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Topics - Nimbus

Nimbus coughed reddish dirt from his mouth as he sat upright, blinking in the blinding sunlight. Every inch of him felt caked with dry dust, and his throat felt like sandpaper. As his eyes adjusted to the glaring light, he looked around. He was standing in a desert, with a few mountains scattered to his left. While he didn't know where he was for sure, he knew it most certainly wasn't the Unicorn Range, where he last remembered flying around. Come to think of it, he realized, this strange place didn't even look like Equestria! He coughed and instantly regretted it as a sharp pain shot through his parched throat. He had to find water. Once he did that, perhaps he could finally look for some answers. Haltingly, he turned and walked towards the mountains in the distance, too tired to lift his wings. It was shaping up to be a long day.
Amongst the billowing clouds, our doom arrives; steeds of pure white with eyes of fire...

Leren Air Base, October 25, 1998.

Captain Niles Feisler watched his breath form small clouds as he exhaled. He made a note to tell his former squadmates from Altavaire Air Base, located farther inland in Verusea, that the late Fall on the southern coast was no better than it was in the country's northern half. Feisler gazed out across the vast expanse of ocean ahead of him. On the other side of the water was Sotoa, the sole reason he was now here. The small country had been alarming Verusea's security analysts as of late; the Sotoan military had begun stockpiling weapons and receiving vehicles and weapon systems from the dominant country on the continent: Yuktobania. Truth be told, however, the troubles of a country hundreds of miles away were second to Feisler. Right now he couldn't help but take in the beauty of the serene shoreline ahead.

With a thundering roar, a Verusean Navy F-14 finished its takeoff roll right behind Feisler as it banked and headed out to see. "So much for serenity," Feisler groaned, checking his watch. It was 0640; he'd need to be back in his squadron building in twenty minutes to see the new squadmates the base's command had thrown together. He'd prepared a "welcome to the squad" briefing, but he knew from experience that such things could either make or break a first impression. Feisler hopped onto his mountain bike and pedaled off towards the base gates. Time to meet the other new guys.
In honor of the upcoming "Ace Combat Infinity" I'd like to open up a roleplay for those interested in giving something Ace Combat-related a try. Without further ado, here we go:

Synopsis: In the shadow of the Belkan War, two rising superpowers- Yuktobania and Osea- have begun their quests for influence amongst the nations of Strangereal. The nation of Verusea, located on the Yuktobanian continent, has observed increased fighter patrols and aggressive activity along its coast, from the nation of Sotoa. Yuktobania has supplied Sotoa with weapons, in an attempt to "test" the strength of their military equipment. Osea, meanwhile, has provided assistance to Verusea. You are a Verusean pilot in the 132nd Fighter Squadron, also known as Windigo. Your task in the days ahead is to help your country prevent war with Sotoa, but if necessary, help it survive conflict.

Rules: Each pilot receives three aircraft- one fighter, one multirole, and one ground attack. These aircraft do not have to be from the Ace Combat universe (i.e. F-8 Crusader, S-3 Viking, etc) but should be chosen based on an Ace Combat-style tier system. Each player chooses an "Ace" color scheme, as well as color schemes for their other aircraft. This scheme will be on the player's "signature aircraft," (like Cipher's F-15 or Mobius One's F-22).

Tier classifications: Tier one- any aircraft up to fourth generation. Tier two- fifth generation aircraft. Tier three- Ace Combat-exclusive prototypes and original aircraft.

Members select their own aircraft, but do so based on tiers. In other words, one cannot start the roleplay flying a super-prototype such as the ADF-01, CFA-44, X-02, need I go on? Those planes will be available later, as will the option for players to create an OA (original aircraft). To start the RP, however, I'd advise that players select low-tier aircraft, similar to the actual game.

On another note, I'd like to hear whether you'd prefer that A) all players in this RP are in the same squadron, B) all players in the RP are in different squadrons, but fly for the same country or that country's ally, or C) players can represent different countries, including the antagonist country (currently undecided).

If this all sounds too complicated, let me know and I'll simplify it. I'm simply trying to make this RP work for incoming players' expectations. As such, it should feature several things the Ace Combat series uses frequently, such as at least one superweapon on the opposing country's side, and enemy aces, to name a few.

