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Topics - Feral FurE


When I first started playing I had access to the chatbox in the top left corner of my window and could minimize/maximize whenever I wanted.  After a few crashes and reconnects I noticed that I didn't have the plus icon to maximize the chat window showing up.  I can still press enter and after confirming that I was what seemed like typing, type in "/stuck" to spawn back at the starting point, press enter, and actually still spawn there despite not seeing any chatbox showing up.  When I press enter, I cannot move, I am assuming the game is recognizing I am typing stuff and therefore not letting the movement keys (default WASD keys) have any affect.  To undo this and start moving around again I have to mash the escape button a few times and return to the game from the menus that pop up.

I think there might be some corrupted/bugged files on my versions of LoE, I have the x64 and x86 version and am currently playing on the x86 version.  Any requests for system data I'm willing to provide, just give me some instructions on how to give them.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks a bunch!

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Turns out I'm a hardcore derp, I set the transparency to the absolute minimum in the settings  :P and this made the box entirely invisible lol.

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