal life during all this.
This is a RP idea that I have bounceing around in my head. Anything goes but there is a limit. The chat room rules still aply. I will not tollerate the killing of player characters the mane 6 or either of the princesses. If you do kill somepony it beter be a NPC that should have died if not list your reasons for the murder and expect to be punished.

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//I will be useing a pony by the name Smooth Waters//

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"Tis a clear night tonight," stated a yellow unicorn stallion with a green mane and tail. This unicorn was also dressed in the fashon of the twins Aloe and Lotus. "Perhaps I shall pull out my old telescope, and stargaze with my girlfriend tonight."