The map I plan to use can be found at this link:

The following is an example of how to do your character/aircraft sheet. Note- you don't actually have to have a picture, but it helps:

Name: Niles Fiesler
Callsign: Mistral
Birth Country: Verusea
Aircraft and color schemes:
-Fighter: Mirage F1 (Ace: White with blue markings)
-Multirole: F-4E Phantom II (Two-tone grey with a blue tail stripe)
-Ground: A-5 Vigilante (Desert camouflage with a blue tail stripe)

In addition, I will be bringing in one original fighter towards the end of the RP as a tier-1 aircraft: the YF-34 Pegasus

Original Characters / My main OC
2013 Aug 08, 11:31:39
Here's the rundown on my OC:

Nimbus was born in Hollow Shades, shortly after the Great Griffon War to Comet Stream and Updraft- a writer and soldier. The little Pegasus made it clear very quickly that he wouldn't rest until he figured out how to use his wings to fly. Before he could speak, Nimbus was launching himself off tables, couches, and steps in an attempt to reach the wild blue yonder. By the time he was five years old, Nimbus was airborne. It was through his love for the sky that Nimbus eventually found his special talent. He and his parents were taking a recreational flight in the nearby mountains. The sky was cloudy that day, but the air was warm, and they didn't want to waste a good day. As such, they took off without fear. However, the family was caught in a sudden microburst which separated them, flinging them in all directions. Nimbus fought for control, struggling to stay aloft in the relentless wind shear. His parents managed to get to the ground, and could only watch as their son tried his best to fight the elements. Then, as suddenly as it began, the microburst cleared and Nimbus landed safely with his cutie mark- a stylized wing- for his aerial prowess. His parents were overjoyed, and Nimbus couldn't have been prouder. Nimbus was relatively popular amongst the few foals in his small Hollow Shades school. He was kind, willing to listen to others, and was one of the most humble foals in town. He never took an opportunity to brag about his abilities. All of that changed, however, when Nimbus was accepted to the prestigious Wonderbolts Academy. The day he received his acceptance letter, something about Nimbus changed. His schoolwork became unimportant, his friends, for all he cared, were simply there to listen to his accomplishments, and he'd suddenly decided that he was the best of the best. Though he was specifically instructed to prepare himself for the Academy, Nimbus did no such thing. While there, he quickly fell behind in his class work, his physical activities, and his tests. The final straw was his Dizzitron exam, which was a milestone test for all Wonderbolt cadets. Nimbus took the test without taking a single glance at his exit procedures book, and paid the price, failing it. Attributing his failure to a "bad day," Nimbus took the test two more times with the same results. After the third try, several of the Academy's faculty took notice, and recommended the cadet for disenrollment. Nimbus had no choice but to confess that he hadn't taken the Academy as seriously as he should have. Nimbus was promptly disenrolled after a brief conversation with Spitfire. The lead Wonderbolt gave Nimbus her personal dismissal, but kept his Wonderbolt pin after Nimbus promised that he'd find a way to make it into the Royal Equestrian Air Force. Spitfire informed Nimbus that if the stallion kept his promise, he might one day earn the pin back. Looking back on his life, Nimbus realized how much he'd changed after he was accepted to the Academy. He'd lost friends, and now he'd lost his dream as well. As a result, he vowed to go back to the pony he once was- humble, studious, and kind. Nimbus was accepted to the Royal Equestrian Air College's Aviator Training School, where he began working hard to become an Aviator in the Royal Equestrian Air Force.

Family: Updraft (Father, Pegasus), Comet Stream (Mother, Pegasus), Whirlwind (Brother, Pegasus). Whirlwind is currently in grade school and never misses a chance to make up outlandish stories about his brother. Nimbus occasionally plays off these stories for fun, but it's hard to prove to a crowd of colts and fillies that you can breathe fire, as Whirlwind insists. Whirlwind looks up to his brother. In fact, Nimbus was his topic when his class wrote about their personal heroes.

Weaknesses: Nimbus's greatest weakness is his drive. He's so afraid of failure, that he'll go to drastic measures to avoid it, sometimes unaware of the consequences those measures might have. Tactically, speed is another weakness of his. While outmaneuvering an aggressor is generally not a problem, catching up to them is something else entirely, though Nimbus is training to improve this. Finally, Nimbus has a tendency to be overprotective of his friends. He's willing to go to great lengths to do what he thinks is right for them, even if that means lying.

Unique Talent: Nimbus's wings are highly flexible, and as such possess a unique form of variable geometry. Nimbus can change the airfoil of his wing in flight, and has a high sensitivity to the air around him, allowing him to fly at a wide range of speeds and angles. While not as fast as others, Nimbus also excels at low level flying, as well as low-speed, high-alpha maneuvers. Nimbus is capable of performing several combat maneuvers that would otherwise dislocate the wings of other Pegasi, such as the famous Kulbit loop, and has a firm knowledge of dogfighting tactics. Many of his flight maneuvers can be compared to those of fifth-generation fighter aircraft.

