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Topics - Naruto

The Retirement Home / Awesome MLP Songs
2013 Jun 17, 06:38:24
Hey everyone, I made this topic for MLP music that was made by other people or any music that has to do something with MLP, I'll start with a dubstep version of Eurobeat Brony's Discord :

This song is just sooooo amazing I can't stop listening to it :DDD
Share some more music with everyone if you know some.
And here's the original song btw :

1 rule : No hate on the opinions of music, Thank you :)
Introductions Archive / Hey everyone :)
2013 Jun 12, 07:39:17
Hi guys
I'll give you some information about myself.
My name is Chris, I'm 15 years old. I've been a brony for a long time and I'll be one forever !
To everyone who is ashamed to tell anyone that he/she's a brony, you shouldn't be afraid. Your opinion matters and that's basically it. If you know you're a brony don't deny it :)
My favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle, I have a habit of choosing the main stuff. It's not a problem though.
I'd like to make friends with everyone here, and I don't want arguements. I'm looking forward to this game also, it's going to be spectacular!  X3