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Topics - ZephyrStormwing

Introductions Archive / Hey whats up?
2013 Dec 16, 09:48:56
Hey what's going on?  Nifty place you all have here.  Anyway the name is Zephyr Stormwing, Zephyr is just fine though.  I've recently heard about Legend of Equestria a few days ago and thought that a 3-D MLP MMO would be right up my alley.  So if you couldn't tell, I play games from time to time.  I've been gaming since I was a small child but took an interest in MMO's at an early age.  I started off playing Ultima Online (Yeah I know, that is showing my age a bit) and several others including Dark Age of Camelot (Personal Favorite), WoW, SW: Galaxies, Everquest, Warhammer Online, Guild Wars and SW: The Old Republic just to name a few.  The world of MMO gaming has treated me well and I'm hoping I can use those experiences here.  I'm looking for a friendly gaming atmosphere and what better place than among my fellow MLP fans! 

If you must know some additional info about me, I'm a bit of a musician, been playing guitar for a while now.  Styles of music range from Blues, Funk, Jazz and everything in between but, my heart is in Metal.  So I'm a metal head brony, you don't see many of us around. 

I started watching the show around the middle of season 2.  To be honest I have heard of the brony community before and didn't really know what to think of but my daughter goaded me into watching the show.  I have no regrets.  Upon delving deeper in I have seen some amazing stuff from fellow bronies, running the gambit of animation, music, art and I was smitten.  Before it is asked, I don't officially have a favorite pony, all of them are great and its hard to pick which qualities I like the most.  If hard pressed though (Possible pun?) I would say I relate to Applejack the most.

So in the meantime, if any of you want to game on Steam or the Xbox 360, send me a PM.  Anyway, before this gets to long winded, I just wanted to hello and introduce myself! 

The name is Zephyr, I play games, I play music and I ramble.