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Topics - Different

The Retirement Home / Different
2013 Jul 11, 06:47:33
Hello everypony, i have seen that they're could be musicians that could write songs and post them.I am in the middle of a music project but it isn't more important than others music. I have currently 2 songs i have made ever since i started. If anypony wants to help with my work in progress music they can just ask. THANK YOU


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Introductions Archive / Hello LOE!
2013 Jul 10, 15:27:30
Hi, my name is Different. This is my first time ever seeing this website and i already think its amazing!I got the game just today but it seem to not want to log me in...and im ok with it. I have been traveling the world to meet fellow bronys and have met wonderful people. I do make songs on my own time, i used to make Dubstep but thats the past. I want to thank the makers of this website and makers of My Little Pony for taking me out of depression and finding friends around the world. THANK YOU.

From: Different