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Topics - Anca

Original Characters / Anca's OC C:
2014 Mar 03, 20:46:05
Hello everyone, I've seen many doing this, so why not to try it? I want to make a bio about my OCs c: Sorry, I didn't upload any pics of them, because I totally suck at drawing on computer. And it takes me hours to upload traditional art, so yea... Back to the bio!

Nature Breeze

Gender : Mare
Race : Pegasus
Age : 18
Cutie Mark : Dark brown paw pad (I think :P)
Talent : Helping animals
Personality : Golden-hearted, helpfull, and a bit shy
Appearance : White coat, green mane and tail and amethyst purple eyes
Past(When she was a filly) : Nature Breeze was very excited, today was her first school day. In recess, she went outside to make some friends, but when she went out of the classroom, she saw two colts 'bullying' a little squirrel. "Hey you!" Nature Breeze yelled. "Yes you! Leave the little squirrel alone! ... Please..." "Or what? Your gonna fight us?" One colt said and the other one started laughing. "Uhmm... Well... I-" she wanted to continue but one colt jumps in "Yea, yea, whatever" he frees the squirrel and leaves. "Animals are brainless anyway!" Nature Breeze ignored them and runs toward the squirrel to see if it is alright. Some little critters gathered around her. She started to like animals and help them, thats how she got her qutie mark - a dark brown paw pad. After some years later (When shes a mare), Nature Breeze got something like a dream, where she was told to rescue the animals... In Everfree Forest! She doesnt know herself why, but she must do it. Now, she is somewhere in Everfree Forest, searching for animals, and helping them. One day, she will return...

Pretty long bio, eh? Well I put much effort in it so u better leik it! >:I Lol jk XD
Actually, Im mostly everywhere :P Anyways, I have two more ponies, but Im like never using them so I dont think I should make a bio. I will try to upload some pics on how she looks like, but it takes AGES to upload, cuz Im uploading from my tablet... So yea...
Introductions Archive / New here c:
2014 Jan 10, 09:58:20
Hello everypony! C: Im new to this game and I was wondering if someone could tell me when I will be able to download the game and how to change the avatar  :3