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Topics - Shadow Blitz

Howdy, everypony!  :]

I'm not sure if a similar post like this has been created.  I'm sorry if it has been; I do not intend to plagiarize  0:)

Anyhoo, I aim for this post to allow ponies to share their usernames for the MLP Mobile Game.  This way, we could grow closer as a community by gifting each other and earning some hearts along the way.

My username is: PzychoGamer

I'm Shadow Blitz and I greatly anticipate the release of this game, or at least the next stress test.  I just want to play this game!  I only heard about this a few weeks after the end of the testing!

Well, I guess missing the open server wasn't THAT bad...


[How I Became a Brony]

I got hooked on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic about a month ago.  I kept seeing ponies all over the internet and I decided to give the show try.  Best decision ever!   :D

I love this show because of the characters, drawing/animation style, jokes, the awesome songs, and, of course, the adorable ponies.

I am a guy and I am not afraid to say that these ponies are the most adorable things ever.

:3 <- just look at dat face

and when Sweetie "Squeaky" Belle says she really likes Smartypants' mane?  :s Hnnnnnngggg!


Well, I hope that wasn't too much to read.  I'm Shadow Blitz, proud Brony, and I am very much looking forward to the next open server and playing with my fellow Bronies.  :]