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Topics - Chitin

Original Characters / Weaver/Chitin
2013 Sep 02, 01:41:34
Spoiler: Weaver • show

Name: Weaver
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Age: 25 (in human years)
Appearance: A red Pegasus with golden eyes, a flowing white mane and tail, and a smile always on his face. His Cutie Mark is that of a crochet hook with a strand of yarn wrapped around it, earned after making/selling scarves throughout Fillydelphia. A dark grey scarf with dull blue and green accents adorns his neck.

Bio: Weaver is a Pegasus from Fillydelphia, where he earned his cutie mark by making and selling scarves. In an attempt to further increase his scarf sales, he decided to move to Ponyville. He always has a smile on his face and is always willing to lend a helping hoof when needed, especially if it leads to making a new friend, though his boundless energy often makes it hard for some ponies to keep up with him. Despite this, he won't stop till he's either sold all of his scarves and is ready to move on to the next town, befriended every Pony in Ponyville, or both.

Weaver lives by himself on the outskirts of the village near the Everfree Forest in a quiet little shack. He often spends his nights here making new scarves to sell or just wear himself, leaving him with little time to sleep, yet he never loses an ounce of energy. However, he does seem to be constantly hungry, yet he refuses to eat, and what he does eventually eat seems to disgust him slightly. Maybe he's just used to eating higher quality food than Ponyville has to offer?

Spoiler: Chitin • show

Name: Chitin
Race: Changeling
Gender: Stallion
Age: ???

A lanky, dark grey Changeling with emerald green eyes, a jagged horn, a short blue mane, and a jagged blue tail. His carapace resembles the wings of a jewel beetle with his hole-ridden wings protruding from his sides. He has three holes per hoof, one of which giving each hoof a hook-like appearance on the back. The scarf around his neck keeps the same dark grey, blue, and green colors regardless of who he becomes, often causing him to abandon it when he changes to someone other than his main disguise.

Bio: Weaver's true form, Chitin is a cold and and deceitful Changeling. Slow to trust, he often keeps to himself in the hive, leaving him with very few acquaintances. He believes himself to be one of the most (if not the most) intelligent drones amongst his brethren, though this is a false assumption and leads some to believe he has a minor superiority complex. Despite the way he acts, he's actually very loyal and is willing to lay his life on the line for the hive.

Throughout his life from hatchling to warrior, Chitin has grown to admire his ruler, Queen Chrysalis, whom he looks up to, respects, and serves without question, even going as far as to refer to her as "The Almighty Queen Chrysalis".

When given the task to scout out Ponyville for the next Changeling invasion, Chitin realized his personality would be questionable amongst the bright, cheerful Ponie's he'd be hiding amongst. After three nauseating years of studying what it meant to love and be friendly, he created a persona of his own that was his exact opposite; Weaver, a happy-go-lucky Pegasus from Fillydelphia skilled with yarn and a crochet hook who was moving to Ponyville in an attempt to increase his scarf sales. While the idea seemed perfect at the time, he soon realized there had been a drastic increase in security since the last invasion, making it harder for him to feed. Along with keeping up Weaver's boundless energy as to not draw any attention to himself, Chitin has begun to starve himself, only feeding on minute amounts of love when he is absolutely sure no one will notice. This often leaves him in a weak state of mind and sometimes causes a bit of his true personality to slip out.

It's a little hard to say whether these two count as two OCs or one, but these are the bios of my Changeling OC, Chitin, and his disguise, Weaver. Feel free to tell me what you think about them, and any helpful criticism you can offer is welcomed.
Good evening, Ponies. My name is Chitin, and I am a member of the great Queen Chrysalis' Changeling Swarm. I often find myself in Equestria in disguise, and while some Ponies seem to be growing suspicious of my behavior, my true identity is safe for now, even if I have to keep feeding off of somepony's love at an extreme low to stay hidden.

(End of in-character introduction)

Good evening, everyone! Forgive me if my in-character intro is a little lack-luster, I've never had a chance to do anything as Chitin before. This is partially due to how little time I often spend thinking about MLP:FiM (college takes up a lot of my time, as well as a lot of person projects), but mostly due to the fact that I'm a severe "closet brony". I only get to watch/learn more about MLP for a few hours a night whenever I can stay up late.

For the longest time, I did my best to avoid MLP:FiM like the plague, but one of my friends was obsessed with getting me into the fandom, so one night I finally gave in and decided to watch the first episode while thinking of it as a good way to study the animation they used in the show for school. ...Fast forward two weeks and I'm half way through the second season with my own OC (OC's if you count the fact he's a Changeling) and learning how to properly draw ponies (which I haven't done for a while, so I could use some improvements).

As for my character, he originally started as a nameless red Pegasus with an unknown talent. Then after I started to learn more about the show via searching the web, I ran into a character who really caught my interest: Queen Chrysalis. After doing some research on her, I began to love absolutely everything about her and the Changelings, and decided to change my OC to go along with it, and after some thinking, finally gave him the name of Chitin (which a friend and I got into a slight disagreement over the proper pronunciation of). However, knowing a Changeling could never just trot on into Equestria proved to be a slight issue, so I decided to use and update his old design, and thanks to something I saw on the internet that said the first thing to my left would be my Cutie Mark, he became a red pegasus with a white mane and tail with a crochet hook for a Cutie Mark, and his name became Weaver.

So... Yeah. That's about everything I feel should be important with an introduction, and I apologize if it seems like I'm rambling. I'm just a tad nervous/self conscious, though I know I'll meet a lot of people who will help me calm down and enjoy being a brony once Legends of Equestria goes into Open Beta. :3 ...Though I'll only accept being a brony amongst the MLP community. Outside of that I'll still be a closet brony.