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Topics - FrozenIcewind

The year is 2 AI, After Invasion.

Equestria has fallen. The Corrupted came, and overran Canterlot in one fell swoop. The Princesses disappeared, leaving their subjects to fend for themselves. One by one, cities began to fall, not just in Equestria, but in countries around the world. Doing what they could, the Mane 6 came together to use the powers of the Elements of Harmony.

They failed.

The Elements shattered, turning to dust as the six were forced back at the Battle of Ponyville. A majority of the Equestrian Military fell that day, the rest of them scattering quickly in the face of the overwhelming might of the corrupted ponies they once called friends. The Mane6 worked together, and formed three Safe Zones.

Sky District, located near the ruins of Manehattan, and the home for all Pegasi after their floating cities were destroyed. Floating in the air, high in the sky about the Sky District is the last remaining Cloud-Fortress. Formed to protect this final cloud fortress, the Rangers protect it with their lives. Fortifying and building, towns springing up under the protection of the Floating Fortress, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy formed the Sky District Safe Zone.

Earth District, located on the old Apple Family homestead. When the corruption came and the Battle of Ponyville was lost, the Apple Family was forced to flee. However, Applejack and Big Mac were forced to make a choice: Granny Smith, who was too slow to keep up with them, or Applebloom, who had been knocked unconscious during the battle. Knowing that she was old, and wouldn't be able to help, Granny Smith opted to stay, and wait out her final hours while her grand children escaped to safety. When the Apple Family returned with Zecora and the Zebra clans at their side, they found Granny Smith's body... under neath two dozen Corrupted corpses. In celebration, a statue was made by Rarity, out of a single massive diamond, and placed in the newly-dubbed Earth District Safe Zone by Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Applebloom and Big Mac.

Magic District, located at the foot of what was once known as Dragon Mountain. Leading the remnants of the Equestrian High Council, Mage's Academy, and Military, twilight found herself needing a bastion. A faith to go behind. Creating the Celestial Order, she clung to the hope that one day, the Princesses would return. Crowned Archmagister of the Order, Twilight turned the mountain into a massive fortress, protected against foes, with several smaller towns at the base. Magic, lost during the attack, grew faster than before with the help of the Deer, and soon a new Academy was formed. And the Celestial order, discovering the magic the princesses had used to control the sun and moon, focused on fighting the Corruption threat. Their new fortress was dubbed the Magic District Safe Zone by Twilight and Rarity.

it is two years, after the advent of the Districts, and still, Corruption is an enigma. No cure has been found, except by the Purifiers, an Inquisition-like part of the Order, now searches for traces of the Corruption in the towns around the three Safe Zones. Winter is coming, and without Cloudsdale, Pegasi cannot control the weather; meaning that the winter this year will be the worst yet.Only the Earth District seems to have enough food for all its people, leaving the Mane 6 to wonder how the other two districts will survive the coming cold...

(Okay for those who are wondering; No, this RP will not have any graphic material in it. The only thing that I will allow is already here in the section about the Earth District.)
Quote... they found Granny Smith's body... under neath two dozen Corrupted corpses.

(If we go any further than that, I hold my right as the creator of this RP to delete the entire thing.)

Post Merge

[Opening post]

Frozen looked at each of the Corrupt that surrounded him, "Come on... Show me what you've got. You shades of ponies once forgotten!" He shouted at them, pulling out a vial of liquid. He levitated the vial high in the air and let it drop down. The moment that it hit the ground, a bright light surged forth. The Corrupt hissed and squealed in pain as their shadowy forms vaporized in the light.
Okay, let me lay down my theory of Alicorns.

