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Topics - Emerald-Bright

Original Characters / yay another OC!
2014 May 16, 00:44:57
Name: Emerald Bright
Coat/Mane/eye color: a darkish green, turqoise with dark blue streaks, pitch black
Gender and age: in some rp's i would be a young filly but in most im a young mare

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if you want more detail, just ask  :D
Canterlot Archives / After the Flash
2014 May 14, 20:07:16
it was a fine day in equestria where everypony was smiling and cheering as they were celebrating the summer sun celebration.
Princess celestia had just risun the sun, and everypony was enjoying themselves... then there was a huge flash.
everyone stopped to see what was going on and they all looked at princess celestia, she was looking at were the flash came from and when everypony looked there was a huge mushroom like cloud... everypony thought the worst. everypony run to your homes and bourd up the windows hurry! shouted the princess as the cloud grew larger in size. they all went inside and did as the princess commanded, there was a small earthquake and a huge  gust of wind and smog  not long after... its a couple weeks after the flash and unratiated food is mildly rare to find and most of the water comes from underground lakes so theres plenty of good water, its a cold winter and you find yourself in a mildly torn down house with 3 other people ((me and the next 3 that join, will maybe add ppl later)), you had forgotten what had happened while you were unconscious... ((no alicorns changling or dicsord ponies please, only normal pegasi earth and unicorn ponies))
 X3 hey everypony, im new and would like to know is i could ask for help if i need it, thanks again! :3  lol  :D  0:)  <3

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also, how do you post images for your OC?   ono