Video Games Archive / Ace Combat
2013 Aug 04, 15:31:27
Just wondering if anyone on here has played any of the Ace Combat series. I'd say hands-down the games are some of the coolest flying games I've ever played, not to mention the fact that there's another one on the way.
Original Characters / The Nimbusverse
2013 Aug 03, 20:10:21
The Nimbusverse is a quirky name for my nearly-canon alternate timeline which I set my fanfics in. Currently, three OCs stand out.

Nimbus: Nimbus was born in Hollow Shades, the firstborn son of Comet Stream and Updraft. From an early age, he showed great interest in flying, and declared that it was his dream to become a Wonderbolt. Flying was second nature to him; the sky was practically his home. Nimbus earned his cutie mark based on his mastery of flight, and he never failed to remind others of this. To some of his friends, he was an inspiration- chasing his lofty Wonderbolt dreams- but to others he was nothing but a braggart. Naturally intelligent, Nimbus never had to study in school. This would prove problematic later on. When he took the Wonderbolt flying aptitude test to gain entrance to the Academy, Nimbus scored a forty-eight on a scale of fifty- an unprecedented score for an incoming cadet. Nimbus entered the Academy believing himself to be perfect. He never once cracked open a book while he was there, and he paid the price. After failing three Dizzitron exams in a row, Nimbus was personally disenrolled by Spitfire. Crushed, unsure of where to go next, Nimbus was forced to look at what he'd become. He knew he couldn't go on pretending to be the best. He still had a lot to learn. Still desiring to serve Equestria, Nimbus signed up for a position at the Royal Equestrian Air College's Aviator Training School- a program designed to train and select the best candidates to become Aviators for the Royal Equestrian Air Force. When he arrived, he was a changed stallion. Gone was his loud, arrogant former self, replaced by a new Nimbus; studious, humble, and kind. Well aware that he'd have to change to compete for a slot, Nimbus had turned himself around. Now, he continues to work hard, knowing full well that the only way to prove to himself that he's improved is to graduate with Aviator wings.

Family: Updraft (Father, Pegasus), Comet Stream (Mother, Pegasus), Whirlwind (Brother, Pegasus)

Weaknesses: Nimbus's greatest weakness is his drive. He's so afraid of failure, that he'll go to drastic measures to avoid it, sometimes unaware of the consequences those measures might have. Tactically, speed is another weakness of his. While outmaneuvering an aggressor is generally not a problem, catching up to them is something else entirely, though Nimbus is training to improve this. Finally, Nimbus has a tendency to be overprotective of his friends. He's willing to go to great lengths to do what he thinks is right for them, even if that means lying.

Unique Talent: Nimbus's wings are highly flexible, and as such possess a unique form of variable geometry. Nimbus can change the airfoil of his wing in flight, and has a high sensitivity to the air around him, allowing him to fly at a wide range of speeds and angles. While not as fast as others, Nimbus also excels at low level flying, as well as low-speed, high-alpha maneuvers. Nimbus is capable of performing several combat maneuvers that would otherwise dislocate the wings of other Pegasi, such as the famous Kulbit loop, and has a firm knowledge of dogfighting tactics. Many of his flight maneuvers can be compared to those of fifth-generation fighter aircraft.

Storm Runner: The foil to Nimbus's seriousness, Storm Runner imagines himself nature's gift to the female population of Equestria. He's often the one forcing Nimbus into social situations, though it's often Nimbus's quick thinking which gets them out of said situations when they go awry (as they often do). Despite his lighthearted demeanor, Storm Runner takes his training seriously, and is one of the fastest cadets at the college.

Sun Blaze: Sun Blaze only recently joined Nimbus and Storm Runner's company, having previously viewed Nimbus as a rival and Storm Runner as an annoyance. Sun Blaze is extremely competitive, and is not above using outside means to influence the outcome of a competition. Still, she is an excellent strategist, and is calm in the face of danger. During Operation Indigo- a series of mock combat scenarios designed to test Equestria's Air Force, Sun Blaze led a flight of cadets against a squadron of Aviators and won. Outside of her combat ability, Sun Blaze is an enigma, though she's opened up about herself recently. Her family passed down extreme loyalty to Nightmare Moon from generation to generation, until her parents rebelled, breaking the family tradition and forcing them into a life on the run. As a result, Sun Blaze had anything but a normal childhood. Having lived her life believing friends were not to be trusted, Nimbus's and Storm Runner's offer for friendship surprised her at first, but she's beginning to realize how wonderful true friends really can be.
Hi, everyone! I just joined the site, and I'm looking forward to being here!

Let's see... not much else to say. Hobbies- I'm currently finishing up my private pilot lessons, so I like flying. I also play the tenor sax and write in my free time.