~ Alicorns exist in 5 types: Elemental, Emotional, Metaphysical, Astral and Planar.
~ At any single point in time there must exist a minimum of 4 Alicorns, but no more than 28.
~ Only 2 types of Alicorns are immortal: Astral and Planar.
~ Elemental and Emotional Alicorns have a standard pony lifespan.
~ Metaphysical Alicorns have an extended lifespan, reaching only 1000 years.
~ There is a set number of each type of Alicorn:
  ~ 10 Elemental
     ~~ Pyro
     ~~ Hydro
     ~~ Geo
     ~~ Aero
     ~~ Magi (Twilight)
     ~~ 5 Support
   ~ 8 Emotional
     ~~ Joy
     ~~ Love (Cadence)
     ~~ Sadness
     ~~ Contempt
     ~~ Anger
     ~~ Curiosity
     ~~ Acceptance
     ~~ Belief
   ~ 6 Metaphysical
     ~~ Law
     ~~ Chaos (Not Discord, as he is the source of Chaos)
     ~~ Holy
     ~~ Demonic
     ~~ Life
     ~~ Death
   ~ 4 Astral/Planar
     ~~ 2 Astral
        ~~~ Solar (Celestia)
        ~~~ Lunar (Luna)
     ~~ 2 Planar
        ~~~ Spatial
        ~~~ Temporal
~ The effects of a lower class Alicorn (IE: Their raw magic) cannot effect a higher tier Alicorn (IE: the Death Alicorn cannot kill any of the Astral or Planar Alicorns. (The only exceptions are both the 5 Suport & Emotional Alicorns.))
~ In order for a normal pony to be granted the powers of any Alicorn lower than the Astral and Planar, they must demonstrate and wield the powers in their normal life with great care and obtain approval from 3 of the highest tier Alicorn (Astral/Planar).

I hope this may have given everypony else a better... understanding of how I perceive any Alicorns.
Original Characters / OC: Frozen Icewind
2013 Jul 01, 23:51:30
Name: Frozen Icewind
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Cutie Mark: A snowflake surrounded by icicles
Bio: Not much is known about him since he lives in a house made of Nevemelt Ice outside of Ponyvile. He keeps to himself, usually since his appearance scares other ponies. He's often seen wearing a cloak that covers his body and hides his head from view, but one thing that always seems to be constant, the eerie purple glow that comes from underneath it.
Spoiler: show
When Frozen Icewind was young his cousin, Trixie Lulamoon, challenged him to a magical duel. As they dueled, Trixie tried to outdo him in Ice magic... ending up skewering his eye out. He was given a false eye made out of a special and rare material called Vis Crystal. This allows him to see out of his right eye in a way that nopony could ever see, he can see the ley-lines that flow throughout Equestria. His false eye also acts as a magic battery. Over the years he's been storing more and more of his energy into the eye, letting him tap into the large reserve of magic energy inside the eye, letting him do some of his more complicated Ice Spells.

Spoiler: show
Frost - Causes a light frost that slows down opponents
Ice Rune - Places down an almost clear rune on the ground that when stepped on, sends out shards of ice
Ice Spike - Fires a small spire of ice at the target
Frostbite - Coats the target in a thick frost that severely reduces movement
Blizzard - Summons a blizzard in a large area
Frost Wall - Creates a sphere of frost around Frozen
Ice Drive - A form of limit breaking. This releases all restraints set in speed and accuracy.
Ice Drive; Flight mode - This allows Frozen to temporarily become a Pegasus by "growing" wings made of shards of ice.
Ice Drive; Ultima Mode - This allows Frozen to temporarily become an Alicorn for a Maximum of 5 minutes. Afterwards 99% of his magic reserves are drained and he becomes extremely vulnerable and weak.
Introductions Archive / Hello everypony~
2013 Jul 01, 21:11:50
Hello, hola, greetings and bienvenue~ I am FrozenIcewind, or more commonly known by my friends as Frozen, Icy, or even Krosis by some. Anyway, I've been a brony for about... a year-and-a-half now. I write some fanfiction when I get in my creative mode... OR I roleplay until I pass out on my keyboard (I've got to stop doing that...). Anyway, if there's anything you'd like to ask about me, feel free to.