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Topics - Shift

Original Characters / Agida
2013 Jun 30, 19:38:29


-General Stuff-
Name: Agida
Nickname/Alias(es): Just Agida, or her stage name, DJ Chord.
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Age: Adult Mare (Twenty Seven)

-Physical Stuff-
Cutie Mark: An F Clef.
Physique: Relatively thin and taller then average.

-Social Stuff-
Current Residence: Ponyville
Job: Violist (Formerly), DJ
Mother: Naqua
Father: Caesear
Sibling(s): Caesura (Older Sister)
Pet(s): Clarytone (Pet Snake)

-Personality Stuff-
Likes: Loud music, wild parties, dubstep, myths, sleeping in
Dislikes: Classical music, rock music, alchohol, stuck-up Canterlot nobles, royalty, insomnia
Motivation: To become the greatest DJ ever, even greater then DJ PON3.
Strengths: Intelligent, skilled as a DJ
Weaknesses/Flaws: Stubborn, naive at moments
Fears: Losing all of her fans

History: Agida was born in the great city of Canterlot to a family of classical musicians, who specifically focused on the string family. Due to the family, hoping that Agida would be a great violinist one day, just like her older sister who already was doing fantastic in her school (Agida and Caesura were born ten years apart.) as a cellist. Due to this, they dubbed her the name Agida. One thing I forgot to mention: Agida is an Earth Pony, which really bummed out her parents. After all, her entire span of family were Unicorns. However, Caesura was begging her parents to keep her, and despite her parents being stuck-up Canterlot nobles, they showed a bit of love for their first daughter and agreed to keep her.

Agida was a very good foal, learning how to be polite and respectful. She liked the violin and played with all her heart, beautifully. Her parents were beyond proud...though, her sister was quite jealous and started picking on her. One day, one of Agida's friends pulled her to a party hosted by DJ PON3. Despite being just a filly, DJ PON3... was amazing. That was the first time she had ever experienced dubstep or DJ-ing for that matter. She immediately fell in love with it.

She rushed home, just a blur of color, to meet her parents and tell her of what she saw. Her parents were horrified and sent her to bed. Despite her parents looking worried and agitated, her sister giving her the evil eye, and her friend who keeps dragging her to parties: she was determined to become a DJ.

One day, after a wild party, she walked up to the DJ stand where a newer DJ called Neon Lights was that day. She attempted to DJ, but failed. However, she refused to give up. Every single day, after every party, she DJ'd. Her parents started to get worried about her and why she was failing her violin classes, but she didn't care.

Soon, she dropped out of violin without telling her parents. She talked with her friend, and her friend, due to being friends with the DJ for the night, agreed for Agida to take over as DJ for the night.

That night was brilliant. Everypony commented on how Agida was a natural. She got a lot of cash that day, and her parents saw her walking home with bags full of bits...and her cutie mark. There it was: a F clef. She was positive it showed her talent as a DJ.

She soon grew up and moved to Ponyville. She doesn't get that much news from her parents, but let's face it...she doesn't care.

Personality: Agida is headstrong and stubborn, jumping into things without looking. However, after she jumps into things, she always makes sure to think it through and pick the best possible path. She has insomnia problems, and can almost never go to bed. She is very strong and can buck down a whole tree of apples with a single kick. She is skilled in the art of DJ-ing. She dislikes classical music and Canterlot nobles and/or royalty. Yes, she does dislike Princess Celestia. She can be very rebellious, as she believes that instead of an empire, a democracy would work better. She is a fan of Princess Luna, and loves to look for constellations. She likes having a lot of fans, but doesn't like it when she runs out of dough. She always makes sure to update her track list every day, so ponies won't get sick of the same old songs. She owns a house in the middle of Ponyville, occupation by yours truly. A year back, she bought a pet snake that has a personality much like hers. Her mane is always messy and so is her coat.

-Character Development Stuff-
Favorite Color: Light Green
Favorite Type of Music: Dubstep
Birthday: March 25th
Favorite Song: C'mon Everypony, Smile!
Theme Song: Clicky

Using the template over at My Little Pony RPG.
Hey there, guys. I'm Shift, just your average newbie.

So let's say I just got into games that require a download last month. You see, at first I didn't know if i should download and other stupid stuff. Then I downloaded and now i'm into it.

Some of you might know me from MLP Forums (I'm Shift there) i'm quite famous there ignore that <---., I like art. I'm getting into Pixel Art. I'm a female gamer. And...uh...that's it. I like the Portal, Fallout, TF2, Minecraft (PC, yo!), Elder Scrolls, Pokémon, Legend of Spyro (Not Skylanders, I hate that series.), Sonic, etc.

So, uh, yeah. I'll be there for that open server weekend coming in early July.

Also Luna is best princess and pony and EVERYTHING.